Show BOWELS need watching Let Dr Caldwell help whenever your child is feverish or upset or has caught tIght cold His simple prescription will make that bilious headachy cross boy or girl comfortable happy well vell in just lust justa lusta a few hours It soon restores the bowels to healthy regularity It helps up break a cold by keeping t the e bowels wels free from all that sickening mucus waste You have haDe a famous doctors doctor's word for or this laxative Dr Caldwell's Caldwell s record of having having attended attended over births without loss of one mother or baby is 3 believed unique in in American medical history Get i a bottle of Dr Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin fr from I your drugstore and have it read ready Then you wont won't have to w worry rry when any member of your family is headachy bilious gassy sassy or constipated Syrup Pepsin is good for all ages It sweetens s the bowels Increases Appetite makes Appetite makes dig digestion tion more co complete l te DR OR W. W B. B CALDWELL'S CALDWELL S SYRUP lID p N NA A Doctors Doctor's Fn Family Laxative To be a 11 grand old lady Indy requires rable natural majesty People who who- vho write have to read rend the most ost stuff they dont don't care for Los Angeles Boy Needed Help Leroy Loroy Young 1116 r q Georgia St. St Los Anati Angeles An An- ati geles Is a n. regular aF t r f fellow e 11 o 0 w active In 10 sports and at nt the f top tsp In his classes at ata Yf a 4 school To look at J him Alm now you'd think thinks ft s he never had a days day's sickness but his mother says When Leroy was just a little fellow W we found his stomach and bowels were weak lie kept suffering from con Nothing he ate agreed with him He was fretful feverish and puny When we started giving him Call Calk to- to m fornia CornIa Fig Pig Syrup his Ills condition proved quickly His constipation and biliousness stopped and he be has had bad no more trouble of r. r that kind I have havo I since used California Fig Pig Syrup with him for colds and upset spells He lie likes It because It It tastes so good bead and andI I like It because It helps him so wonderfully 1 l California Fig Pig Syrup has bas been tho the trusted standby of mothers for over o CO GO years Leading physicians recommend and mend it It Is purely vegetable works with Nature to regulate tone ton and strengthen the stomach and bowels of children s so they get full fuU nourishment from their food and aDd waste Is eliminated in a normal way Four Pour million bottles used a n yea yep yeat 4 shows how mothers depend on it Always Al ways look Jook for tho the word California on the tho carton to be sure of the genuine |