Show M N DROWNED IN WEBER RI RIVER ER 1 t B Murphy Falls to His Death From New O 0 S L L Bridge IMPORTANT SHIPPING RULING ff of ot Stock lieu dered by II I Ho Howell In III Cato ut of Uti i U AS S V U I 1 Suit Still fur for Damages Ogden oIen April 10 IOA A bridge workman named T r U ii Murphy Murph who was em employed loyed In the construction con of ot the Ore Oregon Oreon son gon on Short Line Lino cutoff bridge near Thirtieth street tr t across the Weber cb r river lost his balance In some Home way at work on time tho bridge amid plunged to his death Into the stream tream Whether Murphy became dazed lazell cr or lr slipped from his tooling footing will never Vie be known as n ft after the thc tall fall he never neer broke noke Hol c lie He tell fell a II distance of ot about 20 and In tho the tall fall struck with his hla hwd against 0 of OC the abutments knocking him unconscious Ills III thai limp body bod fell foil Into the water wlter and Ind sank be before fore foro any uny of ot his fellow tellow workmen could et anywhere near him him and before they could l rescue him bIn from the water vater his lungs were filed and medical skill could not ao el revive him him Murphy Is 18 a II young in uRn mAn n lilt Ills home Is I at nt Park City and amI M brother who Is III here re In is arranging tj t have the body shipped home homo for tor burial |