Show JUANITA Mrs Gertrude Aske Aake was visiting visiting visiting visit visit- ing friends In Juanita Friday and I Saturday returning Saturday with Mr and Mrs Carl Milton MUton to Soldier Sol Sol- Soldier Soldier Sol Sol- dier Summit where she will remain remain remain re re- re- re main for a short time and then continue on her way to Washington Washing Washing- ton where she will spend the win win- ter o 0 Miss Eunola Jennings entertained entertain entertain- ed two of her friends Miss Nelda and Miss Roberta Peterson Peterson Peterson Peter Peter- son at a candy pull at her home Sunday ev ning o 0 Herman Is a a. guest of his i brother Lloyd and family o 0 Miss Ida Curran was the weekend weekend week week- end guest of Miss Rhoda Reynolds I of Knights Knight's camp She accompanied accompanied accompanied the Reynolds family to Vernal Vernal Ver Ver- nal Sunday where they visited their small brother Glenn who is ill III in the hospital 0 I Clarence V Wright made a bustness business business busi bust ness trip to My Myton ton Tuesday o 0 Miss Melba Curran entertained at ut slumber party Friday evening Miss Dorothy Wimmer and Miss Leila Lella Jennings o 0 o Victor Barberi Barber and Oscar Peterson Peterson Peterson Peter Peter- son left Tuesday for tor Sanpete to bring the Peterson furniture o 0 o I Mr and Mrs Floyd Wheeler I were at the home of Mr and Mrs Wm Seaton Monday o 0 oElton Elton Patter was helping Villiam William William Wil Wil- liam Seaton put up hay bay for a few tew days das the latter part of the week o 0 o oHarold Harold Wimmer bas has gone to Indian Indian Indian In In- dian canyon after a load of at posts o 0 Mrs Wm Seaton paid a visit at atthe atthe I Ithe the home of Fred Curran Tuesday I II afternoon I I o 0 I Mr and Mrs Probus Fouse received received re re- ro- ro I a few minutes visit from Mr and Mrs Fred Curran Tuesday morning I |