Show THE MOAB TIMES-INDEPENDENT THURSDAY UTAH ' READY VICTORY MEDALS OR ORMER SERVICE MEN LIVE ALL STOCK GRADES PRICKS HIGHER LN GOOD DEMAND BEE THE HIVE AUTOS UTAH ADVISED BY EXPERTS GOVERNMENT IS CANNING STATE ON LSCREASE SECRETARY JULY j5 19Q '' - WEATHER IN REPORT REPOR'l'S ollowing compiled in the Kansas According is in of SS The Tinics-Indepemlent reIt will be part Convention'of ail nnxilh of the wisdom on the Harden Bennion quunerly for eipt of the or oab following anonuncement fppR fees colMoe for L It hfonsp license toiS church will be held in tie housewives to can the usual amount secretary from the U S army recruitng station y e‘ to June 30 of " 0"' demand Sighty-five January LakiCity stakes lull 31 and itgusi of vegetables this year lected from from at Salt which will be of fruits and automobile Low this owners fSn interest all former service L mad-Sy fruit must vear according to an arumum-eimmi men: even if part or al) of the amounted to $33714121 while for juy a "Victory Medal the tee m tlm 97 59 correlation be canned without sugar according the corresponding period of 1919 the July 9 Cf "Appluati ms will be received 99 57 general boards The cmtveniioti wilt to a $25744605 steers was $1665 collectionwas 10 CH anti fm warded for statement issued by the United total 98 aproval in lake the 57 yearlings $1675 $16 place of lie stake qua ri 111 lambs asmuch as the license fees are the juy 11 CR turn 95 as they reach this office with States department of agriculture 56 $1525 and calves $14 for August urn! has about 30 cent Receipts conference September Utah per 12 CR of the of were juy the exception application light same automobiles this 33 56 and the supply was cleaned up October present indications than in "rom CR kin in year juy 13 next which case we stand closely each dav more 89 67 will be next winter for abundant 1919 CR give Special th more July 14 ready to any assistance necessary appraisers the 88 G6 the fruit will be used that THIS WEEK'S RECEIPTS when on It is about $30000 JC for of ihi expected completion of paperboard equalization working on this the ETHEL Receipts cattable" department says will be collected Mnnnis week were 28866 from aucoal fields on more I'Ul VO IllVlt new "All other applicants will kindly tie 1869 Emery Cooperative Observe calves cmmiy of ad-1 ndhogs 17502 found the field "There will apparently be an and umAkiU Expenses EvnAnsM nf applii aliens complete jo do and return sheep compared 2'95 in parts of the roinny com with cane aI 35653 cattle creased acreage of both M vehicle with ministration of the motor discharge certificates and same up that It ha 'beet in the will be calves 33500 hugs and 21800 to be so badly brol-n United inw including cost of deducted n it will sugar this year e get our attention as it comes 4826 ense last that It will le impossible States and in sheep week and 23139 cattle been decided Cuba other countries and badges file plates chauffeurs' collections on our Your discharge will be 9062 the calves 51643 hogs and northern hemisphere ihe rise cense 19396 uns year ro appraise ouier man property in returned with notation thereon if in the price sheep a ago of has encouraged year sugar actually In private ownership your application has been approved and beets BEE CATTLE of cane planting at this office If not approved at Cattle owners of the PleaiilitGrovi increased Light receipts this "In spite of a week brought district world shortage of this office will be you notified by higher prices for all classes of fat whose herds graze on the and decrease of 400000000 mail with sugar Ml IIVVUVV1VVV Rav disposition and date r ugul ciljtl Charles your cattle Sters were up 25 to 50 cents Wasatch in there' range on Mount i'iinpauogos p(jUnds domestic production application has been forwarded and she stuff up 50 with will for has used ak the forest service permi been or hoarded during the centsfaiily calves "In writing for application blank in liberal sion to build ft drift in the United States K most of coses up $1 A fence across current year kindly state what rank hold at for-i IN you supply good to choice western 15 per cent H date of discharge as this will enable stretches of Buttle creek in merefactsugar than in Missouri In steers fed corn on mt-r a greater sup-1® th fiirm grass order to enlarge th'1 spring years US tu mail VUU ranges uronor brought $1550 ioto $1660 ano and ply of Kansas before has hl all n Kansas sugar thanthis ever tap Wtinclose with applications uiGugfii The state road commission lias wintered g rasters $1450 to $15 500 been 5 handled in during country 'V actf mef vl innt fx znl bld Azm I‘7 uv one from Alston Hogan the few with y straight grass fat sters showed past net im-: B months v vv for same 'Itinx Your LA44 discharge LClLIlILdLV Himnnvoo certificatewide the proposal to pave the 12 6' uiMliaiL'C owing to the grade difWiuv range ports 25 cent or over 1000900000 B 1HKV UWHIK must substantiate all entries on 'this in vour' ference quality miles from Manti to Pigeon Hollow p( und Is than Sftles were sem anv M It is that greater nrevious application essential p)rted al $925 u Ills It is I 5 South Texas year ami next obvious therefore that htivr was qt the rule period has It been ' lir-n vrrit '111111111 Hurknpcf r4 cm sold Lt 1411 to $13 air E grassers LIO avnl atIL $950 L‘J rail of $3724003 a mile Tlie bid there no actual sugar shortwas re you app hration for ictory medal t0 in here this Kood cows whjch have been age year The difficulties g jected "1 a in du slow for time in nppin demand have the in and some were encountered arisen from M duplicate use typewriter Reports from ton of the twenty-nine much better demand and 50 cents inability of the consumer to secure SK "Sign your name with ink on orig higher for the week Corn fat heiftomato canning factoriesin Utah are his share of the supply Unless enorinal ami duplicate sold up to those factorieshave $165i and yearlings to the effect that mously increased amounts have been 1 ' £ 1 "irst lint1 on top of application ers up to this year of 2518 ' $16755 contracted consumed the trouble must be laid acreage blank to be eomplet'‘das follows: A Paramount STOCKERS AND EEDERS as with 2‘JOO acres to hoarding and it is acres compared very evident "Doe John Joseph Pvt Co C improved that Last week's genera) rains by hehl Picture "3rd (nf the large quantities are being H contracted same factories last the for stock and " demand feeding for both by £ future use housewives yea "These medals are to bi guarded cattle especially plain light and weight commercial concerns m troni tailing into the hands of those Stockers and prices tiled 25 Royal Kelley son of Mr nml Mrs to 50 this Showing popular uuring the past titty years the jlj9 not entitled to them thervfoie the cents higher A Walter Kelley former residents of consumption close clearance is of the sugar in United utmost precaution is being used The for the City in irri-: star in one of the most reported week Brigham was drowned an States has H steadily increased at an fl Victory medals are for persons who The: of his HOGS gating canal at Weiser Idaho popular roles annual rate of one pound served their country any time average for hogs Demand the last few more urgent boy was 3 years of age and April 6 1917 and was alone per year until in years November than late last week was and prices showed the career he fell into the water yearly ner canita con-1 11 1918 when average and whose service was hon each day advances The net gain sumption for all purposes is between B orable for the Assessed valuation of the Utah-Idaho 85 week was 65 to 75 cents Today and 90 pounds This B "Your discharge certificatewill not compares thtop price Sugar company holdings was with of B was $16 and bulk a per capita consumption go any further than this office and or from $921285 to $10921285 sales SI550 to $ 590 Good to will be 589 pounds in 1899 The increased B returned to you twenty-four within by the choice hogs are getting csarce and board of county commissioners of (21) consumption by the soft-1 hours sugar the mid-sumrner old of In its final of movement session as a board drink candy and ice indusH "With your cooperation concerning fat hogs is well inl tries sows and grass during reent yearscream has the will be equalization helped B above information we der Pigs 50 centsand way up raise the total B uble to were of th1 dispense with William M Roylanee one average but to what unnecessary are selling at $13 to $1475 is not N in largest known" correspondence connection with wholesale fruit and produce extent SHEEP AND LAMBS the of the issuance Victory medal prices handlers In the state is authority for Lamb are up 50 cents and expedite the delivery of same and that fruit is IND GIANT the week sheen up 25 cents Rehe statement as PROSPECTORS not ROBERT V LAUGHLIN ceipts this week were the lightest of plentiful this year us is customary in OSSIL NEAR 1st Lieut Infantry GREEN RIVER! the season and quality of the offerUtah comity G-mdg Victory Medal Parly plain mgs Good to choice was Nine delegates from Utah to the According to the Green River Dislambs are quoted at $14 to $1525 convention of tlie Committee of patch an ofimportant discovery of the! CH URCH census coming common to fair $10 to $13 and culls remains a huge aniorty-eight $6 to $9 have left for Chicago to mal Ewes are selling at $550 A was made by J Shinn and Every member of the Latter-day to iriliv nn $72' Prnrtif attend the conference ai whhdr ft is D u'nfhprQ nr Wm Rowell of that place while they hinncli third saints enuren win be enumeratedtn yearllings were ofered de planned to Country national weie engaged in prospecting for car Would he dare do it to be by teachers u taken ward light census mand wan party notite ore had this fall again Twice he The last census of this CHARLES M PIPKIN The second fatality of tlie The fosisl is of unusual propor-a kind 1914 ourth tions kissed her and had warned The date was taken in Market Correspondent of July geologically known as ller her that the third and celebration nt Salt Lake oeplace of birth will be taken und bivorous Dinosaur lizztfrd time his also their social 5 or yes single eiirred Daisy Snyder impudent relationship years U - RESIGNS AS of age died uii juia-iiais While acmarried divorced or widowed- their BLAKE period threat was quite in keeping from burns received when ui - curate measurementsat the time of of O Imr dress- caught fire from "sparkwith the exasperating Blanding in the priesthood names EDITOR RECORD a discovery were impossible the length husband he was children and parents It is believed ' of the fossil is 75 feet that has been approximately there a considerable II E I Blake fcr several years edstate lias been joints iKSfa The livestock board Sixteen of the in th vertebra were increase chinch membershipin itor and manager of the San Juan the last advised of an outbreak of anthrax in visible The backbone measured 11 They were married of few years Hereafter it is Record published at Monticello has Cadie to county Two cattle lune died inches in12 diameterin Thf imntc course - in name - but jHuiuJtu lu Ucirvv liiu tunsiis uxciy HVt1 re'eid his connection with that pa-! strict' iiieasures-are inches length A save another's honor being taken sured por-i years per an( and will in the future devote his and lion of the bones been there are husbands and have changed time to against spread of the disease farming to rich and well $159 husbands uranium ore worth peri County Treasurer Charles Kellev V ('tali tin lands surveyed during ton - vmnn irt T)lnln nil Illg ililb don't miss this 4 M WBUshort dare to week for a visit with shown considerable ability as fiscal year It which ended June 30 is his N estimated that this La Plata queerest funniest most son Elmer A Kelley and! story writer has been chosen as his amounted to 317781 acres bringing sandstone formation exciting tangle you ever family was deposited' successor the of land in the million surveyed ever fifty accord-! amount ago years ing to the state to Dispatch and ? 35229491 acres at the time! J1! ix the animal was imbedded the George C Parkinson who for more! that third kiss! the And stone was a than fifty had been swamp and whole prominent t '!! years in ui me present esert lime - political ami li drTPOMAM business cbtin covered with a dense forest of trees! in I'tali and died Idaho July at which have been changed to the ura-lus home in salt Lake nium ttnu and vanadium that ores thnt muni vanauium are m wild Second to none west mined today show being 'hie cojntry in this vicinity' is rich ia1 hehl in is 111 (jgden the latter pirt W both and or tlie enriv part of Sep-1 rema'ns animal f of August Viurnfo nln ill Z v rui no nr teniber is the luinminceiiientmade by in the near future to be of great inln ei rimim issioners if terpqt tn tha caiawHA - fosil otiviunn Orgaiiiziitioti of theVVUHU fora labor party Sipce portions have In tali been qere taken July found to when repcontain radium ore it is the possible that its discovery resennitivcs nt fmir rfi Im wv III may ish bro! lierlioods lield at new aid to progress in the conferem-e ALSO of this study Sult interesting mineral its Luke source and how evolved Thu The southern (lition A 4110 VV f Utah excursion n received Monday We are making rpndprs riinrn a lilf‘Si Io frndpst Iphiiii inrii uf iliR 41 its! In Screamingly unny Two-Reel vv n iimti iz alone eature Comedv tlie Salt elub has Lake Commercial giant size and valuable demonstraticn of the been 16 to postponed from August status of animal life during it" August 23 period The latter features n Elmer Berg of Salt Lake who ‘V1 01 wrt'1 establishing nf rx rs zv iuvufci ot was sec erely Im rued in a gasolineexIn the place where the ages plosion"" ar huge fossil Brigham City died at iinwas found which lies west of the Ogden hospital as result the: San Rafael river the whole country! IN burns shows the bones of nianv kinds nfl our ic many! Miss Edith Claver of Salt Lake had' uirlanimals m oni not and nnt in will until muuy her ears pass vast Jugular vein exposed in an n auto-1 tn years sums nof Rnm mobile Occident being thrown through 'ncney sPert in uncovering ilic wind shield but will miner uucicnuiig antiquities A Salt Lake jeweler has been re- - leased on $5t0 bail awaiting trial on An outcast of society! tillcharge of offering Imitation Scorned as squaw man! gold pieces for sale What right had he to love ranklin D'Oller national coinnmn-t a good woman? j der ofthe American Legion will be the guest of Sait Lake Leglotuiires But when the July 28 and 29 tarnished honor he ifhnges nml dry i i laml had saved told the grain have truth been and the Indians came in Improved by rainfall according their war paint to the who felt weekly weather crop and ashamed then? range report i i J R BALSLEY Proprietor Stock passing through Price for will buy We radium-bearing A world famous novel 3? shipment tire in good condition and i °f the i pioneers' West Carbon County crops are much bettet ore and pay cash in ten days made into a picture you'll or long remember sooner after sampling seller With A 7 William O'Neil tlie only colored brilliant supporting cast to assist in sampling Ore 1 resident of Provo In many years died' including Ann Little - lust MT week of a doesn't leave your v complication of dis-j possession anua Hawley Tom until orman Eileen Percy eases you have sheck for same and Monte Blue Polo ponies are not Come! available foi J M ISHER Proprietor the national guard of Utah ttccortlinp to word received from Washington ICE Millhrd county assessor was the last i V a We of the state to I ' pay highest prices for X ' report on his work of ' the state It 'ore season to the board Wire or write for schedule showed a total for 1920 of $1 5572‘7f of prices with compared $1 1323097 in 1919 Livestock valuations showed a falling We sell the off In the aggregate of about $"00000 Ice The Mazda Production company th first movie concern to establish head quarters in Provo has just completed its first production 'May "May Queen1 Queen" by CO Alfred hundred ant etinyson One fifty Your children have been used in the Patronage Is Solicited and the principals and children NATURITA COLO the HOME O PARAMOUNT-ARTCRAT" ail local people were City Stock Yards July 9 Pt ices for cattle hogs and lambs this ruled week higher Receipts light vertand active The advance in cattle was 25 to 50 cents Owith hogs up 65 to 75 cents and 50 iambs up The top cents price for weighty for -- t approved ! data report of of state VI UVMIV to s ! d-fa I j ---- 1 - -1?1 r ' -011111111 ' In-July hi-gs 1 1 ' f - 1 W w - - - V I in-4 An-norc i 'f I I- A A 1 li- 1 n ( i ! i Rsn I a U Ut-Livcl't ' ' tin-lower ! "Bill : si-hDu received 1 1 v -J 1 I T r 1 V r 'A ' 1 v 4 4 1 zl 1 o $11 I Henry" -fi-JU ' I L v -Ji 1 t 1 " 1 J ' V t e y ' ' fr V 1 1 K i I r 1 : 1 between ' 1 i ' Saturday increased r i ' ' : i i ! i ' VIVIAN I "The 1 1 national MARTIN Kiss" Third I pre-historic : i n ' ? : land' 4 i A j 1 w-lien i ! SSL I ! ! iK O a A J L 1 ' ‘ I I I I 1 ' 1 ( a I I k 1 I New ?-? ! 1 -les 6 Next ‘ - a I 11 I s Potatoes 4 1 T A 1 r 1 xa 1 1 ri 1 it- 1 4- L 1 1 1 J 1 I v Tuesday 1 w - I 1 1 v 'top-- I 7 I I 1 i-i i ! il V j V cl V - w 11 ! HAROLD I i a ' 1i-ulv 1 - T t t LLOYD 1 1 1 v 1 1 : 1 1 1 ' a v 11 u f per cwt CAPTAIN ROBERT i 1 1 zv - I ri t 1 i ' a a Told g - 1 lour 11 a i and Special? t 1 pte-histoi pic-nictivuL' Lard KIDD'S KIDS 1 i 75 1 $9 ! WARWICK The Hills" I Will Buy a 1 1 Radium Moab Meat Market Ore brotherwhose i I TsiL 1 - Purity Ice Cream Parlor W® -i ' 3 1 - - 1 I EIGHT PAGE j ' I SODAS CREAM SOT 1 DRINKS Next M n Thursday i ' amous Crescent Cream STANDARD J CHEMICAL IDES THEATER |