Show S still T I 1 LL K KILL 1 CL IS BUFAT U F FAT F OES old atles at les of f tt hect they did T terr mrs ig ngoi the persona account of a bufflo tilling and th tb ip in 0 o C cl I 1 1 d I nu I 1 pi uina u ina himself in front ot of the th advancing hord recalls tin nn in ident ot of the earl detailed to tile the writer by the chief actor in the acene 1 iho I he in ili la in well known of high standing and fit at the waa maa teaching leaching in new nev york city in ili vacation he be bent avest in charge of bilig men from wealthy tam fam flies I 1 alv saw at one time almo a bustio leid 31 30 mitts wido not compact but scattered liver the plain so BO that tho the dir lance lovered in alding through tho the herd liard was SO S wiles the buffaloes buffa loea were f cading aim paid little attention to 0 a hars tinion only orie one jonae corn com pact held vu seen then my friend by 1114 lil horde horse at a dis dassance sance ot or a f 3 SS Sf 4 and an saw baw a herd he 3 u h bribe eribe ii b a VIR buu arff r alda ida and hunhing at full speed daring that bummer over 3 of but falo hides hide were shipped eastward from one of the ralli oad shipping r in a kansas the figures were ore official bad my friend said that as lils party yode roda northward aiom tha during a ride of 60 miles they acre ore bieler out of sight eight of buffolo or other remi luB of the noble tame came left blenching by the hide hunters no the buffalo Is ili but a mort forest and |