Show RISKS HER LIFE FOR OTHERS OTHER S new jersey woman seizes large shepherd dog afflicted with rabies and forces it into shed flemington N J that tae he lives or of others might not bu imperiled mrs jacob leon grappled with her large shepherd phep herd dog when it was waa suddenly stricken with hydrophobia the dot dog was tied to its kennel with a rope when mrs loon discovered its condl tion an instant later it had bitten the rope in two and snapping snarling and frothing at the mouth it started to leave the ilia premises realizing the danger to others mrs acon leon called sharply to the animal and catching it by the tha sides of at tho the head bead forced it into a woodhouse wood bouse william E green a neighbor was summoned to dispatch the dog with a shotgun and when the dog doe was dashing madly about the wood house bouse biting everything within its ita reach mrs M re leons firms arms were scratched by the teeth of the dog as she fhe held it but the skin was not broken |