Show tooele thoele county girls display record books rv A 4 i ag V 41 ir 0 t A 6 J IQ 0 1 41 10 ca R members of the outstanding cooking clubs oi of tooele thoele county display record books charts muffins and recipe boxes which four H work also takes in the cooking phase of home making tooele thoele county had two very out standing cooking clubs both clubs took 1st year cooking in 1st year cooking the girls are taught the fundamentals of pre paring a nutritious breakfast and I 1 the girls in both clubs have worked energetically at their projects the breakfast club was made ore are part of their requirements left to right the girls are col leen hitesman sue proctor jan ice manlee marilee davis joan up of a group of girls from toodie tooele and have been working under the direction of mrs mildred england they have hard taken time out for a party patty or two joined the encampment and really had a won darful summer and are hooking looking for ward to another year jn in 4 H the other outstanding club was the egg and I 1 club from lincoln under the direction of wanda rae evans jeanniene shields kai kar en green sandra shields and barbara green nash and genevieve shields this little club also took sewing dur ing the summer but they did not neglect their cooking they had many parties a good time at the encampment and think that adoth er try at 4 H would pay off in the long run incidentally they won a red ribbon at the state fair for their cooking display keep up the good work kids |