Show OIL TANK ON FIRE millions million of barrels of oil on fire in texas humble Il tx tox rhe hie staged sundae aunda in a tank belonging to the texas oil company caused by lightning stalking stil ati king the ol oil the fire inas as held under con arol nil all the afternoon but ant beg begin tri to spread toN towards ards night at 10 30 10 sun day night eleven of the twelve grest grent tanks ablaze and over one nii mil lion baniels ban els ot of oil consumed fifty men are surrounded bi the dimes and their fite fate la is unknown one hundred teams are known to be ci cic e mated mated and a number of 0 families have been burned out of hoime and home at 1 20 0 clock the fire v was as still I 1 ie k yond control all the tanks tanka of the texas company compan having caught lobs of life among the men handling the be teams is reported but cannot be nert erl fled there will ill be considerable loss of property besides that ot of the oil which in itself may run up tip to three or four million barrels woith por per million bairens |