Show JE IN SECOND PlACE Local Boys os o's Seemed Unable To Find Hanson's Hansons ens en's Twirlers Rally nally In Seventh Se But It Is Too Late Lato To ro Win in The Game Caine Duchesne tumbled from the tIie 1000 per cent class last Sunday to the tune tunc of 19 to 14 11 when she tasted lasted defeat at the hands of Bluebells Bluebell's Bluebells Bluebell's Bluer Blue Blue- bells bell's fast bunch on the local ball r park Bluebell was just plenty fast and the local men were unable to find Hansens Hansen's twists until it was too late to win the game It was wasa a splendid game and the large crowd crowll of fans were well pleased with the fine ine exhibition given by byboth byboth byboth both teams Wind was wasa a big factor in causing causing causing caus caus- ing many of the errors on both sides Both teams changed pitchers pitchers pitchers pit pit- chers after each had been batted mercilessly and big score had been run up This does not decide the seasons season's playing but it does give Bluebell something to hold on to and the theother theother other teams something to strive for from here on and we are expecting expecting expecting ex ex- to see every team in the Basin league making special effort effort effort ef ef- ef- ef fort to obtain Bluebells Bluebell's scalp The result of last Sundays Sunday's playing playing playing play play- ing follows Bluebell 19 Duchesne 14 My Myton ton 19 Roosevelt 14 Arcadia 11 Home 3 Neola 13 Mt Emmons 7 Ft Duchesne won from La LaPoint LaPoint LaPoint Point but the scores were not re re- re ported Standing of Teams Team Won Von Lost Pet Pct Bluebell 6 6 0 1000 Duchesne 5 5 1 My Myton ton 5 5 1 Ft Duchesne 5 1 Home 3 3 3 Neola 2 2 3 Arcadia 2 2 4 La Point 1 1 5 Mt Emmons 1 1 5 Roosevelt 0 0 6 The games for next Saturday June 4 are Bluebell at My Myton ton Roosevelt at Duchesne La Point at Home Arcadia at Mt Emmons and Ft Duchesne at Neola These games being the first of the month are played on Saturday instead of Sunday So fans will bear this in mind as there are some good games scheduled |