Show ft- ft The Aurora Borealis K c OFFICIAL CAMP IP NEWS NE COMPANY NUMBER 1345 Moon Lake Camp F 37 On The Little Yellowstone Edited By Under Direction of Education Wm Hm Casaday A Advisor l Vern em 1 V. V Duke j Moon toon Lakers Laker's Dairy Parade of the weeks week's events events- Saturday Saturday- Home for the weekend week week- end Gotta date with the dame for the big dance tonight Sunday Sunday- Boy Doy that must have been a dance Wish Vish I could remember remember remember re re- re- re member what happened after in in- in Monday Monday- Slept in bad In-bad bad hang hang- over Haven't been in bed for two days Snowed today and I see that It snowed while I was as Home What a life lIte I Tuesday Tuesday- Nothing doing It I snowed again today Wednesday Wednesday- More snow How I hate t Thursday Thursday- Still snowing sno Hate it worse than ever Got bawled out today by the foreman Friday Friday- Wheel Whee No work Its It's snowing and blowing ing like the devil Who Vho says I hate snow c eCe C c Essay Contest The forestry staff of F 37 and supervisor Stewart of ot Vernal are arc sponsoring a contest f for r the best essay entitled M My Impression of the Uie Camp and Work Projects of Camp F 37 and their Benefits Benefits Benefits Bene Bene- fits to Local Communities The awards of and for the four best essays willbe will willbe willbe be paid Hand essays to Mr Duke with name on separate slip sUp Papers will be judged as soon after Mar Diar I as possible March 15 is the closing date Get yours in on time Here is a chance for all aU of you who didn't get in on the last contest Biographical 1 Sketch Arthur C C. C I tailor tailor cobbler cobbler cob cob- bler auto mechanic carpenter tinner plumber electrician and what have you you you-in in other words a second Edison Believed to be the son of ot the elder Berry He isn't much of a goose-Berry goose but he is strong on giving the other fellow the razz Wo Yo expect that someday he will pull this old stuff once too often and the victim icUm will drape his eye in such a fashion that it will look like a black He is very fond of the old briar pipe in fact he keeps one in each pocket so no time will be lost in getting up steam He does docs not care to read books The smell of printers printer's ink makes him sick He is experienced as a coal miner but prefers the wide-open wide spaces where men are men He loves music but most proficient in making noises with saw and ham ham- mer He is quite a shiek at home and has a femme in Castle Gate Here he has settled down to his stitching and vows to be true to the girl Congenial in his contacts hard hardas I as as nails in his business dealings dealings deal deal- deal I ings industrious as a Jap and as frugal as a Scot Art Berry has established a name for l himself in our fair camp Oh what a catch for some scheming young miss c e C c e eNow Now that Doc Johnson has nearly recovered from his hi tall tail tailspin spin and the kinks have hav gone out of his neck he sits down to compose compose compose com com- pose an answer to that ardent letter of last week This is what we saw over his shoulder My darling little honey dew It made me glad to hear you I started to sing right when I knew That you would be forever be-forever forever true My 1 love for you has known no rest restI I truly hope confound that pest Who's Vho's reading over my shoulder That we can wed before we grow much older Your own Lo Var c e C c The Old ceo And here Is a little ditty written written written writ writ- ten by those two illustrious Does Docs who from the ilie looks of this will soon climb the ladder of fame It is dedicated to those who think the is natures nature's playground Tune Isle of Capri in the ilie old that I met mether mether mether her While dancing to sweet melodies And I still cc h boys clinging round her It was there in the ol old She was v as sweet as the the flowers in the mountains With ViUl a voice like th the birds in the trees Though she leaves wi with th the truck in the morning Her hearts heart's in the old Winter Vinter rime is nearly over Neath the ilie fleecy skies sIdes above I said Lady Im I'm a rover And you are my own true love She whispered I have no use for forthe forthe forthe the And as I kissed her sweet lips I 1 could see That there wasn't much use in my lingering Iwas good-bye good in the old Snow and Johnson c C c Hospital Pains There are still a few men confined confined confined con con- fined to quarters because of minor colds and other illnesses Besides these are arc Here Flannigan Keith Humes L. L Daly and Forrest Lee who are arc confined to the camp infirmary due to more serious illnesses We Ve hope they will soon I join us in this outdoor life Ufe c C c Return of the tho Native Harry Fetters jovial cook has returned to the fold after an extended extended extended ex ex- tended stay In the big city The whole camp seemed to take on a amore amore amore more happy mood when he came back We Ve are glad to see him again A good old welcoming now seems to be in order c C c Program Lyall Pitt furnished the only number last program night His performance was excellent Where are the others Has our i committee quit on us Lets Let's have bave something to take our minds off this isolation Who is next on the program c e C c e Chow It is noon time in the Where the CC's come to chow The They haven't worked a bit all aU day But you should see them now The bread and beans pass out o 0 sight Their lungs let out a roar The K P says what will you have Just bring on more and more They stand upon the table high And tread upon their plate They can not wait to pass the grub Or for poker they'll be late Bacon ham or mutton chops Served up in rack hay-rack style Eggs and cabbage by the crate Keeps them chewing all the while white The mess sarge cooks and smug KP's Try these aching voids to fill I sit and cheer their mighty task But they never never will For a CC boy gets hungry Be it at work or play And it aint written in the cards That he should miss his hay But when the meal is finished And the mess-kit's mess In the ilie wash The They Y toddle off to play their game And lose their dough by gosh So what's the use of growling Stand up up tale take it on the chin You can not fill those empty hulks Lest you pour it through the skin Duke c C c Barracks arracks Three EXTRA HAIR CUT 15 cents SHAVE 10 cents But to all appearances Enrollee Frank Lewellyn doesn't believe in signs As a result he was vas the envy of the camp for his wiry beard and hair At night he frightened so many that several men decided to see what could be done about it At any rate Chapman Hoggs Locks Pitt and captured captured captured cap cap- the pinned him down and under a barrage of threats curses and otherwise unhealthful unhealthful unhealthful un- un healthful language from the victim victim victim vic vic- tim proceeded to clip those golden gold gold- en locks and pull out that matted beard via the scissors and dry shave route These services were rendered render render- ed free of charge and it is relief for tired eyes to see the change c C c New Disease in Camp CampAn An entirely new disease has broken out in camp during the past winter Dr Anderson has been attending the case and has pronounced it Silver Silver-itis It may relieve you to however that it will attack only those who have silver somewhere in their name are lack of ambition ambition am am- billon coupled with increased appetite ap ap- petite The only cure is a a. protracted protracted pro pro- is unheard unheard un un- rest where work heard of Sugar Sugar-itis possibly connected in has bas some way with sugar also been found in ia camp So far fara a a. soft job in the room dinning-room is the only way to check it No cure has as yet been discovered c C c e The Round Merry Thaw running streams pools mud but following a fortnight of this deliberate conniving on the part of the weather man Mr Warthen's Warthen's War War- the then's s 's beautiful new boots booL fall fail to show color other than the brilliant brilliant brilliant bril bril- original Speaking of Mr that Warthen-that Warthen that worthy has hns offered a n. prize to the boy who will deliver the prettiest written message stating how we as a a. unit have most benefited the community Rather pertinent I think and I feel sure we can rely upon the foll folks s down there to keep still about it Barracks inspection Tuesday morning registered the usual re re- sult Barracks six naturally carried carried carried car car- ried the honors The officers en masse photographed the interior from several angles following ing which a radio program was OS enjoyed enjoyed enjoyed en en- joyed by all Five new tubes were then presented by the captain one for each member of this exclusive exclusive exclusive ex ex- circle All tubes were 34 3 by 30 oversize and Tiny Leviathan Chamberlain have adopted the ilie cellar as a dark room in their scientific pursuit of photographic development The more modern methods used by these artisans are certainly intriguing It probably probably probably ably is the first time in history that oranges apples and grapefruit grapefruit grapefruit grape grape- fruit have lent their aid to the business of photography Spring is here bere The crocuses are smiling the birds are singing the mosquitoes biting and the ilie poets have joined the brooks Even Even Even Ev Ev- is en the Young Mans Man's Fancy sprouting Some of the boys are Inclined to doubt the veracity of the foregoing but I assure them it is true truc because I read about it itin itin itin in a newspaper clipping from Yuma Arizona |