Show Hanksville e News By fly MRS BARBARA EKKER An geologist was the object object object ob ob- of a three day search in this area when he failed to report to his home office in Grand Junction on Friday His jeep was discovered discovered discovered ered near Natum by an aerial search party but there were no signs of Mr Pace So another p party set out in a jeep from here and found Cound that hed he'd left a note in the seat of his jeep stating that he had car trouble and was picked up by a group of men trailing cows in that area Mr and Mrs Nate Noyes of Wellington are the parents of a daughter born January 27 at the Price hospital The new arrival weighed in n at seven pounds and andone andone one ounce The grandparents are Mr and Mrs Hyrum Noyes Darys Ekker was taken to Dr Roberts In Price the early part of the week when he wrenched his leg while pushing a vehicle of the Continental Geophysical company out of the mud Kay Hunt took him to Price where they found that he had pinched a nerve in the upper part of his right leg which caused quite a abit abit bit of pain and a partial paralysis Mr Mr Ekker Is now back on the job and doing fine Mr and Mrs Riter Ekker and family and Mr and Mrs Ted Ekker Ekker Ekker Ek Ek- Ek- Ek ker from Green River were among the guests lit ait the Shell Oil party In Grand Junction last Saturday I IThe The employees of the company here were treated to supper and an eve evening ing of dancing with wilh the tab going to the oil company Mr and Mrs Jim Phillips and Dean Phillips and fiance visited here hero with their sister Mrs Charles Noyes and their mother from Crom their thedr home In Salt Lake City Last week this reporter really goofed I stated that Mrs Max Ortons Orton's sister was visiting from Salt Lake City The way the story really goes is 15 Miss Elaine Burham sister of Mrs Max Orton Or- Or Orton Orton ton is s visiting the Orton Orlton family from her home In Madison Wis WIs- Mr and Mrs Ken Wilson and andson andson andson son Kim are visiting the Darys Ekker family from their h home me in Cortez They might be transferred transfer transfer- red in the near future to Alaska Mr Wilson is employed by Western Western Western West West- ern Geophysical company Mr and Mrs Art Chaffin visited visited visit visit- ed with Mr and Mrs Mart Robison Robison Robison Robi- Robi son on the their I way to Kite Hite Mrs Jesse Ekker has been substituting substituting sub sub- at the Elementary school hE here re during the absence of Mrs Martha Wyllie who entered the hospital in Richfield the fore part of or the week for X-rays X and treatment treatment treat treat- ment of an ulcer She stated in a alEtter aletter aletter letter that she will be gone for three or four weeks Mrs Ida Weber was called back to Salt Lake City by her daughter Mrs Audrey Tuft when she became seriously ill ill Mrs Tuft Just recently was released rom tom the hospital following the rth of a son hv 11 celebrated his ninth birthday with a party at his come iome Guests at the party in- in iu j Marion Wells Dale Jackson Jackson Jackson Jack Jack- son Mardee Orton Carol Ti iau It it Fern and Molly Hunt Perry Perrye e Ekker Etker Topsy Stone Shirley Hunt Phyllis Ekker Noyes Jay is the son of Mr and Mrs Riter Ekker Mrs Bud Lingafelter was Based gas gas- ed at their home at the Hunt cabins early Tuesday morning Both Bud and his wife were but Mrs Lingafelter had reached the stage where oxygen I was necessary to bring her to Th Their ir was a slow leak In their butane stove A play was going to be presented presented presented pre pre- by the MIA within the nex next two weeks with the young people making up the cast Mrs I I Riter Ekker Is director Mrs Gwen Ekker and children spent a few days last week with her parents in Bicknell Mr and Mrs Max Orton and family are spending the weekend weekend weekend week week- end in do Salt Lake City on business Art Whitney is spending some sometime sometime sometime time at Poison Polson Springs where he 14 U caring for the mining property property pro pro- perty petty of Mr Lloyd Hunt Charles Tyree is 15 In the Veterans Veteran's Veterans Veteran's Veter Vetere ans an's hospital in Grand Junction with a heart heam condition |