Show LEN LEVAN LVA DEATH OF MRS BROWN DROWN BROWNI I Veteran Ican of 82 8 Down Hown Life lc Bur nUl Burden den Death of mi on In Infant Correspondence Leran n JUab Co Api funeral l services held belt In iii the tho meet today over oer the remains or of ot Ir Brown who diet died 1111 last morning mor In In iii her hep unit ond year nr of at a old Bishop Jas Ja K l I presided A largo large gathering Catherine was wu present nt at lt tin tIlt Ill funeral und timid Ild tie the follow ing Ig In eulogized the life lre of or th the folI H II 1 r 1 I nanH cn on Franklyn I I 1 Jos Jo M I ami ond Bishop Taylor Talor Deceased ol Is it tho mother of ot live ilten her fl el who with her husband Ivo HUrIe ehl Mrs Jim Irl Brown WaN WIH born bor In Denmark Penmark In October r 1123 1 3 She Brie remained true truo to the faith alto tho c In lii II her nu mia nl thc tive land The Infant son mien on of or Charles Churles Sic Ste en n died dl last Il t Wednesday and otil was taken IK to fur for fol burial Tho ll weather for tor th lout last month lien been exceedingly Today 0 11 with two or three others hive have been hell the tho only wih clear oleal days HIIe wince nee the t of or March Much water Is 18 I expected anti and 1111 the tl farm trl era erl ore Of preparing the tho damns and ditches so to they timey the may IB bo bus able ubie to handle bundle the tha water wlter This Title country bus hM not lot hind had hal i t spring like hike this thin since 61 1 |