Show ork 1 I jj m U j I 9 L I r y d BEVERLY DEVERLY HILLS Noll Well all aU I know Is Just what I read in is tho the papers and what I run onto out hore horein in the hills by Santa ManIca Been having quite a a. tow fogy Interesting Interesting interesting In In- callers lately starting couple of ot weeks back One morning mornIng mornIng morn- morn Ing some of ot the members of ot the tho Japanese Olympic pic plc Horsemen ro rode e over to our place which is 18 only one mile from the Riviera Club where all the horsemanship things will be held Course a a. Japanese on a a. horse was always a kind of at funny tunny sight for they are aro not a horseman nation and they thoy will always get the biggest horses they can enn find in Manchuria they thoy wont ride the little Manchurian ponies they want big old tall horses borses They think It t makes em look bigger when as a matter of ot fact they thoy look littler but this bunch Is liable Hable to fool all these other Nations They got eleven head of ot mighty fine looking horses And they are mighty thorough learning anything so BO they may have got all aU these stunts worked out that these horses are to todo todo todo do and have em ern down pat Spain is coming coaling with some horses Poland Holland and a bunch of other countries I dont don't see Bee why Mexico dont come They got some Bome mighty fine fino horsemen and some eoma good horses Course sending horses to one of these things runs rung into dough Its not like sending a footracer footracer footracer foot- foot racer who can run over and then if It Ithe he dont win anything walk back Well the little Japanese gentlemen gentlemen gentle gentle- gentlemen men were very vory nice and cordial and outside of or having a hard time getting up on top of ot those big horses they were O. O K You know I bell believe eve that the horse end ot of the Olympics will outdraw anything else Our American American Ameri Amen can team was up here to our ur polo field not long ago ngo and they thoy brought their horses and put on an tion We got gol some great horses and great riders Major Chamberlain Is one of or the best horsemen In this or any other depressed country Well the Japanese Japanese Jap anese had no more than rode away till un here bere ome Tom Mix not on Tony but In a n. nice new car with his new wife wiCe Mabel Ward that Is a 8 wonderful aerial circus artist and a 8 avery avery very very charming and pretty little lady And they had Toms little daughter Tomisina about eight or nine years old Tom and I mulled over old days In the Wild West Show business He is looking fine fully tully recovered from his Illness And then comes my old friend W. W G. G McAdoo I seen W. W Cin C in some time and of course we hada had bad a n. lot of or politics to mull over W. W G. G is going to run ron for tor Senator out au here there and looks like he ought to get It II 11 everybody are arc as ns democratic as the they say they are He had Just come coma from Washington He thinks the way those other fellows will wUl kill klU each other off that Garner has a fine chance to be bo nominated He Be dont dent think the Al Smith Roosevelt thing will be patched up so that will mean moan meana moana a tough fight for tor either of at them Noone No ono one knows who Al will switch hl hit his strength too if he cant got It him him- self He says that the state of or New NewYork NewYork NewYork York has bas only gone democratic once In 40 years the year Cleveland run and that there bar ha been several New York me met meu nominated In that time and they carry it Then Miss 1 WInona Winters a vaudeville and musical comedy friend of or Mrs Rogers and I 1 1 from back In the a good old days B. B I. I I before in flatten Remember 7 ber bel how pretty she was and used 7 to do a act along with her songs She Is the daughter daugh dough ter tel of ot Banks t Winters White Wings a fine old Southern Gentleman He Ho la lJ out hore here hale halo ar ar hearty and lives with WInona who Is Js married and doing fine Then we had here our son Jimmy and his New Mexico Polo team from Roswell N. N M. M Kids from sixteen to and ana brother Dru they mey did clean up out here They beat everything they run Into they played play play- ed all men teams and big men at that But after seeing Kids play piny polo against big guys It only shows that tho horse boro Is the greatest equalizer equalizer equal equal- izer In the world No matter what you weigh iho tho little fellow tellow is your equal on a horse Tex Austin son of or the big bis rodeo promoter Dick Waring from San Angelo and Tommy Tommy Tom Tom- my Thompson from Now New York had hada a mighty fine kid team coached c ached by Col Keyes who developed at that same samo school the famous Arizona team which is tho the best college team In America equally mounted Maby we will know by the time tillie this reaches you jOU It If Congress is going to t help anyone out I 1 mean anyone Y that really needs It they thoy have ha helped everybody else lie lec |