Show Peerless Residents N Escape Injury Injury Injury In In- jury In Collision What could easily have been hoen a serious accident occurred Sunday afternoon about in Indian canyon sixteen miles south of Duchesne when a truck coming coining from Price driven by Roland Krebs bs of My Myton ton swung around a curve on the narrow road and collided collided collided col col- col- col with a south-bound south Ford sedan in which were riding Mr and Mrs Joe Borzage and Mrs I Borzage's sister Miss Nina Behunin nm nin of Peerless Mrs Borzage was at the wheel of the sedan The cornor of the trucks truck's rack struck the front fender took oft off the handle of the front door then caught the rear door a smashing blow ripping it clear of the car carand carand carand and completely demolishing the rear of the vehicle Reports Accident Mr Krebs Kreba stormed stopped his truck immediately and ran w mn back to the wrecked car to see if anyone was Injured Luckily the occupants es escaped escaped escaped es- es with minor bruises scratches scratch scratch- es and shock Mr Borzage left soon after the accident with a passing motorist for Price where he reported the accident to the insurance com corn pany According to Mrs Borzage the car was completely covered with insurance Mr Krebs proceeded proceeded proceeded pro pro- on to Duchesne where he reported ed the accident to State toad Road Patrolman Jack Young and rode back with him to the scene of the crash to iron out the difficulties difficulties difficulties dif dif- dif dif- which arose over who was responsible le Whether or not the blame wasI was I placed on either party is not known The truck was ed |