Show ot HONEY AND CANDY HONEY sugars dried fruits and candy the purest that can be made are all aU quick energy foods The tired shopper with a n chocolate cream or two or any like amount o of candy will take new hope and plod on Our physicians now are recommending candy as an essential essential essen for children we are advised to remember to treat candy and other forms of sweets as ns food They have a place In every well- well balanced diet just as all aU other varieties varieties va va- va of ot food have Pure candy Is Isa Isa s sa a safe and requisite food for children chil chU dren as well as for adults The fondness for sweets Is a natural natural nat nat- ural craving and should be Indulged wisely as it Is an expression of a definite denite bodily need The wise parent will give the child candy for dessert or far farenough farenough enough from the meal to not satIsfy satisfy satisfy sat sat- the appetite and allow v the child to refuse the food served at the table By It has been found that sugar In some form torm Is most quickly ly absorbed and assimilated thus giving quick energy Tuck a n piece or two t of ot candy In the luncheon basket be It for young sons son's or fathers father's they both will appreciate the kind attention Our candy manufacturers tell us that peppermint flavor Is s called for forIn forIn forin In candles candies more than all other Savors Sa tIa- vors combined As one has hns several flavors form fonn which to choose and many varieties of candles soft or hard be he Is indeed hard to please who cannot find kinds to suit One need never hesitate when debating debating de de- de- de bating about an appropriate gift for a box of candy Is always in season season sea son and always enjo enjoyed ed Therefore when In doubt give candy With bridge such an everyday affair we find Ond even e the cubes of sugar In dainty boxes diamonds dIamonds diamonds di dI- amonds hearts and clubs making even the cup of tea or coffee more attractive and appealing l 1932 19 Western Newspaper r Union |