Show TOMS is ARE RESCUED HIS FROM cora IS passengers of wrecked british vessel have terrible men being forced to guard women from chinese crew Melbo melbourne urno the cable bablo has brought further details of the rescue of tho the castaways casta ways from tho the british steamer who spent nearly neaily two months on christmas island an almost bar ren coial formation in the pacific ocean whence they were taken sev eral era das ago ba b the steamer manuka and convey conveyed td to suva islands mrs dire patrick and her hei e bal bj girl aho vho A ho nai mag born under tinder such novel surroundings on a desert island were wera the lie firbie of the casta mays to be taken aboard the manuka mrs I 1 atrick la Is the wife of chaplain 11 II R patrick U S N I 1 ahe lie infant was fed on oil the milk of tho afons goat which its as saved from the wreck of the steamer ah of transferring mother and child from tho the shore to the ship was biffl cult owing to a choppy sea llio ahe ca had plenty of provisions vasi ns and found good water on tho the islands tile tho chinese crew of the mutinied mutinies muti nied and looted tile the nicch while on christmas island they re tuned fused to work slid and it t was necessary for the white members of the party alwais to keep keel an armed guard over them |