Show A geographical game there must bo be a leader someone m aliola lie Is pi etty good in geography and to is capable of doing some quick thinking himself avy any number r of players may take lake pu pat p u t to la the same a m e when all are ara seated the leader takes his place in front of them and tells them that he Is going to give them the name of a 2 state and a letter of the alphabet alphae det and 1 li then going to count five slowly while he la Is counting five all the players must he be trying to think of a city or town in the bbate toe he called whose name begins begina mith ath the alvn gen let ter for example suppose he gives maine as the state and P F as the let ter then the players must all try to think of a city or town in ia maine the name of which begins with the let ter r it Is necessary for them all to do the thinking for he has a right to ask anyone of them for the answer and they never know which one of then them it is going to be when he has received a correct an awer he may ask another player to name some other town beginning with the same letter or he may change the letter two or three times then he be names some other state and con the game as long as it later inter esta eats the placers |