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Show UINTAH BASIN RECORD i peock ON THE FEATHERHEADS lines ored OiU Sally Se: Happy Thaw Jl3 ,1 fttn'i y8,;t ;K let itlon i gflu - pt ate'g atioj it be p; ktzk t Jt5l o I 1s'tr ito.h FINNEY OF THE FORCE . k-- By TeJ OLougMin fHiVsMIlnwMysa Delayed Payments OH loss bite the TAKE est. HOW IOnKS IS THE" utfte feller? - I DIDN'T Btlf IT TUST FOR HIM 6QT ,1T FORTriG FIRST ONE The Girl Got oldest If they mad e cheese on the moon, tt probably wouldn't be env better than what we make on the earth but it would co u lot more. LETS PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY. WHAT married LAST WEEK THIS JiB, '"Win loo): Saving Time REGLAR FELLERS AI jes RLtt ' house frocks of a and buttoned-s- , For Its one of those tsalst styles so very and It has a jwailays : panel up the front, to 7 becoming to the larger e way the bodice Is gath-youthful yoke end slot-ti- e back Is not only very It gives the comfortable bat women demand of ('A Made of cotton broad-pnnte- d Hu lit this dress and every bit as JOHNSON METAL WORKS 1114 South 12 frock I and 44 36, 38, 40, 42 h 44 yards 34, ies SMATTER PO- P- A Mirror Is A Medium of Identification available In sizes is 2163 fab-rate- d sewing in damps (coins preferred) pattern. Write plainly lrtss and style number. earn lecessar 10 STATE Salt Lake City Bv C. M. PAYNE ENROLL NOW: Learn modern beauty culture pleasant, profitable wnik. known nationally, offers you many For free catalog giving advantages. full particulars, address EXCTLClft BEAUTY SCHOOL 221 So. W. Temple Salt Lake City Stroll Along Ramparts Lucca, Italy, is a town encircled by powerful rampaits begun in 1501. Today they serve as a favorite promenade for the citizens. a Included. STEEN CENTS StAto, EXCELCIS BEAUTY SCHOOL pique sports hr Johnson Metal Works Boat Builders and Headquarters for Outboard Motors New and Kebuilt All Makes e iTfr A Metal Maid Intcrmountain Champion Outboard Races collar ifs Y jt ,-- youll trimly tailored lines of unusual but-- i i, with Its harming Boating Season Opens Soon vn little tired of the a ire Don't be fooled by the spring flood ef mail order catalogues, claiming to sell at cut rate prkte. Your own local dealer can supply yoB with quality goods at the lowest possible price, if yon continue to demand and oe Jntrrmountnm made products. Western Fiodticts for Western People" MliS. MAKY L. FITCH. lit. 4. Caldwell. Ida. m I WEEKS PRIZE STORY (15c) SIZE, At 400 Utah Oil to Sewing Circle apartment, 243 West Sev-fiee- t, New York City. orders Refining: Service Stations in Utah and Idahw safer I1EMED MsrTw'i W bally, -- Arent time or laovrn bean juttfimet' i he can CH r. well. or--How EOF1 Sniff Best for Telling Odor Experiments with the sense of smell indicate the light sniffing is bettor than deep breathing, as a means of determining scent. little are t nice they? t know. them some say I And IF CeugteX Ive never before. Cuf" tiaki v 1 Language ''Itor And so your "talk now, can s A. tak-1,11- stray Stories he? ie, write ua, TIIE TIME SHOP Floral Equipped Watch Sfiop In Utah 4 West Ha. 1cm. St. Balt Lain Cilr WE CAN MAKE ANT PART FOR ANY WATCH WHFHIk.lt A MOW UN 1IME PIECE OR AN OLO ANTKHjE. All Work Guaranteed Prompt Service v place ,. months for asking. $1 ndtoiw" Opr do six got j n r Finest of Watch repairing of price that are reasonable ashamed to you ney! -- halfiH' a An Maybe Dey Is "When you thinks you is smarter dan anybody else, said Unci Elien, dont forget youg m competition vrif an unlimited number of people dat fink de same thing, Insulates Decorates Ask vour Lumber Dealer Buiids Fj- -I 0,t h' CoihOl f. Appropriate ';hat would be Bult-;- i or,a boy who is a side? rMay 1 Biggest a madam? MORTUSQN-MtRKIL- & L CO. Distributers ef CpIoUx Prod acts Kelt UK City, Uub umt Smiths Ferns grow upside down at Hamilton pool near Austin, Texas, The pool was created by centuries of waterfall over a stone kdve. Utah Certified Pullorum Tested Chicks Whll Ichorns, Rhoda Inland Reds, Ilarrfd Plymouth Rocka, lur immidiata Haadciuarlera Inr Hart Gas d, livery. Sroadcra, for nalural, artificial, nr tank iraa, ran be used anj wlirrr. Al.n 4hf naw fenl-ll- ot Radiant. Pfinne, write ar wlra f r pricea and eompleUi Iniorm-aliiRAMSHAW HATCHERIES S8S7 Boalli Slain Slrmt Salt Lake Cilr. HUk C, C. No. HI TIMrANOGOS HATCHERY 3dS SoDlh 7th Ent C. C. Ne. 1208 Pfora. Utah WHiSPEREP FEARS HOftiER aoti B Dead Sea Fruit sea fruit figuratively the disappointment to b found in sin. Dead me, ins Dl5CU0SOM PECtwRiW& TtE PM5Y t plsfdRBED F HES ASLEEP HEAP SILENCE. TifV'Rf OF llSTNltJC) FOR SOtlHKi WnKLTGLhKS SL SS,S ..it areMM R CETORE fWHER ) " 'H ssip W fnt wtek will b paid (of Mis bst arficis a Why y t should u bHniUr Loads' made to above. Send your storv in pioss er crus to Intermouritsin Products Column. I. . Dot 13.: halt I .Ohs ( itv. H your story apiuars Mil column you will rest lv rhvrh for Uk No. 3SI1 W.N.U. Salt Lake Cilr |