Show 1111 1 OF LIFE IK MARVEL SPENDING LAST connecticut HOME noted auth author or now in his hi eighty seventh year reveries of a B bachelor that made him known world over hoston boston ili ik marvel his iri junt pissed his bis eight sixth birthday and la is now spending the sunset of ills his life at the he old homo home in edge edgewood conn Ronie Sonie what Aliat aside from tile the highway of olteia y activity he Is still baiel as the man mail who ho away back la in the hita hit a saw in human events the stuff stu IT of which dreams are made and around the I 1 he experiences experience of bit bis own and bachelorhood wove a ves vea tu tuie ie of reverie that made them a de light books arp are bought and I 1 lead ead donald grant mitchell ft vas as born in ili abill A pi II 11 1822 being a sickly delicate bov he beamed altogether until oly ely to bear the stamn of college education and entered yale with little hope ot of am pled ng the bresci filed course iut but canio with alth effort and after hard alternated by moments or of roll plaintive pain tive leisure in which lie he ed tied the college magazine young mitchell gi successfully arid and the fa fai ewell tewell address in 1841 after leaving vale late he became a stir aej feier or hom the same pulmonary double which in the three preceding bears eara had proved fatal to three mem mcm bois beis of hla his family it was this illness which comI coin tiled mr air Alf mitchell to give up tit the plans he be had bad of doing journalistic in new york for a tinte time lie he retired to an old fam am ily homestead in salem conn then lit he a to flom which lie he resumed much benefited in health rhe ilie lite literary iary result of this was waa 1 Ms 18 filat book biesh gleanings published in 1847 the 3 lal in which lie ho bogan began without continuing its his study ot of I 1 tw iw I 1 lien hen followed an till over tho the atlantic mr anif 1 1 1 k ef it f donald G mitchell mitchell was aas an all eyewitness of the pails of 1148 and lie he de them lit in his second book en titled the battle summit new york now called him lie edited there a sath ical and humorous humo ious paper the Io Loigi ignette iette contil buting to it special articles ai tides of his own signed timon subsequently these articles printed in two tao small vol umes all this his time mi ali mitchell had been out the various chapters of the book which litch was aas to ni nithe mike the himl him known not only the united states but also in Rev revelles eiles ies ot of a bachelor the flu laist at reverie appealed in the southern messenger then a k iding lite literary iary published in rich mond ahe 1 I he Rov eiles of a bachlor bachelor at once became widely popular N alien lien the second was aas air Al itchell baas 68 s lie he began to bevise the book and ami ahn because bi cause revision revl blon bion would have completely changie it left it 1 I it was as after the publication of dream I 1 life ife la in lb 51 1 l a book only seand in success to the Rev eilts ml ah mitch ell in 1853 one of the most alii of lila ills dreams by man ing miss afara I 1 r pringle ol of charleston 9 C the sume same year vear president plaice ap all pointed him consul at A eucce accod iv bv ills ilia info lie spent i 1 par oar in ill that pait of the lie time 1 leeine ing given to collecting for a bistor of the le public of venice which lie levei completed on his return to this covin tr in 1856 he set get tied upon his farm at mr mitchall Mit Alit choll was mas tot foi sonic time as socrate editor of the health and biome no isea orli and frequently sp ap penrod its aa a lecturer ile he had a large a among Itte iary men inen he AN was as intimate with washington irving to tom he dedic dedicated reI ills his dream life ife Lons Lang longfellow fellow fello bisant slid and N P N malls fills mr All mitchell itchell changed hla his stile after middle age and tote many things mole moio practical than would seem pos sible foi the author or of dream life lie ile bea became n ie noted as a a landscape gar dener anil and tits his thereon are aut hoilly the park at east ilola new nea haven conn was aas laid out and ado by his hia directions and so BO were mar private faiks and grounds mr MIt micthell IlK hell thell had 11 Lb illien lit iha nife died on oil december 5 6 1901 after ahapa B happ married life of more than thab 48 43 senis leius t 1 al |