Show scout 11 news by dolores sullivan the boy scouts are in the news this week since troop under the leadership of jack maher lit it brally took to the hills on tuesday june IS 18 mr maher and eight boys of the troop departed for a four day camping trip up the left hand fork of settlement can a on the boyes were all loaded down with sleeping equipment and enough food to do for several weeks while the scouts were camping mrs N beck sent up a delicious home cooked dinner for the boys on two occasions the scouts had troop dm din ners with everyone pitching in to help but for the most part the meals were individually prepared on friday the weary campers re turned home feeling that they really had a wonderful outing the girl scout troops of tooele thoele seem to be suffering from a lack of girls at the weekly meetings this is due in part to the fact that so many have gone on sum mer vacations but it seems that a lot of the girls just aren arent t at tending meetings for no really concrete reason scouting was darted n hoople for the purpose ol 01 supplying things for the girls to 10 do in their spare time and in order to furnish a weekly meeting when the scouts could get er and have fun at the same time participating ansome in some really worth while program however the lead ers cant do a thing without full cooperation from their troops and a scout meeting isit t an any y fun un less almost all of the girls are there so come on scouts let lets s get back in the swing of things and start planning those wonder ful summer outings last monday it seemed that two of the troops had the same idea as far as a site at which to held their meetings goes the utahna troop no 4 under the direction of mrs 13 edwards and the tru cochee troop no 2 under the lead enship of mrs N F burger both met on the lawn of the city park it seems that former meeting places were just too warm arm for such a wonderful day the two troops coined joined together and sat on the grass sewing and singing scout songs many were the downtown shoppers who were entertained by this group of girls and also many a curious glance was cast in their direction the have been working hard on such badges as outdoor cook and my community just recently they held a canyon party and cooked their own sup per as part of their activities for their outdoor cook badge of this troop about ten girls are planning on attending camp red cliffe and will be leaving next month for the hird third week period As for the tru locheed they have been doing a good deal of handicraft and have just recently been using sewing as their project the girls plan to have a party in august and invite their mothers to view their work the scout Sin sangaree garee which I 1 mentioned in last weeks paper will be postponed until august the reason for this is that camp will start next monday and not all of the girls will be home until the following month so keep it in mind and atch this column for further announcements oh yes all and that does mean all girl scouts are to march in the centennial parades next friday night and saturday morning the girls are requested to meet at 3rd south and main in uniform at 6 30 friday night and at 9 30 saturday morning please bring your troop and american flags and be sure to be there to make a good show ing |