Show trill farmers repairing equipment at home increased use oi of arc welding aid fo to farm world war II 11 and the rapid ex tension of government approved ru ral power lines to meet f farm pro 1 emergencies contributed contribute dlo more than any other factors to the widespread use of transformer type ile 1 welding being done efficiently on the farni farm electric arc welders on farms weld ing was an entirely new job to most farmers when the war started but before it had progressed many months scores of them had become old hands at the fix it up make it do trade thus a war taught talent enters the peacetime picture with increase ing popularity experience showed that many broken parts could be welded satisfactorily without having to remove them from the machine and that such equipment then could jae be returned to the fields promptly especially when time saving weld ing jobs were done on the farm also farmers soon learned that they could use their welders to construct new equipment out of scrap parts and modify present equipment to suit their particular needs as well as make necessary repairs with the use of welders discard ed repair parts and scrap metal can be made into feed cars manure loaders buck rakes milk can trucks and racks disc harrows and trail ers broken sickle bars tractor wheel rims and spokes tractor hitch draw bars spring tooth points gears gear teeth and sprockets can be repaired and horse drawn equip ment Is modified for tractor use merely using your head will save your heels Is there an easier better way to do that job purdue university an with yes there probably is there Is an easy and a hard way a labor saving savin g and aad a labor wasting way to do any job few of us are doing our farm job the easiest way if we use our heads we can save our heels as well as time energy and expense but we rarely take time to save time we don t figure out the easi easl est most effective way we just get the job done grasshoppers day believing that there is an imbor tant relationship between the anten sity of sunlight air temperature the body temperature of the per and where and when the pests do their eating professors pepper and hastings montana state col lege have designed a special ther mo couple with which to take the temperature of grasshoppers crop notation rotation plan should be balanced unless a farm has a well bal a alced ced rotation for its fields the chances are that the farmer who works that land is depleting the soil and getting lower yields of the crops he grows dr R L cook soils specialist at michigan state college says that there are several ways in which crop rotation may result in soil improve ment if a cultivated crop Is con tenuously produced on one field the organic matter content of the field is decreased castrate pigs early for market results the earlier pigs intended for mar ket are castrated the better they will weigh in when pigs are cas grated at three to tour four weeks of age they are easier to handle the wounds heal more quickly and the pigs are usually under closer super vision so that the wounds can be watched closely incisions should be made low to permit good drainage and to give the finished barrow a neater appearance |