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Show - the'- TW stags EVjLS Some of the Amusing Remarks Which Actors in Paris Make te One Another. of' To Manufacture fppi0pEpLY c -r- - tt, j, SELECTED MOVING I t0 Paris actors arts fond of saying things t j- - cue another on the stage which rc -t tu .01 v Radium, 'V j in the world o ion of radium a 0.' .J bill .1 r.g a. i tLo, a. Literally 5o. me he is living hlgh.- . . ,i In an attic room, I Ns ( .cvvoV. 1 j '1 POiiriUX A GOOD confuse them and make the A few' very awkward. days ago, during the progress of a i costume play, one of the actors w ho I was wearing a sword knocked the j thunder plates down in the wings. Thunder plates are sheets of tin which are shaken to produce thunder, and the noise of the fall of a couple of them can be imagined. The king, who w s upon the stage, turned to one of the pages and haughtily asked: an-tve- - is That fn "London gether Pleasant. , Ek ' a solution. we have always boasted in Utah that the boys and girls are the best crop. And the thing I wish to bring forth is that the things that creep in among us unconsciously are the things which While we would threaten to hurt. give our lives to check the ravages of physical diseases, there are d.seases that strike the soul. And these soul d.seases must be checked if we woj.J bring up an army of stalwart mu, anl women to rule this nation. And the time when these soul discs ses creep in is in leisure moments. The thing we must learn is that the mind of youth is like a mountain stream and if you do not make its chrmitl for T He? it, it will form its own channel. problem which confronts people todav is to turn the leisure moments to let We have tamed the ter advantage. le of our children's lives si pleasure ever to people who make money by it. We have lost hurdredj of cur best boys in this state and other statcc, too, because we did not give them the proper sott of amusement. The Mormon people have takti an attitude in thi3 matter of pleasure, but we have forgotten, it sterns to me, some of the cardial principles. Wo can see to it that the mOv ing picture ch . s theathers, rcrorts and other places of amusement are run on a hign level Lo- ' Cl fl L!'h- - K Tl ! 1 Ijjfcjl rt liAll SklL ,fy !10 irSOliifdS 233L & It- -' -- rfc W wt mlb 32? i .1 ha Bazat tm-die- - ward i His Rccl.ii :cs Views, h i, he fcng ldcoT of life, Ye K" thinkn f ' oar b;i, n. eel. - ii i er'S wps t Je to be-'- ( Iirve-tel- r. moi , t itio U-- wi nr 1 ei ms, Jhiminl, fi a o3 bf all newsdealers. o lJ:j LiO' :o.3y.ngW r.S S' S,TMWngtotiD.C. I' i be 'r v t 1h oi V vo ti id e t r i 3 Wfrl a I; - v e - S5ST l3SV ft, I 3 V 1 C Ac y Comer Liroadway and Utah Avenue. tviu " e fl r f ru Hthl KW' pfiiijij Utku r !! J u i 3 mJ h tv. Appliance -, 0. a i . L-i- ri t f 1 V 8 S fJ r y 5 T EiUOihk'A rs " ii S r ":C kf4 !T--t CUyll icnrtA-- s looeie failoriiAg Go. - ' Sil Li Pi, LJ- - N j i it a tuuivui: ; cl 'Jz r t i f:. TOOELE, UTAH. s rg pates i For Column Inch : No Gf Inches i! used in 1 year S 1G0 Inches $ .13U M 250 inches 12 ,v 500 inches 11 10C0 inches' , . ' ) ...10 : koL locals in local column. 10 ci its or line m for 1st insertion. 7 cent? subseque t. Reader, ivith heads, 7 cents Ft inL riioii;5 cents subsequent. : LEG. and Washington, d.c. foreign Patents Caveats and reigsucs. Attorneys and in all 1-- Tradc-M- J I Designs. j al Counsellors,-Mechanic- Practice S. U. Courts, 3 t OF INQUIRY ANSWERED PROMPTLY ON INFCRMATIONyAND'ADVICE 1 CUR EOCK.. ENTITLED "GREELEY :T75 DAY GF FrCE- JO PATENT ATTORNEYS. T- t r .pr;?i t t i i S I Greeley SiMcintire. j ; '! Vt I o ON PATEK" b wLlAOc tali State Press Asscciarori a SENT, FREE .TO ANY. ADDRESS., v 5; T. FREELY CIVEN & MCINTIRE WASHINGTON. ' Lyt.t. BUSINESS CONDUCTED UPON HIGHEST 'PROFESSIONAL PLANE . UNDEC PERSONAL SUPERVISION OF MR. GREELEY AND NR MclMiS ' ALL 2 . FEES REASONABLE AND BEST 'ADV!CEALWAYS CIVEfi. RECAST OF ALL INTERESTS, EXCEPT THAT OF CLIENTS. The ;!v et.ml o.mI. n; 1, v C j mtor. s 116 1CCELE OEEPAL HOSFiTAL h--rf a t KKwoe3-eoe- Our slock will be only the latest. Mo c or shelf worn goca: e c u , ti ye r as they will reach everyone. immedi-f.te'v- at.d T TOOTLE UTAH on display, and we invite the public to come and look it over, and et acquainted with our prices T had it. Mr.Ka Designs,&C. Jhinriccib gdtrjsfic - Work Guaranteed- lEo.rr AL:le:I'Ar:i stjs l.-a-- know, if U' Trad? , Consult Jthe UptcDate Gouts - ' y0 it-'K- lob Worll We wihh to notify, our friends thet wc have a fine r'tock of n i,i i For all kinds of rerl-(Ilh- ft -- sai I LUKE FP.ICES done-ove- t (M PHONE Loitering and waste of time is the mother f all evil, and if we can direct out toys and girls to seek to improve their time the problem will be nearer People everywhere are rising up some picture shoAs and our childrtn should not he comt 'lied to oe picture shows uide.es they aie of a Li,,!i standard. We can help our cl ddren libraries ani good home amusements. We yet have mtich to do we still have our problems an.l we must wake up to these protdems before it is too late. There is no doubt but that the alarm expressed hy Mr. Dripgs is felt by many thousands of fathers ar.d mothers Besides a wast of mears, and a lesson in the wrong use of money, is the fact that many of the snn3 and daughters of this fair state are being started on on a downward course by this class of HOW SHE DODGED BORROWER amusement, because the piopr casein Cleveland Womans Clever Method of style of pictjres is rot given by the Avoiding a Touch Without of the management moving picturso Giving Any Offense. show 8. The whole thot seems to be Men have something to Win. from something to excite the passionate dewomen in the nit of warding off of the sites and the lcwolt is young, tout hers" for coin. Women respond to such requests nine in about every inevitable. thousand i,ses, but iliey are scientific in their refusals A woman with a reputation as a hoi rower luined up at the home of oue of her friends the PLANT THRIVES CM FLIES r other morning with a much story about a persistent and threatening dressmaker, and the usual request Little Weed, G"ovn in England, H; Ips in Work of Ridding Hcmea for. the loan pay it back tomorrow, certain of $r. of Pett. Why, my dear, certainlv. was the pleasant rt 'ponse to l,er tarefuilv In England there glows a litt'e lit ie yarn; you poor thing, leaved, odd looking plant known you! Just wait ill l run upstairs as sunciew. It is but an inconspicuand get my purse ous weed, and literary and scienShe ran upstairs The mal head of tific honors barejotbeen heaped upon it. the house happened to be in the room The leaf is round and where she kept her purse He saw coveied by a number of flat, and is small red her dig tl e parse out of a chiffonier glands, which act as the attractive drawer and delibersteiy remove a advertisement to the misguided inwad of bills from it, leaving about sects. 1 heir knobby ends are covered cents lu silver and cop- with a glutinous secretion, which per in the change receptacle. The glistens like honev in the sunlight, man was mean enough to le in over anti so f if too plant its common the stair railing when his wife went English gains name. But the moment a downstairs to the parlor wild her hej ess fly. attracted by hopes cf meat flattened peketh ok in hr band or nectar, seules ip mti-- in its mid-- t. "Oh, Im so '0! i y, dcane. tie oil thoughts iten. the her say, but I really nought I hrd viscidhospitable , liquid holds Ion tight the money. find, fheuth that Frio, and ccqs bs h a rod win";, sc as psuil. has been at mv nar-t 1. -- t bo ; n , uciy as a sp now i he?rd f im a comethin, about o' is m u ij t die. :e fling a clumber's b,H ),..( ni.v t Vn T lien the t !e over h'n sow-- l half t.leeu ami t e me", . lut ,u, ct,ie! ,t bv thing has 01 f,- left re fiom. f, j fi I'ieg I s rill's, mw ai d 0 fare Too i"-Of I P" I a. e Iirs " p-- The sinister side of lifa In the tern-piin London has lately been revived as a topic of the hour by a case of suicide in some chambers looking down on the peaceful resting place of Oliver Goldsmith. But every imaginative visitor who spends a few nights sithin th precincts of that lonely refuge from the hubbub of Fleet street must be Impressed By it. The sense of poaeefulness is theie, but added to ii that of remoteness and loneliness. From the time the wicket in, the great door is opened by the porter and slammed behind you the feeling of being cut off from the busy world outside grows aiul grows until It becomes positively oppressive. The alienee of She empty courts is only Broken by the weird rustling of the plane trees and the echo of your foot falls as you traverse the erstwhile busy, spaces. Regiments of ur.hely eats, mostly black, as beseems the locality, slink around corners lu narrew passages that seem specially made for their furtive ways. Who knows what may coine round that crasy corner at Lamb's building? Who knows what has come round it? On the thin strip of green churchyard beside the ancient church you can see a few mediaeval gravestones lying long and narrow, reminiscent of the early Templars. When a person is weary and tired this ancient place, with Us secrets, Its Inscrutable face and the loneliness and mystery of the hidden life around you, ran be very sinister. The stoiy told at the inquest upon the friendless man found shot through the heart in his Pump Couit chambers might have had any place for its setting, but somehow it seems more significant in a Temple court. thirty-seve- A . the temple Famous Old Is Not Alto- - . CARS C0PVTHGHT3 & sketch and description may Anyone AnUnf a y igac" t uii cup opinion free whether Cenmiun rent ion is piohnbly riiieutnhla Fateut on HANDBOOK nettrictJ?couDdcntlfil. tn bjauty fur securing patents. IhuRrta taken tbtouuh Muuu & Co pec a i notice, without CDe, la tn a i . n cality i ac1-- lords-m-uaitin- Residence r' i 6irV in v. i sh-V- x 4 , ?- Y c ' r exper:em-l L v vrv- ' 9 rmb tious young men If Mrs. J ones buys her coffee at fail e had and hum s in t Prof. Howard Driggs of the Univers- Smiths each week ft id cf Wireless Peofluwho krow i uy the CuAL store is bet- or K 'wav t'hgri hy. Since the ity of Utah, speaking at the Taberna- ' If the coff-- s in your .no h g'nest ru w,;b J of ht ..t z ch Smith's ?rer 'km hi c i Let., since the cle at;S. L. City, recently, called for ter than Ln,t, M " JONES I per ton. ABERj EN COALj TELL Why, ' companies are etabl shing a cleaner lot of stuff at moving picture r ater number of heat units e ross Dont dash the , t thiuout the c nr ' , (fere shows. Here is part of what he said: street to tell h her WESTERN COAL. t h; " trs. PBut I wish to call your attention to- iaugh at you. I.. e, force,r d shortage of tel OVERNMENT TEST f n v 70 to it , o . pay beginners fro paper day to a waste which is far greater ful advertiser.; ot i FORStLEBY wrste of about your coffee, than the material waste-t- he ; r ii enth, with good chance VcTl catch her e rrah'i ; The Notional Telegrrr ent. icun-WANhuman life, human energy. AT other your ad. attractive. Til : all trm m America, under super, wastes are insignificant compared with is left for you to do is to take m , CO. d Vv irelessCSicials and r the waste of human souls. The problem the money for the coffee Mrs. it. es a 'antes into positions. Itwil of doing away with all these things Jones buys. that curse this country, devolves upon y it v rite them for full de- If.) by (too) iul, . talh-the waste of time, it seems to me. Whatevers that?" To h.s surprise the page, who, as stage pages often are, was a charming young lady in real life, answered: are down below, Thirty deafnmt l6nely life OVER 65 - .4. "will a: king for sonwereation with your majesty. The king, without moving a muscle, although the audience laughed, "Aie you quite certain they are dun b?" "Thev say go, sire," replied the page, with great solemnity. Weil, said the king, they make an' awful noise about it." It was in the game theater that the stage manager, who was playing the part of a noble lord In the piny, found when he got on the stage, that only g two instead of five, were on the stage In one scene. He could not leave the stage and fetch them, and as live lords were Indispensable, he gagged: What do 1 see,-h- e' said, only two lords-lwaiting on Jhe king. Mbit he, without there! Send me thre more lords and let them be clean eae The entrance of the three 'clean loMs brought do the house. b' D. C 5 f : ;; LATEST VC |