Show EXPLOSION OF THE bennington united states ship meets meet horrible horlib catastrophe san ban diego cal broken and black ened wil with th her flax flap fl flying ing at half twist mist her hold bold filled with at th fifteen feet of water the states ship den ben hington lies beached on the sho shores r ea of san diego harbor thirty flarty nine of her crew lie dead at cit morgues the fate 0 f it a dozen more la Is as net et mined and three score are stretched upon beds of pain in various hospit hospot als ale this Is the result of t the he blon alon which wrecked the trim little naval craft and wrought such euch tei terrible ble havoc among her crew at halt past 10 friday morning on hoard board the the un ull harmed members of the crew ale aie working under tinder great difficulties to reach the boiler room and coal bunk era where it la Is bell believed eved a dozen doen bodies are lying wedged in the wreckage wieck age oi 01 submerged in the water which fills that pait pail of the ebel iersel the cause of the explosion so pir fir as ascertained included boilers n D and D on the side but has not vet net been determined ghere Is much talk among the crew especially the irre spon elble members of weakened and leaking boilers but until a thorough thoi ough inspection of tile the wrecked ed boilers cin c in ho be made no definite official statement JB Is obtainable the bennington which aich arthea at this port from honolulu 1 last wednes day forenoon was preparing to leane leae port at half past 10 friday morning and only awaited the arrival of corn coni blunder lucien young mho ho had gone ashore on official bu bubl biness ness suddenly there was aas a deep toned rumbling intonation like a distant ex ot of dynamite and the benning ton was been to keel and shake froni from stem to stern a dense cloud of while steam shot skyward and the entire up tip per deck appeared to lift and then set tle lie back with a crash |