Show j 51920 THE and Local Personal the on TIMES-INDEPENDENT PAGE UTAH MOAB j made IVE i EBRUARY THURSDAY through ignorance of of the druggists part the ' law SPECIAL LIVESTOCK MARKET REPORT 4 p City Stock Yards Jan 30 I Hog prices reached the $1609 I -early I Tuesday morning and then R I V broke trip' $100 hundred pounds to beM( trip to Mrs Balsley avrivlow the 15 cent quotation but ed the left on today's ast-of the stage week from cattle r Clark Moneta thened again today The marn fllt' he will look and will City where California their home' ket and Lake make showed a stronger tendency f here the m future Mr Raisley is because of receipts seems to Per business matters brother of Howard W Balslev cashier be getting moderate ready for a general adand J B WBuell of Denof the Moab State Bank Rex Oll‘ver Oil Sheep and lambs reachtd new the in vance visitors were among high levels for January 'Lambs sold the y and week Mr Mrs Byron Davis returned up to than Moab during $2100 or more $400 last of the Uie week from Grand June Colo above the top price in January last wastl(ni where Mr Davis had been Coke Robertz of Haydeiq arrival yesterday Mr Robert year celVing medical attention His many THIS WEEK'S RECEIPTS well-known steer buyerwill be glad to friends learn that Mr is Receipts this week were 42519 Davls ls considerably improved ruC Brown returned to his ranch 56634 hogs and Mervin A Dewey we - Davis was down 'from sheep compared with 41300' cat"ending day in town few Brumley the last of the tie 4200 a ridge week calyes 74985 hogs and 37 is of 550 last Salt He operating a number uranium sheep week and 47350 cattle Lake City H T Gregory of claims there and states that he 3919 calves 80840 hogs and 12783 III Anresv'ntingthe' White Motots comopening up a good body of high grade sheep a year ago Moab the last of the ore He expects to commence ship CATTLE BEE week nwntR snnn this at steers though irregular the 15 cents Tjio Winborun was an arrival week averaged strong to Joseph J Miller J was an arn-l8t or uinc week from Idaho where val yesterday from higher exceptions more Early in the ort Logan Colo £ith had located several killers tried he been homc' week for lower prices & furJough but ar months moderate supplies forced active H folks J Joe is in the commissarydeof steers partmerit of the army and buying Several bunches hopes later Mr and Mrs D H Dalton returned arid other the $1550 to $1575 oi-iv several' weeks' visit to' be transferred to aviation sold at a t from DI Aipiives in Idaho southern Utah branch of the service He will return good steers at $1400 to $1525 The 'nd other points to the post Sunday evening bulk of the short fed steers brought to $1350 $1200 Pulp fed steers to Hawks young son of Mr anJ brought $1160 $1300 Several I nrondnrf was anthe arrival Lynn the week from Cashin Mrs J W Hawks sustained a frac-o large bunches of Oklahoma steers the last of ‘where he had been working for ture of his arm Saturday when he sold at $1125 to $1350 Only ordinary fell from the shed III at the Western sold below $600 and cutters cows 8°m rig and Allies oil where he brought $650 to $750 with fat some Walter V Boyle other boys were playing Dr J W Baldwin grades up to $1250 Heifers sold at III 9 L L Taylor went Williams was called and the Cecil Taylor and reduced $750 to $1350 vial to calves '$850 fcfterlad will i $1675 and bulls $600 to $1050 over to Green River Monday fracture and reports thatfor the the experTuesday be the worse returning STOCKERS AND EEDERS noon soon none ience-' Demand for stockers and feeders ill Sheriff WJ?‘ 'Bliss was called to and eeders prices ruled flrm Cisco yesterday to investigate a re-1 Brumley Green returned Tuesday was activeclose III heels of killer Salt Vlty) ne nao were for the on the ported assault maue on owwun from bake Wnere buyers fleshy kinds One No par- jbeen Johnson by EEf Campbell tending the University of Utah fancy bunch of 1250 pound steers oi tne that the as wei' ticulars anny weic He all states university the sheriff of the other schools of the state went to country at sold 81500 but the as of the heavy at $1 2 feeders closed on account most capital have been III class Spiller returned Saturday nf Jacob J fLo fin pnidpmic which has become to $1300 and the lighter weight vrallpv sojd Twrr nrv valley He HP renorts YAnnTrS $1050 up Stockers mostly tne city rraces iroill K nip - prevalent throughout still a at $900 to $1050 and and'! there great deal tn tically of the uni stock'xows that is all of the members S qaetion but that the cat heifers $650 to $900' versity iacuiiy nave tne J A' III tie which he HOGS saw were? doing fairly III well custody A Mexican was taken into Monday hog prices rose-25 to 40 here Sunday on a charge bf robbing cents Tuesday early they Jwsre still II of Mr three-weeks-old baby 111 at a selling But The section house Sagers Utah higher died ria up to $1600 before aiea nMrs Delbert Peterson Peterson the & Rio Grande and point on Denver much trading was accomplished the The little one had been suffermg Jn day hig possessjon aQhe time of his market turned 'down find did not steady cold nnld The bersaxed parents from aa fnilTunart VVQQ Considerable until lateThursday when prices the the deep sympathy o Moa° of the section were largely below the 15 tent level have goods stolen from neonle house The Mexican Will be returned Today there was a stronger Undertone in the Colo' who to Utah to stand trial on the charge with the top price H nlo of trade $1515 K number Denver Senti-land p Junction and bulk of Moab of burglary -Grand $1480 to $1510 'Compared holds a leases on nel with this week Mr a week ago prices are 50 to 75 was anthatarrival he is making arrang'cents lower m states by the Enlo warned prU!KjRts are being that t11" the sale of SHEEP AND LAMBS stf)te ments to commence drilling on oard of health prescrip The first $2100 lambs ever sold in property certain remedies without January were reported on Wednesday from a regulariy G returned Tuesday Don H Green and then ts the market 'has had frorSLakSlSiXc±?a± Sees XlMionve' be' scantsince and supply continued firm Comparedwith week ago prices ar' 40 to 50 cents higher and Ml $300 t' Miss urumiey go" as Salt Lake fJPO higher than ini- January last Indications are Jim ite year supplies will be offered the rest of the season 'at lambs are quoted at $1900 to $2100 ewes $1150 to $1300 wethers and yearlings are very scarce' sold at heeding lambs to $1750 $1850 in Reubens T Bessie Love and Alma CHARLES M PIPKIN With Market Correspondent Kansas Basil left loday'on ake City Salt Jake to business a 1920 level California j J a 1 st-eng- 1 j ' ' 1 1 I r I ' a 1 c ( 1 I - I r ' ' I The Banking Methods of j re-nil i a j cat-tl4263calve 32-883 Today 1 1 s i SZ'i" ' ' based ' are I the and upon recognized principles Illi 11 - anolied r ' - operation the in of 'muni R1 -or -or ' - the ederal System Reserve f - You ' it owe : yourself to to ' I J '' member X j - busibanking bank which is your transact with a ness a system this of TO loay 1 I - ‘ I I The ( I ‘ --feANKk i irst 'X -ci:- ' tohlv I: ( Illi Illi f ‘7 i Bank National j ' ' Illi J '? : T-7? 1 ? j ' 1 ' Illi 4 j ' ‘ ' Moab of ‘ ' t t- III - -'-J I ! ' t-kni MEMBER j ' a - I -t M M j 1 X - J 'll WltHlll I 11 I l mi Hi RESERVE EDERAL i 1 v 'W oL3i o j i Illi i I? i y j -aisease SYSTEM I "j YESTERDAY M i H ' ' ' : ' ' s i a I 1 -that - airbanks Douglas 77 Reggie CONIERS OR ASPEN? One of the problems Hint ic iirubiv consideration at the Great Basin Expcriment Station near Ephraim Utah is whether aspen or conifers "ever- in the green" trees are to be favored managementof many forestsin Utah where the is found covering aspen It is great stretches of country the purpose of the orest Serviceto have these areas producing the highest and the best class of timber' that isT possible Although aspen springs up quickly and grows rapidly for a time it never grows very large or becomes generally valuable the coni-f rs on the other hand start with almost discouraging slowness but once of a good size they continue to grow rapidly for years after aw aspen is dead and gone The question is not simply making between a rapid growing) choice a shortlived small tree and a slower growing tree capable of attaining a size in long There large long time large size in athan time mere are are other other points these to consider not to sure reseed The conifers arc not lands very promptly aspen out over bne sprouts vigorously within There is better grazing under aspen than the spruces and firs which choke shade nut the grasses with their denserofirlllx a spun mnro uecHvb vujv other hand than any conifer on the useless and rendering much material retarded more by frosts its growth is is also It attacks etc much insect effective the less meltin the ing of spring which is of snow regard to irrigation importance in extremely complex The it problemhe isthreshed out if the asbut must pen foresttype is to be handled on an elficiency basis i Any but ove come? can propose- Dong See prove this man differently j Oil The Excitement ' j 4 1 1 I let the oil excitement permit splepdidmerchandise at prices Don't for I --Also-- of you to lose sight that are really the fact that we are hcadquaiters LOWER t revenue atty " -i IN Auto Robes ! I 5 ! 11 4 S'1'' ‘ have We a fine of selection robes auto Get for yours your before they car all are gone? ' j j comedy! about 5 will ' I -Th's ! ' eiKdift'ii keep you week a to for !! laugu-ing ii SHOES Quality of ‘ -year usual feature next f Wednesday and Hights v ' of " here ' i ' ! A jiew line Men's shoes for quality in-hindering of received ladies' slippers just outdoor wear for extra hard These Qur line of school shoes : shoes service i 8 Theater Star employed in the workmanship only are full value when your shoes are pui chased of shoes j 1 Monday best material and the highest class You can be certain that we buy The : for I strong Style i Our and built arc to stand the rigors of winter-sturdy ! splendidvalues offers j 1 TRYiL'G 7 0 UP IX A SATISACTORY RAILWAY Do BtLL We You have some refunded ree Want A Sewing Machines on hand Machine? Sewing - guaranteed to complete with Moab the best that - ami ' MM- Senate pft foreground front to rear tire I - for house conferees in session are from left Dock of him Kepresentatlves I'sHu n Joint trs to rniii-ond Poindexter Barkleys bill I'omnrere Senator Cummins Kellogg On the Is and m th right rnonej the market - Department affords Comp'y Co-operative "EVERYTHING '1T i Grocery Our 5 satisfactionor " - is give : I TO EAT USE AND WEAR" |