Show senator selvin returns af after ter three weeks on coast state senator sol J selvin is back in tooele thoele after a three week sojourn to california where he attended the conference of dele gates of the 11 western states at san francisco main subject of dis cassion at this meeting was as fel low aid for education mr selvin was one of four utah delegates sent to the confab b which also took up the formation 0 of f a western agricultural policy a farm price policy control of I hoot and mouth disease and states in the senator was a rep of the legislative corn com kittee of this state and was a ap P pointed to serve on a 3 man board to study juvenile delinquency in the 11 western states the rec commendation ommen dation to study this lem was adopted unanimously by the group while in california senator sel vm vin also visited with some of his children in berkeley and los ang eles |