Show GARDEN CITY DEMISE OF BISHOP DISHOP CALDER and Pioneer Clows loM Career nt 71 I Special Correspondence Garden Gar en City nich Co C April 1 I ward arll mourns the loss lo of oC ono of ot Its Ih mot honored and Bishop holl Hobert raider who I Ihl life I Ce on April T j after an nn III re rm a of ot one otiC week from la 11 grippe und and J debility Deceased was horn hoin hornat at t Scotland Oct Got 12 1 and wl came cam with his parents to when h he was 12 yearn earll of ot ilK age Th 1 In St tit 1 IIII Mo Jo For lor u a time lime Ms his father went to and worked M the After returning to 10 St StLouis Louis he ho died during the summer of ot I Id d valley In 1850 and resided for tor soma lome In Bountiful Dee Dec 25 3 he married d Flora olora Ann Alln Simmons Simmon who pre preceded ceded clINI him en to the Ihn great beyond 11 years They The re at Bountiful until 1810 when they moved mod to Randolph this county COUlt assisting In III pioneering and building that place until un III when he h hIM wai IM chosen Bitmap of or Clarden City he has since Inca resided rf kled He JI tilled tho th responsible r position po lIlon of ot Bishop faith faithfully fully tull anti and honorably for tor over oer 18 years was truly it II father ond friend to the people and an In energetic leader In every good cause callIe pertaining to the welfare of or the ward and was al uni universally un I nr beloved his hl resignation ns liS Bishop he hall hag still been an active worker In tho Church Ho was la the father of ot IS 18 children his wife Surah 12 1 of ot the children sur survive ur vive him He leaves also 38 grand grandchildren children 27 making n 11 total of ot 83 descendants OX I C OO x A 0 t i I 2 t I i J I It t I I II Il l J It W M M OO THE LATE BISHOP ROBERT RODERT OA CA LDER IW Alter Arter the death of ot hU his father his Bother roth r with her four t O ur children started lor r the th homo ot the Saints In tho W but to tho hardships of ot the th hurn nurney y was W S hurled on the tit banks bank IC th Ha reached the Funeral services were held April 10 The speakers were Eld rs Alonzo Ion o Cook N Ii M 1 Hodges G 1 H 11 H II H II Joseph and 1111 Bishop S all 1111 of ot whom spoke of or Ills hll noble and nM exemplary life lite |