Show field stream by VERNON W SHIELDS SALT LAKE CITY the utah fish and game department has been flooded with indu nes ries on whether this stream or that lake is still open for fishing to bring sportsmen up to date on the fishing law director ross leon ard of the utah fish and game de part ment today clarified the fish ing picture for beehive state sportsmen already closed to fishing are deer creek reservoir fish lake blind lake in wayne county a bove mendon bridge blacksmith fork in cache county fish creek and tributaries to scofield reser voir and provo river below the murdock power plant strawberry reservoir by special proclamation will remain open until october 15 scofield reser voir remains open until october 17 the general fishing season will end october 17 as prescribed by proc la mation if you t get an elk permit this season remember that you went against six to one odds over applications were re by the utah state fish and game department for the 1235 elk permits this season a game de apartment part ment spokesman said today it was pointed out however that some areas were more heavily ov er subscribed in the elk drawings than others SUN GUN HANDLING how do you rate as a gunning partner 7 here are some questions which have been prepared for the outdoors magazine by W C shaf fer of the pennsylvania game commission give an honest yes or no to these questions basing your ans aers on what you do in the hunt ing field rather than what you think you should do the correct answers are obvious if you can score a hundred on the questions quest I 1 ons you are a source of comfort to your hunting partner 1 Is there any harm in the occasional cas ional use of alcoholic liquors while hunting 7 2 does red clothing or red pat ches give the hunter any krotec tion against accidental shooting 7 3 do you examine your gun care fully to make sure it is in good working order before you start hunting 7 4 are you always sure that you are carrying the right kind of am for your gun the right gauge or caliber 7 5 do you ever chase wounded game with your gun cocked cocke d and loaded or with the safety off offa 6 Is it true that modern am is unsafe to use in a gun with damascus or twist steel bar bels 7 do you ever rest the muzzle of your gun on your foot or place your hand over the muzzle 8 when you are through hunting do you always make doubly sure your gun is unloaded and safe for handling before put ting it awaya 9 while hunting with a shotgun do you carry it with the safety on 7 9 10 in crossing a wire fence stone wall or other obstacle do you always open the action of your gun to render it safe 11 can a bullet actually nc ne cochet from the water 12 do you ever point a loaded gun at any object which you do not intend to shoot 13 it if you saw your hunting corn com panion handle his gun carelessly would you caution him aboa abou it 14 do you consider all guns to be loaded guns until proven other wise wised 15 if you fall while carrying a gun do you always cheek check it im mediately to make sure mud or snow has not plugged the barrel 16 when you hand a gun to someone or carry it in your car do you always make dead sure it is unloaded 7 17 ammunition manufacturers claim that a 22 bullet is danger ous up to one mile do you be lieve it if 18 it is said that the range at which a shotgun will km more than it will cripple is only 40 yards do you believe that 19 do you think it is safe to lean a loaded gun against a tree or to place it on the ground when dogs are loosed 20 when you are hunting does a sudden movement in the brush cause you to cover the area with your gun cocked or with the safety off and your finger on the trig ger gera HUGE FLOCKS OF GEESE if in the near future e you should see gigantic flocks of geese blot ting out the sun in the vicinity of S main st don t be alarmed it is just oliver shields one and only off spring practicing on his new goose call its the best goose call in the world well that s what the catalog said it ought to be it cost five bucks the book says further that it will draw geese from miles around you dont think the advertising catalog would he lie do you youa if the geese become too numerous in this vicinity I 1 will most certainly post my property |