Show THE DEATH DEATH t of MRS AIRS ANNIE SHIELDS f mrs annie shields died at her homo home to ID stockton Stool iton last blon monday day anil and was wag brought to this ihla city yesterday atter noon for int interment ement services vicca wore were hell heij in tho meeting house Rou larke liB were cad by W N gundry of stockton Stool iton and elders moroni england and A bevan ot this thia city after at tor service a 6 long line of carriages carcia carri Kea axes followed follo wod the remains remaina to the toosia cemetery where they hey now rest mra shields was the wite vile of prank shields Shi elde and vas van well known in this city and county in her departure depar tilro she bho leavea I 1 a husband and two small email children to mourn her loss IMS |