Show & Li)C Eg £a W A a & CONSOLIDATION 46 VOLUME MOAB SCIENTIST AV1IRABLE IdlCMS Unitepenitent ' (z 'lsW lzHlHtzS THE O GRAND COUNTY GRAND TIMES VALLEY UTAH THURSDAY AND JULY THE INDEPENDENT NUMBER 1920 15 STUDY TO INSECT LIE O SAL MOUNTAIN RUITA Joyriders The LA HERE JULY REGION GAME 21 BE WILL WILL PLAY ALSO WANTS A WITH MONTICELLO NO 32 EIEUW ROAD IN SURACING fVxPEtr 80 will undoubtedly be one of will L ruita baseball team The are Hie HOPlE important entomological the most to on July 24 to play ARE Moab ° come yceonrnk lMUUWJ) o4 1MAD vver local undertaken in team according to a letter HOLLER Nfc TO COMPLETE HOLE the west will commence this week in this E' Baldwin STATE vvpj'CTED week by D HAD NO INTENTION O i&H La Sal DAYS CRESCENT-EAGLE CRESmountains by Dr Henry from M manager of the RELATIVE THIRTY DAYS: rom me BEING ARBITRARY IV X xlrmfi£i TjUaL 11 ot ruitans The game will take place RESUME 7l ""riucipnid president TO COUNTY BOND UNDS the the afternoon of the 24th American Entomological society ruita 3 on DURING and vice WORK MISUNDERSTANDING DUE president or the of' is to a with Academy anxious arrange game at Natural science of Philadelphia the tho WEEK Monticello team to be playedhas TO VAGUE TELEGRAM oldest scientific research organization 25 Baldwin Moab on July Mr in in Dr to the an America Skinner written Monticello team the test well being drilled at in and Work MahL lxrendeavor to arrange the game The state road commissionhas no yvuin biubij lubL nigiiL ana was side- of west '' (rand river is has relative to made a liberal financial offer desire to appear arbitrary 111V til on tho iuvoiaby and very favorably Omaha general ruita team was defeated by the surfacing of the Moab-Thomp-Bon progressing manager of the! The well is Completion the looked ioi 0mlha an(1 cun(L1 Blull-S last the Monticello post road and the work will proceed street year an Monticello lime waiting A rou(1 and within a month massive The lrip is jn th(j but dissatisfied without delay without system na $ grounds was di illed ture ()f the receipt of the being with the for the funds raised formation is now a vacation for Mr decihims throughout Leussler oil and io the and showings gas j)r is feels that it is entitled by through through skinner probably the leading and Grand county game telegram been encountered in several of the at the of according to a entomologist ui States Montihello bonds have United btatos return match inuvBiuiuKiii unneu several and he intends mu to time agreed to meet the ruita team received by the county commissioners places spend 1 it is the this wk the report was received Weeks jn this region which he later believed that weekin reply to a vigorous states and of lie siuies uu drill top ot oil nun the San will sent to the that the on jR Juan town state com-misison was drilling an mos( interesting from a scientific sportsmen protest it z4 ruita for hist Thursday further disclosed rml point of challenge of opposing any Hnnd but view Dr Dr and Mr accept the Skinner nml skinnpv of sand the the the local diamond surfacing work The the fact that the stratum was Leussler will leave for Wilson mesa' on delay in game and thick although in 'the morning with John W Sullivan misunderstanding between the state about ten feet to and due a the amount of oil was small this in county boards was They will make their headquarters DEEATS GREEN strong showing at the Sullivan vaguely worded telegram sent to the conjunction with the the the LIVELY home on RIVER IN TEAM The officials of county by the state board of gas indicated to mesa and at the Warner ranger sta " that O riday's Salt Big Six the oil tion BASEBALL from Lake Tribune the company GAME tells of the incident: alive and with sands were greater in speaking ot ms work this morn-1 artnln rnA nrT SET between depth the chances were excellent for TRUCKS of 12 to 10 the "Some misunderstandign By Moab a officials and the county score bringing in commercial well a defeated the Green the state road baseball team from Grand county hundred feet of merely an idle diversion is one of ut-1 commissioners In all nearly two in intersting River team an game of has led to the exchange some Pennsylvanian lime had been penetrated' most importance and has a vast bearI Tl the local diamond (linr Ml HA AAH 1111)0 10 played Sunday on ON MOAB When it rather sharp telegrams to Wednesday no reports ing on the AlMlll up welfare of the Moab gut away to a good lead in the economic to go ahead with the decided having been received at later date country It is that the nulUL llUlU UliUU was estimated fourth inning when seven runs were surfacing on force of the account While the lime formation proved to depredationsof inszets put River made a cause annu-! across Green road from for the first 150 feet ally important parts of the be easy drilling an actual damage to plant life strenuous effort to catch up in the Thompsons to Moabthat the state road with depth the formation becameof no less than one billion of dollars TO BE ELEVEN BIG MACHINES BEING eighth inning and succeeded in ty $55000 O BOND MONEY and that state all moneys harder slow progress was being while the loss of at point commissionfor found human lives due to IN SENT BY STATE STEAM the which been USED SURACING POST ing score this road had last set aside made In the when the report was ninth inning diseases spread by insects cannot SHOVEL TO BE USED was 10 to 10 and that dependence would spent in ROAD SALARIES TO BE town News to the effect be estimated Many contagions that Moab filled the bases and however government had been drilled out of REVISED AT NEXT OR LOADING hit by Baird have to be placed on the federal that the lime in the claimed thousands and timely "Scotty" past the comity appropriation and and that shale had been encounteredeven lives MEETING PURPOSES hrmiv-ht ill the two winning runs millions of have been appropriations for the balance the was current in town yesterday but eliminated through the extermination ollowing lineups: urcen had for the were bonded "The county the report of the insects that carried the Tasker could not be verified River- Scott catcher Tom of germs but bureau first under the 250 and is present-day W Williams chairman of pitcher base: purpose The well is it believed that The board of county commission-a Dr J Harry Tasker now down over 11V JIU'J second public roads rules it would be the drillers the board of county commissioners Jill Bill third feet and are using epidemics are spread in a like man ers at meeting held Tuesday Howland Stover now for the commission to wire county steel cable in the yesterday in a telt the beam and making ner ed a appropriating was advisedEllis shortstop Cheney Hem formally Gillis its district place a resolution on record road bond R road engineer Howland the hole $50000 of the from Thompson rigni Dr Skinner said that the La Sal sum of be center appropriating the necessary paid over state on that to has the rig mountains rising to the eleven big dump trucks Baird pitcher Boyle eatch A cabin been built at abruptly from the funds to Moab aid Moab-Thompsons used in - Baddwin amount before further federal and everything is in ship shape the its requisition to be used in completing be surfacing the first base order desert and being isolated from 'I'homson been post road would be available and the Moab-Thom have Woods shortstop to carry on the work According to other psons post road second Dalton third mountain ranges of Utahintcrintended "A telegram which was George"II Mulvey resolution sent tv Thompsons The trucks are left field Harris center who has the drilling Colorado Oliuuni Upon the Reeves should prove most passage of the this idea so worded ivvv a unv to was first feet UlUviaGU luvu expected to reach Thompsons today right r‘ convey fcr the 500 field for the and ihn vnn announced Emerick contract esting entomologist mimnncciHn and it of sounded like a demand to shaling shaling and graveling of hole it is xxf that the trucks other and the work will a most interesting that probable that the well 11he looks forward to the Kdiscovery ot Tin gamespirit was of the available at once for the road the road at once sportsmanship make money will be completed to the first oil sand of insect life Heretofore equipment surfacing commence good one and a road would new species in loading all work on the shipped A will be used by otherwise within of the be at They are steam shovel displayed both sides thirty days Geologists who entomological study would once chairman no was be Williams the stopped W trucks have location mountains has been attempted there being few delays and no dispo passed on the Big Six now on the way to Thompsons of the commisborrow Grand county to The following from yesterday's state that should The commissioners decided over eight hundred feet sition to argue uecimoii wired in reply that the bond Lake Ttribyne tells of the at River will be Mon reach a $4000 from the local banks to Salt turn Green until good pay sand but of game coures ARE INTERESTED of the truck caravan from money would notthebe available been this is current expenses of the count played soon theoretical and OILMEN meet the more or less July 20 though bonds have UTAH until Thompsons and outlines the sand be IN SOUTHEASTERN tax receipts begin to come Salt Lake to encounteredat and the matter is may in the sold being pushed fall the to he followed O in plans next possible vigorouseven a shallower depth local SHIPMENT He of the of $250 of the post as rapidly us Carter The expenditure was work surfacing A party of officials This week the Big Six company up the OR LOCAL protested against holding road Green river on road: ISH STREAMS ly visitors in southeastern on up said that a gasoline launch which will Oil company were Grand work ns arbitrary and the "While telegram from be used in Utah the last of the week Elgin side Commissioner Williams transporting supplies to the county had done everythingon wires the is The trip flying one and was who investigated the project county was still hot the Another shipment of trout foist Grand thoroughly of it its people lilt Lclllip camo JlllC The boat UUaL lr VllKl VUfjHlJ1 HC was that asked and the '4 carrying in was nowaction to advisability recommendingthe appropriation yesterday necessary southciratem Utah were for having made determine reams for practical river navigation La Sal looking ° T) InvV oi tLo expenditures were some iippn A ri Til revision ot the nnnniv cnsalary authorization for the received Monday by the used the £11 Claik The un:nn county sent nn Croon river with of entering 11the field telegram was of eleven trucks started from ish & "Another Oil Game association tv Monumental company now scale was discussed by Commission a train Mountain o r'mr that the main thing asked t ii? iv Mvau wao vi V‘K' - 30000 San Juan field Murphy the state road consisted of drilling in the W Williams and Heber action commission a repair The shipment land by A Anderson Tuesday ers J at North Salt half of county at presentby is thea but no shops Lake for Grand fry which went to from Grand the party who were present small under ponied pf are way It vicinity of Monticello Certified copy a resolution wa's The in the taken matter will be county was in charge of Eugene of the Those in the party weie K streams Big Six! W Strongto manager Grand and the ther half county commissioners thesetting aside general geiieial man-tion manof at the next regular meeting Bush resident engineer of the were divided complete the examina-j Young ofthe Tulsa Okla the the tn bonds for company post Mill amount voted R N IjOUCKS of the board It is understood that all county project which is creek and Deep creek m of the Shafer and Carter Oil It is not Six domes ager1 of and this anticipated MX V41V substantial road to Moab Sals w andxz nr 1 nt ot of the favor from ThonmSons the La Supervisor Charles purpose Al P W Punk commissioners Lij Andresun xn and that getting tne tiianu river ana Ira the at there will be delay in uuwji geuiugibia of the in the salaries of practical of Miller as truck foreman received shipment in the the office a increases are companyhead-rviin the expected to arrive here but the surfacing work under way" uiv Casper all of the county offices officerin command of navigation of Thompsons ami had charge oi v Emerick geologist whose next two weeks to make the examination E B GriUKI the leet they distribution to the various Streams and v4 nvc Up flt M()lb 311(1 have not yet definitely decided report Two prominent with oil ices trucks loaded MAY VISIT 'A The "The were AIRPLANE L L on liiv uim'l nZl m YAV1 1111 1W1T cvu IS ilcivc cLIivaUy uiiv xz equipment ftvivjhiift DaaoixU upon nt 30000 pounds of eamp TO PARADOX clerk treasurer Oiikfnni-il assessor and MOAB NEX T ine V? to WEEK structure ana as tneir report neiu - -trninn inThey will make the trip overland UTAH S i‘henf W1 out £ood OP trail NOW OPEN TO TRAVEL promise of oil in that sec-j n(iprs1oo' Vine1 MEMORY it Thompsons on the Midland finn U is undei understood stood Ka QJsr nriiirii r j I? T? lb UONOPkl) HO v ED creases boar( J S repiesenting the Col m H9‘NOP six of McBeth VAVll) lilt UljK KJ A VUilipclllj 14 1V1I 141 number of with them barrels passed a They carry road to be between La Sal ami Paradox orado Aviation corporation f Glen-ill coniracis on tne entire structure t:n£r gasoline estimated sufficient The Improveclaims a Moab expending money in getting the pre-! last number of the is and although wood Springs C lo jn thc for the trucks until Green River is was open to travel and liminary work completed so that ac js the places has not yet Tuesday Wednesday meeting E reproduced a full-page four barrels vunn-imprc reached They also carry new grade in the tual drilling later Ham-1 1'OP OR in been road is reported VVALIi with local nit'iiiiii people lit uri an!" endeavor to NAME COMMITTEES of oil of which will be used 1'n ni jiu mav be begun not Mnn Jane Dilworth one worn smooth 11 t'nan had is he here fal! n girl hard in This considered for on iail on(i lhe who as a DAY the and of good shape contract appearance man pjONEER PROGRAM oil on two barerls very womanthe way of This week drilling on the Crescent (1u‘t for use in A a Pioneer day of one of the company tos irrp nm presence of mind concrete mixer most important stretch camp Joked for airplanes Mr McBeth offered A full road and heavy tmvel is airplanes structure was resumed by the Gresschool in a nanieci 10 tents kitchen equipment a iiuk pjle general committee the July 24 Wl'pvnn open the n the lor Tr City just day of this bring machine in Salt about other paraphernalia a season "A Lake celebrationfor Pioneer beds and Ee celebration for two days of exhibitions and road uu9 wen is uown auoui iwu cuiu thing after the pioneers a to1 appointed the follow-what modern camp areonly included inof the work aviator to pull off stunts was recently suspended awaiting the piece RLE yTTcHRIST E NSEN bauen wiie equipment The PA was then well take for flights the arrival of tools will as as passengers r equipment that the road-builders PARTY CHOICE n worth becameand uctho moth-1 inance- R J Pletcher THIRD that the ninthIn however vrHammond nnrl view Of the fact rancis A children require on trie work not mciuui'd m elaborate prohibition he brought to San Moab will not conduct a very day director Miss Helen Taylm the truck loads is air eighteen-ton it er r tPio Pioneer 1885 This coura- Beach Mrs C A RobParley 1' Christensen attorney of celebration on MEETS in shovel which will bo shipped WITH Im in county Adelaide steam of for that the m ork Salt expense by rail from Spanish Lake City was decided rrnnnc first teacher ot uwn was nominated for the part of machine was prohibitive time but inaISniULlIcia HC' JilVUl are all new by the fere Ti DAL "The trucks of the United States Monticello Mathonihah Thomas federal nro-1 that Ml L1IIK vwv Wnzkr-T II IL M wm Illi president to imnnro UaiU Mr McBeth went on hibiton director for Utah accompan(I and the surplusarmy equipment furnish-federal the husbant cniimen unm nn newly and will attempt to nirr armer-Labor party make a ed by the government to ieo oy Children's Sports-! A Elmer n David Thoma: his deputy itant part m the political organization which date Pioneer day I)0W for in formed there during the commissions use "WaS in 'M'swsIniT state road that he is uv"11 lir nuHliJllh this irxw'ciu mvHuay mrnmin rr Olul LlbLclu road all of one at week and celebration In the event - work Ten are born Chicago boon an mseparaoie pau Mrs John Peterson public was will off niei With Den Gilani havA niraiinn- stop nthnprQ tn D each has successful the machine the Utah Claims J and a capacity of which is a m -a make consolidation of the Ia-bor at provisions of thn fdpi'al nrohibihistory bUUUlUcbv J11OX dtltiri'Ml is Moab either on July 23 or 25 when tons eleventh a smaller the of forty tion law to three An committee and the policies which are kindred the Thomson party local opportunity people will be given an the to o no note uiv minor nlpasea affair tn dp ist!( as a au u ihv aim and several other sky our ueuig pursued by the government in teiritoiy to go for joy rides in her connection eight the on memory general utility truck in the Mr parties The nomination wasis made enforcement of law honors Wowed the well A "tentative agreement was made a v1C thA last Christensen nrmouiei ui prei'arai rmo SCHOOL camp night Mr hAn into ILMcBeth whereby an airplane umaa ueciaiea mat pronimuun r'late CENSUS with with Mr B Hammond and "Considerable time has been spent known at appeared here T0 TAKE Moab and for two ne will be securial days yui ue vigorously enjorced and in the last few' days of tne by Bush to a ourth Ilammond Moab and Mr? several ago deliver celebration instructedthe officers that the stockmen's A D S L McCarkle getting during the big Ham mond the equipment in shape for of July years BwhopC cntondent oration He is widely known will insist on thorough nwther of unv uy - fall a u received next from the siaue the trip buptuuj radical and gained some notoriety well-known of all violators of the S S has art a pilot prosecution and Boyd 1LCl‘for inbrtS taking by Captain Ainsley a office the -rds Mr Bush his of W's statute Hammond "The work undertaken defense W through He was especially emphatic W TPnCH'Ilt UAII'-V the school childwho served in of good deal of an experiment on during rance has charge his census is a the last few in Igo 0a1 years - - 1920ran(! of the company's machines statements regarding the sale Ha£t proposed that the ty of the state °f ittiri izixvcin UJ the part road commis-of The newsof the nominationwillof Mrbe extracts for longtablet H be was beverage purposes 1 state suiho are Muir pinirnissiftnors for president and stated engravcu ofw Elder struetions lroni l t0 mun the cardsj sicn some 'zm me the commisswiwis uv Christensen that this is strictly in bronze mare n tical of entered how stj skeptical ability oiof Mr considerable mirth local rjnpndent) as received with of the and at the suggestion federal law Mr Thomas honor the committee was out has also been ret() figures he throughout RACES novid' O McKay a ould be filled Rush keep within Utah IN MONTICELLO declared the t" nvcp vendor of special the DUM1 the erect monument to ceived AA1II1VU column on surfacing with a nienljomd for nlpnlj0lHd that onnninted to knows the prepartions are theP first school A for TtIVVIfurnonly of the 1° be used rawvgravel 0)or snait sbale wiof tuv parts Monday for for carfJs this year provides gravei the B W Hector left memory of Utah's rn 'ism vr the date of on trucks and beverages ranks lower road his vn ni to t1(1 lon from Thompsons to ing the gravel taking along race than the and teacher SB IIK ia Monticello r ACCOBUIIJM road equipment furnished rirVi nhiin nf acre in post with state common bootlegger 4 ivj25 hrouciiv it school Vnnwrt technically as known Moab "Gildie" which will be entered tri mme erected year's of of surmare neurged the officers to be and erected last cards 5 x4 n zx m ill tate As on tuat nearby canyon and state road project No wnicn requiie is cuiuiuvjit in the free-for-all in race billed for stamping out the illicit from material required can be laid nt iiuTiibiiHCi lOi idta ''lunfhwirfftcinff He paid it could be facing July 24 traffic w:e:An ic made luiiuhh He to the sc t has Monticello on was Merchants are advised enuvi pjuvinvK He on Ill i'll of various age groups 1111 commissionfore- down at the cost ofstipuiaieo children state road by his son Winford who the Purchase only small quantities of f't rhiidren and assisted her busband that the school e day for most experi-of will ride the zlX by the 155000 with him some in aw reqdres employed Mr Hector is and IV Clo VI 14 Vz" the the only the smaller-sized be service mare taken bem enced drivers able is1 experience of the commission be nettles lablet:ctX"'JyU of Utah5nd shall confident that be will job3 of each Li commission They are Unless he is reasonably cer-Wn '? lh?Xh' last few has been that state mad commission back of Monticello's money that au the years bring the be jun - some preparation is to bn mnrtP ln each under bond to protect their work has gone well u?e" lor "force account" at A has been offered vear and tnat a that might purse of $200 culinary purposes the nier-Chapt work charges from accidentthe costs which the It is likely over the winner of the race tne runs iharicV vxnf vinlatiiK' th great suae follow reckless driving They were & mprinrs could be done under contract However lliduc took part -that a number of Moab people will mple pan Hater than in Utah people the coun-i not selected from several hundreds ca'bnr fALIHUlS X4 by Grand have shown any among UX4UIIV be appointed contractors to to will go Monticello witness the event the federal officers left the next for tackling jobs of applicants for positions on Tuesday of within avidity MARTIN education serious the celebration which is ty board veryfho and attend BINGHAM- of taking the Their machines turning for Monticello to meet and truck train work eastern Utah desert so far the Monticello nr two arranged by the "an Juan county officers will dumping apparatus beingof the here commence from a large center of population as have automatic post American Legion Gharles Bingham and Mrs Lurana schoo census they are loaded by the Thompsons-Moab project And and since is the in maurnv that they U1CH STRIKE RUMORED possiMartin were R- joined Bush asserted the steam shovel it is expected WARRANTS Wheat justice of the folks went to j when Mr CALL OR COUNTY ROM CASHIN MINE todav by Th-v W their home artv of voung bility of doing the work at this fgure will be kept on the move constantlty will make "Before leaving Mr Bush Said that nnn been in the he chance to show his given a road Ore of a Bingham has Included in was and be taken on the Notice is hereby given that there high is report-to at Moab Mr well of the days would grade and that force under four very is wnVUWVli fV the treasury Robertson mettle funds in county the this section for some time here to have been Ihe party were Thompsons He planned to make are all opened up in p iiy county warrants bnouni in with which to pay favorably knwon night or possibly go a riSi"1 C0PPer-silver La Sal and Provo last mine and Waltej the costs of nuLLiinr uvwh unt drawn on all funds and issued lc TMeador By this evening he Rkough this mine onis noted trude Meaoor to ko rrwofor than the Unit little farther 1920 fnr nltS to July mine to reach Soldier Summit prior high of the the extJemely grade cop-one Mitchell Merrin he commission iwr gave CHARLES KELLEYv friends throughout the county f'!ver with aid Bennet Price by tomorrow night and Green oredeposit just man Times-Indepndent Wrnmenthal PZSof costs is to be halted forthwith loadjoins work County Treasurer and woikis following" Up sa'd to in excePS ?he Wallace Blumenthal oi River the day 's The fiends of the job of in ar couple m extending Holyoak UeS Moab terw any Previ°usU' encouncongratulations H WELL e What received x zl i the I 1 MOAB AT I 8 i z-4 I -1HE L ) - ' i j r ar-rivml i I I 1-1 n x i X- I ' I 1 a 1 j - ! issuance a : t - : i - V v I I n j I 1 n yy MOAB following SIU ayhttr m j I 1 1 i a : j received j ! a 1 I I I necessary -- ------ passresolution J i 1 ! L-f-ntn 1 V 1 1- 1 j J departure j I ANOTHER authorized received a a a J I W i J A -p I ' i ' i explaining i o - - v i i accom-1'reparations I i disposed -by 1 between ! De-Moisy i l- T i 1 i - 'Rip- - ---- i - - i j ' v r V ROAD I 1 i i i 1 ' a 1 u I r- I r 1 x - A j V 1 n 1 - I L'-n 1 X-A 1 1 : 51 Z"1 r-marn -h u I TEACHER TVAPHR a ( 1 i i I - I ac-' t i n i a I I j 1 ' i i i 1 c u I 1 a v -uu i j a - gnb-committees: j mu-1'rogram I y I OICERS i-i I V u J- I I contracting v C ‘ 4 1 P'-" -ii 4 j f l fl I ' I 44 c t i 1 Yf-e I j T i ' 1 vw i J -- f 1 i -Cl government I D T - - 4 1 J! t J-A III- i ' violation - V-V - i extractsho j ' l- 1 f : -- i i II- i u I i i- j za 1 4 4 4 t especiallynhgent m A f 1 1 1 t r v' i accompanied - - i v n u j X - l-he V k jp A L ' L-Df v- l 1 x 1 I 1 L I l t A i Z -- - i i w m-aimls ex-iraets j x x - " x-xv i i 4 - z L ' -" - x i i v a t ''bro o v 1 - -- - -- - I ft ! I I j I 1 - - the-T"ULtAXn n -- JbeMlAnS - 'neZ expected J I - 1 T x " i - |