Show WITTES STAR ASCENDING able diplomat will represent russia I 1 at washington st st petersburg all AI his has resigned ills his position tion its BS chief peace plenipotentiary it may be lef carded as practically all certain that he III he be replaced cepl iced hy by 11 witte president of the committee ot of ministers who all along has hag been con eldered the russian statesman sta pie em cm ineptly nen y qua c to 0 um undertake er a e the e dlf acutt task of negotiating peace with japan though the emperor on 01 two to previous occasions has flat flatly declined to accept M witte lie he has now indicated hla his aginess neBS to make the appointment the commUs lon hom holever ever N ill 11 riot not he be it actually e signed until foreign minister 1 ami dorff who mho throughout has bas b n IM wittes ft arm supporter has haa had haa an audience audlene e with t the lie emperor |