Show that readiness in ili till on emergency which made the new Inglan dei a ilia I 1 e wonder of the wui lit id liaa has not been en lost in these latter lab A connecticut farmer bas ex it tile the man found four boys boya his eally eaily apples and g giva ve base to tham lie he was ha nl id however by the loss of a leg lie he left it on the baldit fifeld nt at antietam Antle tam tarn and had to get along with a woolen sub when he be na about to ra cb out and seize bele one of the running bo boya y by the shoulder ills wooden ilg 9 went down a hole hohs in the ho ground ii and nl biclie tio in two the boys boya stolpen to eject him but he took a string floell lila his pocket and the lie aiken leg ba quickly that lie ho vas aas tit up and at them thein before they what hat had happened lie ile caught tile the buy boy lie he was waa after and the others chere are several dorala to this tale but the moot obvious one la its that men with wooden legs ought alais to 0 o carry lit hiring tring in their pockets to bo be provided against accidents |