Show N Newhouse Hotel Man lan I Visits Uintah Basin Traveling in the interests of the Newhouse Hotel of which he Is assistant general manager Chauncey Chauncey Chaun- Chaun cey W. W West Vest spent several days in the basin this week calling on business men in the various towns The Newhouse Hotel is entering upon an a extensive e re program program program pro pro- gram Mr West Vest states cad and nd in connection con con- connection with this program Mr West Vest is distributing courtesy cards which entitle i the guest to seven visits for the price of six Realizing the importance or of newspaper advertising to anyone with a commodity or service to sell Mr West Vest has entered into a ayears I years year's contract for advertising I with ith this paper For the benefit of those whom he was unable to see and who would like one of the courtesy cards Mr West explained that anyone sending in the ad to be found elsewhere in this paper together together together to to- gether with his or her name a. a and d' d address will promptly receive one of the cards by mail mall Incidentally Incidental Incidental- ly the response received from the ads will be used as a gauge of its value so the more the merrier asfar as asfar asfar far as the paper is concerned |