Show DUCKS WINTER ON MARSHES IN UTAH All Some ducks and other migratory waterfowl wl are winter winter- lug this year on Utah marshes department of fish and game officials of of- stated this week These figures were released in summarizing the annu annual 1 winter waterfowl census conducted by personnel of the department of offish offish offish fish and game and the US U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service During the the- the past past census period 13 men moo from these two agencies c covered vered an approximate distance of 2000 miles by air alt and ground to determine the part that Utah's Utah marshland plays In the management management manage manage- ment of these once vanishing cies As always the thel bulk of this years year's wintering population is composed of Mallards Pintails and wing Green-wing Teal Together these three species account or approximately birds Other figures from th the census show that Utah's favorite favorite favorite fa fa- fa- fa the honker or Canada Goose is still present in good numbers some being counted Other species making up the wintering flocks were Baldpate Gadwell Canvasback Canvasback Can- Can Redhead Merganser and Cinnamon Teal |