Show ROOF COLLAPSES BURYING H Disaster Occurred in Naples Where Cinders Crushed in Monte Oliveto Market Market NUMBER OF DEAD IS UNKNOWN Religious Processions Had Been Passing Through Streets Just Before Accident Terribly Indignant I c Authorities to tl en elm ll time tho April AIrl 10 noon Naples this morning early carl returned to 10 her normal nominal self Relt Time Tho ho day was brilliant the sky Iky cloudless s the tho waters ot or the Mediterranean wore were thOl blue bhue In II place phIl of ot the melancholy 1 lr hy of ot tho hit last IIII few el days tumid and better betlem tel still II the menacing column of or smoke smoke from Vesuvius hail almost uc nt though thus the th still etl gave forth the I lie wind Wi mid 1 ad turned tim rued In II I mm another d Inert lomi and amid 11 an ot of pence IlIC and Amid 11 springtime hiatt proud fea over Naples ami Us its IK vicinity lint Hut Hit this Ihl scene of at o quiet turned Into mourning biter when tim the news iles of or tho time of ot tho thui roof Ioor of ot tIle the Montii Oil Oi Oh veto elo eh market tho thin loss hong los of ot life l he canto carmiC known Tho ho people who ho gathered a about the market were eero soon Inon In a I of Jr o great grent excitement which when the of ot the tue bodies recovery hOlle com coal commenced Ol elce Just 1111 previous to this disaster religious ious bus 1011 processions hutch halt been passing through the thu streets of 01 the city cl the peo CO plo desiring to 10 render lender thanks to 10 the Al 1 for tO having apparently much mum greater greaten disasters than t luau those hith hitherto hi I thu erto orlo recorded here lucre Here there then processions their thuIn way wih tim Images h mini of ot the tho Madonna Ala or UI saint sal dressed In hit most gorgeous robes rohrs of nr deep blue hll or yellow ell satIn borne bOll above seas lal lt LI f lark rk heads Im mail s mostly those hose I of ot women arm Irl In lit and nn as al they moved loNI along 01 the lim faros Cures III stopping now no amid ami 11 then Ihen to tm exchange Jokes Jok 1 with passers passersby ln IrR by hu h These rhe 1 motley Icy limit but hit picturesque U c pro processions 11 cessions cN headed I by huy h numbers of ot otho hays boys ho walking two tWI two and anul carrying lighted candles which faintly rn In 11 I ii the thu e bright sunshine s ii mie Only Ont On I y In I a a 1 few ew cases did priests the tile pro lire procession cession rN which In the I h in seemed to 10 tobo bo hue local loral and affairs or spontaneous 11 01 go n on tho t Ime moment hi II I i m various Va I Is Tho Tiui ho news nets ut if It Die tiie market disaster II changed chi this brilliant scene prene to one of at t gloom and ii nt mitt III t hi quickly dl d is nd 1 t CRUsh HOOF April 10 A frightful disaster ter tel has occurred In iii II the tho renter center of at I this HUH Il C I ty following 11 ow 11 lii I g Ito tho I eruptions erum lu t louis of oC Mount ui ii t Vesuvius Ilo tn u hundred people It I la is estimated est teti were ere burled IHrl ii U neil 11 this t hi I ii morning hag In Imi II the ruins of ot the market Monte Oliveto Oh I when the tl t hit root roof Iii i un under In der the tho weight of hf If cinders train from the thin The rue he exact number imber of ot people within the Ihl building nt at lt the moment of ot the tl ta ea n Is IA not mint known and 1111 tue list of or flu it I en Is II I s huh Time The disaster nt ot the market place pines waH itH appalling a I hug The llio Iho court rt yard y nh cover coverIng Ing hl tOO feet teet square and 1111 which Is IA sum sur surrounded ur rounded by imy h stalls haiti had been heel temporarily only roofed to tl protect thie he train from the fulling II ashes heH Time The 11 spare within hi was WIH unusually y crowded with wih i thi buyers Ind their children the Ih acci mci accident 1111 dent t happening ha at II a t the Iw hour luau r of or a f the t lii duy 11 when trade trado Is IR most brisk dis displays dl plays of Ir flowers dowers fruits and vegetables R contended for rO ai buyers while a hi h he maim rhet women u screamed their heir I wares vm IeH yes ii Joked with their 1111 customers Little Ic children elm iou played pin pla hout ohio ut the hue Ihl t stands st t I am III add adding mm tid tag ing In gimlet to 10 the scene cene the like IlkI of or which Is 10 not hot lut to 10 be hi witnessed outside of o Naples Suddenly with scarcely n a I tremor of or warning there WIH a it I crash nil shi h and time the brilliant mm t sights ci guts In Iii a I cloud chalet of or dust while shrieks of ot agony rent remit the air SIXTEEN is Naples April 10 n a m 1 Up to the present prent time tho Ihl bodies of or 16 dead 1111 persons per have hoe bern been taken from room the of if t tho the Monte Montu Oliveto Market Int ITS lg Injured people are lre being boll ruined cured for tor or at atthe atthe the tho hospitals i Naples April 10 1010 a it I m The In iii InJured Inken from rein th the ruins of ot Monte Oliveto market have hao better heler chance chanco of o recovery than thin the victims of o it the tho disaster ter nt nl nn na 1 thin the lat hat latter latter hatter ter when they escaped death from Irom tail fall falling ing hag buildings were In ninny man cases suf sut suffocated by ashes The Indignation of at the tho people here horo herens ns nR a mu I result reHul of ot the Market disaster In Increase crease as tie iK each body hod Is in taken out lilt and a I disturbance approaching a ariot I ariot riot 1101 In him II Importance hns hn already oc or occurred currel The people loudly lou ly Insist that thai tile the th authorities were le that tIme the root roof of or the Market was W unsafe that they timey were so RO excessively that they the would not nut the tue Ihl funds needed to repair It The Tho Ilent of ot the tho bodies of or a n number of ot the tho killed blued klet by the hue collapse of ot the tue Mar Market ket root roof has been found to 10 be Impossible ble bie owIng to their being absolutely Ib unrecognizable In some ole case eO 8 being reduced to n a pulp pul while others were ere mutilated giving rise to scenes which ore nrc Iro better beter Among Amon the dead dell are arc many mal children who hind had hat been smut sent by b their parents to do the marketing the tho grief rier of ot the tue parent when the bodies of ot their thIr children were rere found Coull was heartrending A MASS 01 OF HU S The Time market Itself Is n a mass niase of ot ruins surrounded by huy h enormous crowds of ot people who are kept In lii II order by hy cor car cordom dom of ot pours police and Th Tb work of or searching the ruins continues In tho the most mOlt energetic manner maimer doctors firemen fremen municipal guards police polee ind arsenal taking part In It un tin under 11 der Iler the direction of the thie Duke Duko of ot O Il prefect of ut Naples whose who wife Is 18 assist assistIng Ing In hut the tue care car of or the Injured All Al the tho city authorities are also Ilso on the spot spat everything possible Is II being dot don donto dotto to assist th Ui families lalleR of ot the time victims Af After ter tor visiting time the ruins of or tho the the site Duke Duko Duchess of or Aosta proceeded lo to the time hospital to which In hn Institution many man of at the thc Injured were tak lak taken laken k ken en The Inhabitant of or many fleer the collapsed market markt have been boon ordered by the time police pollo n A as a C matter mater of nC precaution to evacuate their residences Some tOnie of or the about time the market VIrl to exclaim that a n curse olne rout rc t tod od upon the people of ot Naples for tor te re repudiating their saints yesterday when Mount Vesuvius was vaa W In Its Ita Is most vio violent yb II lent l nt mood |