Show Breaking a Record 4 j t l 1 1 ry 7 74 w. w Miss Ruth Osburn of Shelbyville Mo established herself as an Olympic Olympic Olympic pic threat for the discus throw when she heaved hea the platter a u distance of feet teet 2 24 Inches to win the event In the Missouri Valley Palley A. A A. A U. U regional regional re re- re- re gional Olympic tryouts for women held at Columbia Mo Miss Osburn's Osburn's Os- Os burns burn's new mark betters the American Amer lean ican can record for women of or feet 6 0 Inches set by Caroline C. C Lowe in 1029 Miss Osburn also won the Individual championships in the baseball throw and Javelin ja throw In the thc West Mid meet Wax Keeps Skin n Young O OdA i a aad ad CM CAe M Ha o of c l Via kb p p. p l ell 1 0 mill mo mH an n det ti roth aeJa u II UT Un K U tau tan and aM nd r. 1 U lt tEa e a IOU ad e fan l Wax wa brt out th u tb of of kU T T. T w in J g o. o T J Stunt to o prat whiff Wi bast AI drug Salt Sail Lake City Directory ASSAYERS AND CHEMISTS Office omco and Laboratory 9 West Wat Temple Templo st BL SL Salt Snit Lake Luke City Utah P P. P O. O Box 1666 Hall In 5 envelopes and price furnished d on request Used Pipe Fittings Valves Newly threaded and coupled for all U proposes Monsey 1 Iron and Metal Co So 3rd aN West r Salt rate Lake cu City Utah City ewest Hotel 1 14 ill fa s f rr f L r TEMPLE SQUARE Rooms Tile Baths Radio connection in hi every room RATES FROM JUI D opposite ol Mot mos ERNEST C. C ROSSITER Mgr PILES Pile I. I trOD front Protruding Bleeding Itching ot of Blind Piles can now get relief from YeTI first treatment by using s ti Oi Ointment Q R. R Relief tellef Pile Ointment Ointment Ointment ment Is 16 a new remedy for tor the tha treatment of pile sufferers no matter matteI how long afflicted guaranteed guar tf to give satisfactory relief or money refunded Before placing this pile ointment ointment ment went on the market for tor sale It was put to the acid test In both mild and severe cases never ne fallIng tall fall Ing to produce wonderful re re- If It you are troubled with piles plIes do not experiment Get Q R. R Pile PHe Ointment If It your druggIst druggist druggist drug drug- gist does not carry It In stock till Oil out the blank below and mall mail mallIt it to Q g. R. R OINTMENT MFG CO South East Salt Lake City Utah Utan Q B. B Co Gentlemen find P. P O. O Money Order for One tube of Q R. R Pile PUe Ointment to be mailed prepaid pre to Name P. P O. O Address On conditions that If t I am not satisfied with results obtained I Iam Iam am nm to receive money back upon returning tube to your labora labora- tory j r Ant Food U G bar j to ants Sprinkle It about tho floor window Bills etc ctt Effective 24 hours a day Cheap Soft Safe Guar L Mora than can sold eold last year At your pour druggists f I Try E. E b Vegetable Compound I ir n tr try 1 c. t tS y V i S' S Ph M 1 fr i ss y i 1 l 1 W W i 4 E A 1 She's Up in the e Air gain J. Those Thoss she loves arc tee first fiest t to w sWier suffer suf sW- fer ier when monthly joins alas des shatter her bet saves nerves Lydia E. E P ta hams ham's ms m's Vegetable Compound Comp would th c t agony W. W N. N U. U Salt Lake City No 25 25 1932 |