Show INDIAN TREATMENT OP OF SICK superstitious ceremony that la Is often a last resort in answer to In s as to abil th meaning of the word mord it was waa explained that a Q Pach ofsha la ili a feast and a part 0 oc f tile the incantation and superstitious ceremony conduct id oer the sick by the lower class of ignorant indians indiana hen a man Is thought to be sick enough r ouch to require the of 0 a doctor he Is put into a hut but and tor or three days no one except the doctor sees him the doctor goes into the woods wooda and gathers herbs from he prepares it potion for the sick man and then keeps a lonely vigil with him bin at the end ot of the third day it if the pa tient Is ili not improved the order Is div en to prepare a pach ofsha corn and meat either beef pork or gaire ate put in a large kettle and ate blewer ed until the corn to Is soft all the relatives of the alic nick it man arf are entitled to attend and they gathea around the kettle foa fo the feast thi th sick man la Is brought out and served first drat ife la Is fed as a as his atom ach can hold and the etbert then turn in and devour the remainder of the stew when this Is concluded a bon fire to la built and lighted and the crowd arcles 1 around and dances dancea to the tune of a weird chant after this it if the sick man does docs not show signs of get ting ling better nothing more Is done for him and he diets dies or gets well by set act of providence oklahoma times jour nal |