Show U. U US S. S Will ViII Enter The Economic c Conference Appeals for an International economic conference which have hav come from Great Britain have met with favorable reception in Wash Wash- ington Both Republicans and Democrats favor such a confer confer- ence The content of communications on the subject has not been made public and It is not likely that they will be but the prospect of having something done in the theline theline theline line of stabilizing prices Is en en- The proposal has met with no adverse criticism The proposal originated with Ramsay MacDonald British prime minister As yet no definite invitations in- in invitations invitations in in- or proposals have been made But it is certain that the United States will take part in inthe inthe inthe the when it is called It Is thought by many that such sucha a could be vey helpful in stabilizing silver although it Is generally understood that In communications communications com coin so far silver has not been mentioned |