Show m Howard The readers re llera of this Ihl paper wilt wll l be pleased to learn that Ih rt Is li nt at least ono coo dread dreaded ed ell that hns In hn been chic to 10 lIre ir in nil eli its stages stage aol and that I Is Catarrh Halls hails Catarrh Cure Curo Is la the OIlY OIl jure rice cure now new known to 10 the tho ity it Catarrh being a 1 constitutional dis disease disease ease cue requIres a n constItutional treatment hall Cure Curci U Is taken Internally directly cU upon the th blood sail and mu mucous ecu surface of ot the tho system ties cles the foundation of ot the end and the flIP 11 strength tr by hy building bull up tIp tn the V and sed nature In III loin Icing Its work The Th have so S much faith In lt Its Ita curative curat VI powers that they Ihy x otter efter Ono On Hundred Boilers for anY ruo that It falls to tu cure Bend Send for tor lilt Hit of at testimonials Address K F J CHENEY CO Toledo Ohio Reid Bold Rot by nil all Druggists no 78 Take Family Tills Pills for tor ion Uon Dakin f fI I Absolutely Pure re Imparts that peculiar lightness sweetness and flavor noticed in the finest cake short shortcake shortcake shortcake cake biscuit rolls crusts etc which expert pastry cooks declare is unobtainable by the use of any other leav leavening leavening ening agent A pure grape cream of tartar powder No alum ROY ROYAL L BAKING SAkINO POWDER CO NEW YORK YOCK TWENTY YEARS S AGO iGO TODAY DO YOU REMEMBER 1 Frank J Cannon was released release from Crom tho tue Utah penitentiary ball bail having harln been furnished John Johll Smith n ot train robber who had e vl from the tho penitentiary wn recaptured on tho the premises premise ot of Dr Seymour B 13 Young by hy II Young TEN YEARS AGO TODAY Walter Waiter J vas liS shot eliot and killed by hy Harry Hynds FIVE YEARS AGO TODAY The Leary dye dyo works were burned at Rochester N Y Many employs perished FIre destroyed the Nebraska state stale prison ono prisoner was lIas fatally burned roil lOI I have been suffering for fr the tho past few reI years Kars cars with a n severe attack of ot rheumatism anti and found foun that Snow Liniment was lM only ani thing that gave live me mc lion n and nil tended to alleviate my may hairs arch tarch Who 1302 1102 John C I i Ki Kiman roam man lila Ills 2 r Una OC ant 1100 lOm Sold Roil by Z C CM Cl M l 1 I 1 Drug Dept II and 1 Ill South Imin Street II It GIVES GivIS Sn Ni TONE TOSI la ts It n boon for sufferers from Hy fly II UK Its use uso the Mood blood Is la quickly i d aol the be color lor norma norm Tie The drooping strength lIen lh la is revived The languor I Is 18 diminished Health I vigor Igol Hal tOll tono predominate New life nd happy activity o Ill I It Mrs tu Hello lIo H II Shire III IllS writes I hav been troubled with th liver complaint nn nl VOI Wood hiv he found nothing tu It to benefit me like Ilko I 1 hojic to Ijo be without It I 1 hive wished hat I 1 had known of ot It In tO my rn husbands Me Oe HoU h i Z 1 C M I Drug Dept D pt and lii South MaIn Street StreM II H Till rim tie ft Co Chicago originated Honey and anti lar jar UK itS u II throat and lung remedy and LInd on account pf Pt the HI great greal eat merit ami anI an popularity of Honey Jolley and Tar loIr many Imitations ire offered for the tho Ion gen genuine tine Ask for rOl rH Honey and an Tar nr un 1111 refuse any substitute sub offered as ae no rio other will give the tue same limo int at nt It Is la mildly laxative It H con can contains no Ill opiates and li is I c a feat for children lilt anti delicate d Ielson Sold by F J Hill Hili Drug Co In clime ll Its colors are unfurled ll Its fame hits has spread from Crom a to 10 sea sealIe Do lIe not surprised If It In III the tue other world You hear of or Rocky Hocky Mountain Ten TenC en enZ Z C M t I Drug Store Main Street Mr Irs II n W Evans Tan writes My Ir hu b nd lav In Mrk for tor thre o The doctor raid fal he lie bad quick WO We V 1 Ii bottle of ot s M Syrup tel It eur cured l him That Thal was waft six years yeura nun ago and since Mure then theu we e tine always kept n a bottle In III tim hou house e Wf W V annet do 10 tb without It II For Tor coughs cough end and cold coils It tins tilts no r He 25 6 Mo roc Oe find end li 10 Sold Sell by iy Z 7 C M I ti I Drug Dru Don Dent anti III Smith Main data Street Streel II LIKE LII E FINDING MONEY Finding is like money so 0 think those these tho e who are sick When heit you rou have han n a rough cold rold sore soro throat or chest ch t Irritation better net act promptly like W C Barter Hartor of Sandy Hand Level Luvel Va ValIe Valie lIe He says mai I had hll a it terrible chest cheat trouble caused by b smoke and coal dust on my III lungs hlll hut but after finding foiling no relief relict In other I was WaR cured by b Dr Kings New II I for tor Consumption Coughs anti and Colds Coldi sale Eale cab of at any an anC cough C or lung In the world At 7 Z C M t 1 I J drug store 11 IH South Main St SI lOc n 1100 guaranteed Trial bottle free tr cumm or OP Till run TillIt Ti It OS Several Reveral years since fine Ince my III lungs lung w were ro ac 10 affected YI td that I had hn 1 many ninny beget s writes A M l 1 Ake kc of Wood Woo Ind lad IndI ladI I took treatment with rith physicians without toy any benefit I then Ihen taTted started to 10 take toko tak Ioley Honey and Tar Tor and an my Iny lungs lunge are arc now nol an aim sound Mound n IU AP a bullet I 1 recommend mend It In advance sluices of or lung hang traIl trou bio blo Yol s Honey end aol Tar top stops the th cough And heals the lungs lungi ant ami prevents prevent R results from a cold Hefu sub Hold Sold by T F 1 J Drug Drill Co c Yes times each c ch day d y Does Docs Does D Your Yourl It send out good blood or bad b d blood PI oes our You know now for good blood Is good L health had hod blood bad bid health he Ask your our own doctor about taking Ayers Heart R earl B Beat eat for thin tub Impure blood bloodW W ht tame no it Wo We j 3 JC o C 11 it h 1110 ill es t liou Lowell LoII Mm M at o Token Taken ns IS directed It becomes the greatest curative anent agent for tie the relief of suffering humanity ever devised Such Is Hollister Becky Mountain Tea 35 Cents cent Tea Tt or nr Tablets Z 2 P C PM C CM M 1 I J Drug Store I Main Street Tim TI I l I I S B I J Apple Judge Ottawa wn Co I Kansas n u writs IllS is to 10 say sty that I have havo ha o used Ballards Syrup for tor yearn jenni and thet I do Jo not tint hesitate to recommend It as b but beat t cough syrup lyrUP I 1 have hae ever tvr us d 25 iOe 00 lO Sold Soil hy by 7 Z C M H 1 T I Drug J UI Dept liZ and Houth Main Street U Ii CHRISTIAN SCIENTISTS Excursion to Ogden March Special train leaves Salt Lake 0 p 11 m Iii train a in III li Ho Ito turning special train leaves Garden O Ilen SW SO SOp iop p in III Pre Free lecture nt at n t Ogden O Il n on Chris Christian Christian tian by br Hon lion Clarence Clarenc A flue Bus Buskirk kirk Everybody Invited Gardner Daily Store News More M ore Overcoat VT eather and M Is all you ou will have to ex cx expend pend but get ct 15 to 20 ill in Overcoat Quality That should be inducement enough to warrant the thc of your our next years J coat now IlO and having havin the thc benefit of it for the balance of this season t If I C not hot a t Coal Coat how about a Suit Sonic of the Ten Dol Dollar Dollar Dollar lar Sale ones still left NEW RAINCOATS AND TOPCOATS C ONE PRICE JP ARDNER I MAIN MAl ST 1 tr THE QUALITY STORE f ei I Om Ot rieD t Co Consolidation of lines or of women 0 shoes that jj sold for and 4 consisting of patents p 11 ten h gun metals and anti vici vici kid in hand Kand turned and welt soles at tb Lines of worn wora L 3 5 enss 5 hoes in in mili military military 2 tary and Cuban heels Also for rI young misses shoes with low heels all leathers Re Reduced R W 4 from irom and 3 to Best Rubbers Rubbe s made at 3 e s w B VIM H ML Jm r i AT BART BARTT BARTONS T JL When they their Spring Clothing WE Bring B ring The I e MAKE A SPECIALTY OF gB BOYS CLOTH CLOTHING rj ING JH ATS MADE DEfA TO LAST f Some of our BoOs B ere Sut are arc 4 00 i We can please ase you Then there tere are arc large larI lines lin of Shirts Shirt Waists Hats Stockings Etc Leading Clothiers for Men and Boys 45 47 Main St StI I J J |