Show LOCAL WS nearly till all tho the war wap Is in the hooili q take will cl brute rion pion or cr day A nice moo baby girl firl came to achter tile homo home or mr an I 1 mrs airs john billett lille week dr dippi herald Gillos plis who was wan bitten by n R lattio snake last buot weel no heong nicely coly tho the pany 9 filinow how will not ox ex 1 bitin lanclo this his as i in it rho I 1 bruntion vt I 1 abt amt FOUND one nick bliok horse branded vall 11 of on lilt inquire of dan gill ill opio who lout lost ins ills hei hearing so iio sullenly about two weeks are 19 regaining ills anier tile cure care ot of dr atlow suit salt litke lake specia specialist liot NOTI jr if yen aru troubled cj with willi ania cull call tit at 1 J a and annl git a wilis ot ant kilar buro dieth price 25 and 50 cents a bottle miss dellha column oi of aliis city loft sun iby ti aning for log las ana anait anniti it a oliero she bile will abu talo remain remain lor 0 of r tho the with wi th her sister albiar mol mft oco ol of that ahot city tile tho japan coo doubts liu Rus dussias saitta sias dosia dosip ir peace at the arsent time rusina katits another fight with the japs as rome body tody lm has tol uh I 1 tile ho oin can whip tho the yellow rig out of their boots lot let them limo soother nother i alt we oro are hiaring some flomo warm weather iu io this thia valley at tho the times time but it seems beema to bo be nothing to tho the hot spell apell they are arc bating lu in tile hera men and are dolog by tho the score and some tire te oven evon dabon drib en insane by the heat for tho the buratin lr autu and bailey show chow that will exi libit in iak at lake city on aukust the I 1 and rj one rare faro special excursions will bo be run odor tho the salt lake couto on the BO two do 1138 a fiam aiom thoele tooele aud atlar pilots w will 1 I have at 8 32 in i alio huorn ruo n go and alluto at 8 so 30 to in tile evening from salt lale lake chucks it 11 ial a narrow iacapo afternoon arm a very disastrous fire io in down tho the lano lane at arks item the want sit olt tho the dry gralis erana ou bro are la in two or planes just hwn along fado 01 ol his bib bayn and so 80 iutok dij did the iho gratis fw burn that the gro fire nol got into the cow yard k lore it wa gub it wa cul tile tho bralo efforts ot of mr lit mcbride aud and family aud tile the good worl work or som some e willing neigh lots bora that pr vented the whole i reinia remi fB vs and add his or of hay ariu going up la as engineer should lie the sloam t ir lisher does no sparking until the allow dius 1 |