Show THE THE TIMES-INDEPENDENT I for I Consolidation Issued of the Every Grand Valley Times and Thursday Moab at Grand the Independent County ' Utah i Entered as Second-class Under the Matter at the Act of March 3 Postofficeat 1879 Moab 1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES Payable In Advance I ftt'C MBS STATE 50 100 $200 LOREN TAYLOR Editor STRONG Manager W L J- or the ASSOCIATION growing TIM DEPENDENT ES-1N number MOAB JULY THURSDAY UTAH 15 192(J Treaty Peace Hungarian Signing of r - a 'Three Months Six Months Year One HAU the holdups With plentiful and money fairly wages good it would seem there is less incentive than ever before for such desperate deeds yet there are apparently mere men willing to take the penitentiary or getchances on ting shot to death than we have had in this the past But country in whatever it is that is causing it it is good idea for bankers and merchants and men accustomed to having good-sized of sums money around to be extremely careful As we said before the bandits appear to be operating pretty in the much same form that can't as lightning in we tell where they'll strike next And it might be right here in our midst i A i j YOUR LIBERTY BONDS are saving money today as women saved before the war declares a big WOOL OICIALS WILL like anything Liberty bonds arc St IN A N C NG h'inVor lie explains that EXPLAIN of when a them this is great number caused by the fact that more J and President Ilagenbarth are thrown occasion upon the market the have had to women handle Secretary R Marshall of the price declines The best security m since the war money have more the Woolgrowers association are world today as good the as business and have gone into more money in your pocket carrying a fair been thrown on their own resources preparing a circular letter to all the late of members of the association explain interest with every dollar's They are said to deposit more ing now the the methods acepted for fiwoith of property in United 'than half the resources in Denver nancing new the 1920 wool crop and the States back of them they have in the banks and other cities report simpossibility of securing advance moneys past several months steadily declined ilar eonditons in price on wool There could be no other: unsold through the use It is a sign and helathy we believe of han "acceptances"These are based reason they have been thrown it will interest every woman in Moab on bills or lading and on the market in when tendered great quantities to the point where she will try ami Money is "tightening up" as the followme example ot those who are1 by member banks will be rediscount ed by the federal reserve banks thus hankers express it Many large con-! putting away dollar they can every that bringing into the wool invested millions in bonds spare against the day new money corns when ging--and 'growing districts The federal re-! now need the money ami they are hams linens and and cottons the! throwing them on the market Many does no than to place silks get the serve more back to normal day funds as might be necessary to meet persons who spent more than they when hei dollar will be worth con- their obligations and could afford within the past eighteen sidcrably more operating than it is and now their months and went into debt the day wools can be now find not be so' penses until when dollars will posed of The themselves in need of circular quotes the money and easy to get hold of At any rate the the they are sacrificing their bonds to old idea tiiat statement already printed of in were reckless women it federal get covering the their be! reserve board expenditures is proven to latter's the positon in the premises and But supply of Liberty bonds incorrect then will be in the gives detailed soon hands of people: instructions to the grower as to how to proceed in who will not have to dispose of them DAYS OU BANDITRY and then the price will begin to as-i securing the desired advances Growers wool are cautioned that cend That is why we feel we can't Ou reading the daily papers now- market eonditons are the present tell result of Liberty bond holders of Grand ad ays is one struck with the alarm- financial development which cannot be county too often' nor too emphatical- ing number of cases of banditry more than temporary and there is no real for ly to hold on to them The ground predicting low man who curring in almost every section of values Members of the woolgrowers holds on need not be concerned with the country No special section ap association are advised that if after the the prevailingprice man who pears to be free of the hold-up proceeding along the lines indicated buy man can them at present prices and like they in are ant tn endeavoring to secure hold them will be he late -strike anylightning winner they are unsuccessful they place and at the most unto with the arc requested correspond at wmen bonds are now selling expected moment Secretary Marshall-Deseret News lint's run nntntyvtnul nunr vrt wiuiig w H II As rule off in SS they are pulled It reflects the United States only n oa( tri rrl-H Ik un illy OR SALE the pressing need for money now of- Sit 1'iwda vckj ii In Vl V7 IJULB vl cl oily thousands of people who a few Regal touring car hour in the small towns and villages less 5000 months ago had run than miles and enough to loan the The old-time tricks of the safe looks like bargain runs at $600 new A governmentsome crackers who wortced at night Worth much C R are more money- ISH being abandoned by the modern bandits ONE LITTLE WORD who seemingly prefer to work in There people in the are bed sometired Moab open and take the most desperate who go to 'There isn't a man in Grand county because they chances Then too they spend all day hunting for but use a something who has doubtless heard of the high powered auto in which to make easy to do fakir who advertised to send for ten their and it is surprising how for cents a recipe making at the riday dollar small escape Big dance Star a percentage of them are night go a long ap Music by Moab way and who when he got orchestra A good the time assured-(Adv) dime mailed back the answer to prehended don't We know what it means ‘‘mail it to nor Borneo" The Tmes-Independent for good have we theory job seen advanced any The incident is recalled when we printing read in a southern Missouri paper that a farmer is suing a Chicago mail Chartdr No 10925 Pocorva TYtcwiz4 KTzv 1O Ronnrt nf PnniliHrm order house for the return of several rHE IRST NATIONAL BANK O MOAB hundred dollars he spent with the a oa state of in the Utah at the close of business on June 30 1920 'house for a piano He found when RESOURCES T and ii discounts the instrument arrived that it was Loans including rediscounts (except those shown m b and c) not he he 213 375 9° what thought was getting he when ordered it He wants his Deduct: Notes and bills rediscounted with ederal Reback but the con-one money company nana loiner wan bank acceptances sold) 2777605 1S5 59987 I tends the purchaser overlooked vviiuiuiu unsecured 1921 b little Government ci III ow ne word in the catalogue and that U Deposited to se ci (U S bonds par word made the piano just as value) 5000000 has The fanner now an Pledged as collateral St t or other deposits or bills payable attorney's fee to pay whether he wins 6680000 Owned and unpledged the case or not and ho is out much 975000 S total u Government e u ities if he If he wins loses he is still out 2655000 Other bonds securities etc: the foe attorney's besides having on Securities other than U S han (not including hand something he says he didn't stocks) owned and unpledged 142278 'Total b'n(ifS bonds securities etc other than want U S 142278 of T federal Reserve Bank (50 per cent of sub It is just another ease of getting btock script ion) 175000 "stung" when you pass by those you urniture and fixtures 175581 to Lawful reserve with ederal are personally acquainted with Reseiwe Bank in 1841920 vault and net amounts deal with due from and Cash national someone you never saw banks will It shows as plainly 13' 11' 15?'16 3710639 never see of 17L2ZZ" Total Items and that the 3740639 as could be shown man who Checks on banks located outside of city or town of buys from a mail order house must bank and other cash items 5250 the risk of fund with U S run being satisfied Treasurer and' due 'from while Redemption U b the one who buys at home can do so Interest treasurer 250000 earned but not collected- 'approximate- on with the knowledge that if his purchase and Rills Notes Receivable not past due 382960 is not to up specificationshe won't have to hire an attorney to TOTAL 37930536 LIABILITIES get the matter adjusted And we want Capital stock in to say rifcht here that where the case Surplus fund paid 5000000 of 840000 one dissatisfied mail order customer Undivided tirofifs 675839 Less current expenses interest and taxes paid creeps into the paper there are Circulating 675839 tens of of notes outstanding thousands where cases 4780000 Cashier's chocks on own bank outstanding the dissatisfied purchased bites his 308862 of 29 30 31 Total Items 32 and 33"'"""! 3008862 lips and refrains from letting the Individual deposits subject to check 12101273 world know how he got "stung" One State county or other municipal deposits' secured by the pledge of assets of this bank little word in catalogue may 6 605 07 Total of demand deposits (other than bank throw you off deposits) The home merchant subject to Reserve Items 34 35 36 37 38 and 39 12761780 plain and he'll talks in language Certificates of deposit' (other for than bor money repeat his conversation for you anyrowed) 3281898 Other time deposits time you want him to 452157 Total of time deposits subject to reserve Items 40 41 and ! ! i I else I V j I 1 National i i during the United States palace hi Ven-nillo represenhrd the A view in the bassador Wallace signinguf the pence treaiy ly the Hungarian 'I'ion Aju i ! t I i j ' ' j ' Ce Saturday ' Cecil B I j o bS M JsL tOi K3 ® July - DeMille's Master Ml 24 wSil Oi - eature I ' a Wt'd K H1 JE -C ' a j I advances If lives our could awake as where wealth meant nothing! who love? could begin again! If tomorrow we male and female only in world laws conventions morals classes then Who would rule who serve a the in this great picture! answerand of blue red with blood an of alluring beauty! A See stnrv I scenes all-star vital and cast i i I a V J S 1 : T a 1 1 With the same cast that i 1 ? 1 I 1 a : "Why Change Your appeared Wife" in L - j 4 Greatest DeMille's Production CECIL WLsTlCCr ) ' $ ' 1 1 1 4 v ! -cyu t i represented Age t ! Pensions! 1 I r-t- re-porting ‘ 42 WOMEN According sent out by to the AS a little booklet governmentthe just women J83OOOO 5000000 country are saving money now as never before in the history TOTAL 37930536 of the rediscounts with country The booklet Liabilities for ederal Reserve Bank 2777605 shows that woman is fast passing Total contingent liabilities 2777605 from the stage of a clinging vine to State of Utah County of Grand ss: I' that of a financial giantess and will P‘k Goudelock president of the above-named bank do ? within a few years take her place swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge solemnly andb D L GOUDELOCK alongside our great financiers President r Correct- Attest Bank deposits alt over the country H G GREEN show women proportionately are MAX B TAYLOR In saving W R McCONKIE more money than men Directors number of the last four years the Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day of July 19°0 depositors as well as the amount of C A ROBERTSON Notary Public savings has doubled Twice as many My commissionexpires April 15 1923 of this : ' ' Are You Interested Old Ae every week in If you deposit $200 will at lnterest' atcr forty years you $800 week Per for the $11100000 to Isn't IRST Only your of life your family when Worth NATIONAL O The rest your Saving 43 Securities (other than U 8 or other bonds) borrowed 3733055 without furnishing collateral security for same 4830000 Bills payable other than with ederal Reserve Bank (including all obligations representing money borrowed other than rediscounts) SAVERS a UBfc1 - - - ‘ 1 DeMILLEI - a l B i 5-passenger 1 G OUR PAGE National Pensions? in this savings and you bank will pay will leave die you While? BANK MOAB Bank in Southeastern Utah |