Show tEljc A 'OLUME MOAB IMG BOARD VISITS MINES P INStClOR D INltlES! MOAB HERE Of O CONSOLIPATION 46 OIL GRAND GRAND COUNTY MANY IN THE TIMES VALLEY UTAH THURSDAY AND EBRUARY WILL COMPANIES THE 5 INDEPENDENT NUMBER 1920 BOTTOM SOON DROPS ROADS KI DUE DUE TO DIVER O THAW BIG DRILLING OR OIL 9 PROJECT no SUBJECT ‘ BE E fxtitvpintiiinit Cnncs- O MIRV IN ' Southeastern Utah has been almost Abney of Cheyenne postoffice inspector isolated for the past several days on iruMoab this week O GRAND COMMERCE VERNMENT WILL NOT WITH-)RAW in the interestwas of the frightful condition of CHAMBER postoffice account of the new for building which is proposed the to the thaw whicli JUNCTION EARS SALT LAKE LOCAL LANDS HE Moab1 roads due He investigated the last of the week and which and Postmaster Shafer started "PUT ONE OVER" ON LEASE BILL SURE SAYS by a a number of sites and met with heavy rainTuesday was folowed COLORADO CITY O PASSAGE THIS WEEK various parties who are night It is stated that the roads are interestedin the proposition of erecting a suitable muddier than they have been for a of to the general building to be leased to the number Owing government years of the Ela for the long of cloudy and misty condition P secretary of the Grand h A Phelan oil examiner for a term years w the has atmosphere sun been unable Junction Abney stated that it is absolutely Chamber of Commerce has bited Incledent Retard Op States shipping board was an Roads and Weather to get in his work with the result that (rival in imperative that the local pos-office Moab yesterday from Wash written a letter to the board of county the A he roads are drying slowly out have larger quarters and very fcton D C Mr Phelan came commissioners inquiring as to the the lostated that some way would be provided few days of sunshine should clear up Washingtonto if examine bm for the the situation however the oil discov-fed erection of a new building erations status of the river road project Mr oil Temporarily Much Development situation and for naval which will be designed especially While theablemail and express cars Ela fears that here Grand Junction has was suitable for to continue operating the posoffice uses have been immediate withdrawal been put out of communicationwith on the Moab-Thompsons road it has While here Inspector Abney checked naval use of all of the lands em-Lced Thompsons-Cisco Gett Moab because the local Under Way been an impossibility to run the heavy within the structure Upon exover thehe records at the III'road but the river freight trucks over the road was abandoned and which found were in first-class Lining the oil Mr Phelan saw that it is being resumed truck service for fuel condition now line has highway designated as a state project buld be unsuitable use put The Monticello stage been but that he Ling to its high gasoline and petro-Lm instead and goes on to say of out commission temporarily that the content He stated to The Times-(dependent will be until the understands river road run horse stages Activities in the Moab and Grand and the several companies are editor yesterday- that he SALARIES now awaiting "would be so expensive that it will be arrival of rigs roads are better recommend any naval withand equipment buld not county oij fields have been delayed the it if can be built ever" An improvement in the road situation lawals in this section past years before week on account of the impassable will result in at least half a as to dozen Mr Ela has thebeen misinformed direct IMr Phelan who came BY condition of the roads and the the size of river road project RAISED BOARD companies commencing operations and who is in close weather which have made it within the month and this regardless BATALLION which according to local road men congressional affairs stated that is not the oil and gas in equipment of how the Western Allies company nearly as large an undertaking confident that impossible to get drilling was well as been led to believe which has been pending proves out some people have bsing bill Many oil interests are in Moab CLOSES EB 15 his rig has reached Thompsons DRIVE However inquiry as to the the past would become a Already one Ir year roads status of the river road and his question OICIALS ADOPT POOL however and isjust as soon asthatthe extensive en route it is said to the Salt fw this week There inis no material TOWN As to why permit there nothing has been done either house assurance valley structure This rig is owned bpositionto the law HALL REGULATIONS BOYS is development work will start' the on it a point well taken and local and senate by D H Gustaveson interests Congress and the house for the The casing Western Allies people are comernncingto wonder to the UNDER 21 PROHIBITED is 24 Star It agreed and a machine had bnferees have Oil & will be the It is th© hope in Gas which O MADE thing the that company been used CANVASS TOWN BEING about same of were formerly ork measure used near Spanish ROM ENTERING to case off the water in the company's of the people of Grand Ispute county that GIVEN well No in Two other rigs are en route to CAMPAIGN WILL BE order to install construction work according to Mr may commence fhe leasing bill all Moab it is announced One of these and ascertain the of the by capacity STIMULUS BY BIG BALL on highway spring Iielan will affect lands located The will be operated by Charles Youle for Ller board of town trustees theOil which has Hpah been struck rttephrd reached Mr Ela letter to tne county the placer-petroleum law 13 organized EBRUARY night at the courthouse Present Thompsons Saturday The frightful aand company haswhich he hasleases ON has not been Monday follows: in the which discovery of oilland which extensive McConkie has been were Trustees W R condition of the roads has rendered it Jan 24 19'20 In laile where R J C A valley The first well this company cases letcher W Strong and this week to get the of the impossible pipe "Clinirinan Board of Seated and accordance Hammond drilling will validated in O A be located just for the Mormon Clerk Tangren Mar in to but as the is proposes for lith the Moab mud drying The drive funds the placer-petroleum law prefer-Lceshal of river near the Mons hns A Treasurer it is that the equip west Grand which Woodruff and somewhat believed Bntallion memorial Moab Utah will have a Oil company for Grand County or locators Kelley be brought in within a couple Peterson ranch The Planet in Charles ment been under Grand county Sir:can way has "Dear right to a prospectors of Salt Lake has secure of closed a deal The salary schedule for town ofdays As soon as the casing several weeks been extended to received Lrmit on a tract not "On March wirelpt 1919 by exceeding 3200 two drilling fleers for the ensuing will be the with companies whereby 15 in to give two years was arrives order signed work started on ebruary every from Moab a more people According to the terms of rigs to Moab rres attorney well are en route and citizen of the time as follows: Town and the drillers estimate that now county an opportunity than thought at Hie were the or securing fixed The Big Oil persons $125 to per year four five days will be Crescent Six the of Moab asking nerson raised from $175 to company to contribute to according in in tl'e city or required causo business L 'permit must drill a well at least clerk raised from of local $75 to $100 per people is proceeding Jo tli‘ thq and clean out the hole and install a pump composed nnnoiinecineiit made yesterday Chamber of Commust drill with me of to get cily 1)0 feet in one its plans and expects to have This year Levi by have year: treasurer raised from $40 to president of the Western Chairman C of A Robertson our together and POO feet within two years d isunless $C0 at h ast one rig drilling' on its holdngs in the health officer raised Bei1-gera the collecting the of making per year Allies company and Dominic week work them endorse pioject quantities I! in commercial The following stockholders very soon of the subscriptions was turned tlp from $25 to $50 per year and Henry Ruggeri river roid from 'iseo to Moab a at a less depth) for the the the appointed in representatives to Vice John and linlcin the officers were arrived Moab Tuesday from During week over Chairman Midland of oil is th slate road If made two-year of (ssor discovery term: Attorney C A Robertson Prict and state that work of completing who assisted by Miss ofAnni T nil leas? many oil interests have been is granted a permanent the the first hole will be in hud clerk O A Tangren rushed Moab and they are still here Many making also telegrams from your fci tract Bryan is canvass "1 of the and has Charles The company's well will-l of the people has Woodruff: treasurer deals for closed kgiMaturp in acreage have been that town' The response ikprpseqlative in the (referenceright to lease the remain-' J Wil is officer W in the J:' this activity and to Kelley' health Dr spudded' very shortly on and indicates by liberal there every Salt Iake City asking me immediLg three-fourths been very liams Snyder lease A building has spring Grand county will be one of the other that reason to believe that bywill ebruary15 ately wire the governor and many peo-lle Moab Betterment IMr Phelan stated The request of the rig the county's allotment have been to use their influence been erected for the and busiest oil fields of the west named are under the impression that ordinance everything project1 an is in to commence raised tc League asking that readiness The dispositionof some of the big to put the through and ends which had been located prior card the be passed eliminating tables and work on the new well as soon oil interests who last week tried to In order to Stimulate campaign "Being interested in the growth and and which has been card hall the September 1919 tables from the pool rig can be moved and to as the from well No cure immense holdings throughout raise money to augment prosperity of your city and county jroperly validated but on which of patrons of the fund raising the age limit The second well will be located the district blit could: not obtain the Mormon Batallion ball will did requested without waiting to oil in ns commercial pool discovery of hall be given next ebruary cull from 18 to 21 years was just south of the Snyder home and amount of desired is riday night together the directors of the they juantities has not been made will not received discussion acreage will be Lunch first After considerable within a few feet of the state highway apparently to knock the field and 13 at the Star hall bill This chamber as the message was be affected by leasing will the it an ordinance go hut leading into town DrillerKendrick of served and all funds realized to was voted to pass provisions: these interests have my he me on a Sunday" states as such loca-Lrs A cordial erroneous containing the following Levi has completed all arrangements given out some batallion fund that they desire most into the will action was afterwards fully endarsed will merely be provesall given be extended to every citizen bv the Tncreasing'age limit of those entering for spudding in on the Snyder of all to stop developmentwork bonrd right to prospector's pernw a pool hall from 18 to 21 years well it is that work will time the purpose of the county to attend the dance plan understand carried discov-Ired and expected at this These reports "The a if oil is Ind subsequent lease the right to revoke ordinance of which could start on the hole within two or three rn appropriation :for construction: of not be disguised if time gambling is engaged weeks have had the effect of attracting man? SHEARERS WILL GET lUz CENTS the road from of the It is the shipping inat atanythe pool hall purpose said and requiring the 'While there is a disposition among legitimate operators to the field and vhal information to "Nw loard hall to give a bond Sheepshearingin Utah will thebe done can'get'it Mr Phelan of a pool of the proprietor companies who have holding the for sei ms is though Moab and Bids some prospect development If'Xi during coming are cents a head production of oilnow in the conditioned that here to wait until the Western Allies entire district is much brighter than nt themselves Junction both put sum of of$500 being the following' an agreement inGrand asked for a' large quantity ordinance shall well is completed-before season th? provisions commencing position as the saying jil will be the Underthe a peculiar for the shipping board and with shearers' union will be alj is ‘got in the soup' by be adhered to licensee The ordinance development work this does not at" th? halls Ipened next Monday Owing to will also provide that pool of the interests in the field (Continued on Page Eight) terms reached sheepmen to all and told that on further' inyesLet that the oil Mexi-o "I wiq am shipments from lowed open showto privileges shall th' close promptly at 12 o clock at legation it w:is found that thethatriver also be allowed retain half of flocu have dropped off the navy is hav-Lg it expensive night until the whole rood would be so 1 serious time in supplying it of claims allowed shearing pricehas be built n a were be it can A number been worked will before feeds' and years Mr' Phelan does not anti-ipate at the contracted for it meeting and other routine this case for tliy being the seem I7y2 includes board ever that favorable bids will b cents tJmiZ-so transacted aid is concerned any business in far as state feceived moneys any next shearers or the equivalent Monday In this emer-lency road for (the between Cisco and the toward two sheet) or at board is looking Rams are to count abandoned)we are lew LEAGUE Thompsons being fields 35 cents per head and:'is anxious to seestates BETTERMENT oiw without any road nt allbe between He work proceed bad cities This would enough liat it will be two the policy of the ie with Moab on Charles Youle was an arrival tin that the formation in ‘heir opinion BIG MOAB RANCH SELLS at anv ACTS ON TOBACCO LAWS last tnmeoilbut the leasing law to en it be deunder of the Salt City exceptionally of would week from Lake wai favorable an boom turage legitimate operations and the edge Mr Youle is closing a deal with L plorable - - of old locators who have-comPER ACRE ghts for the leasing of Elko OR $240 Peachman associates Oscar Streeter Nevada know llied "I suppose without doubt you with prior laws will be fully pro of do but a considerable tract of land in and Saturday the met was in Moab theriday situation better than kcted oil the of The Moab Betterment tookleague to Moab valley and his company agrees situation Mr amount something of I The know leasing law it is believed and steps during the week to start drilling operations in the iuincs that your people do in this near Streetir that was heso encouraged by the the production respect the state laws with the that encourage enforce showing secured some holdings Mo'ib Realty company would go future This week city and the amount to as it will prevent large tracts the sale of Means here lie stated he D to tobacco minors that Dalton fmm here to there if the roads were expects to purchased the Henry from falling into the hands of out of providing stores with information later rancli in the or B Brundred of the Brundred Oil lower part of Moab valley in better conditiondo As it is except interests with subsequent the of Moab boys were ages as to Corporation of Oil City Pa The consideration was at the our can nothing was an state wc brought in in the fu and it decided to compile on fields of $2 10 was arrival the last of the week Mr G R Miller a geologist of Denver rate per acre and amounted bv subscription as we have lire is private who each store with a of 104 Any operator and furnish of the Colo in Brundred's company 'is1 one Moab for several days to $25000 The ranch consists land of the road in the past and is of all boys was done on part the development work list of ages of which is this names and large operators in the eastern field this week examining the local struc meudow in will would like to hear from you faith in the premises It is believed tha acres part is one and he of the under 21 years is anxious to secure holdings While Mr Miller was reticent The heaviest hay what it is proposed stores ranch mStter and find out and It is Salt every encouragement with this information on hand in the west understood that about divulging the Did Lake City put name of the producers in the valley to do Mr Phe-n under the will be in a position where there he is deal for the Realty new law a leasing of a whom he represents it is understood It is understood that the Moab on on us'? said1 to refusal one over will be no question as their that he is with the Midwest Oil considerable tract in this county Mr Yours trulv company has already received to sell tobacco to minors made an extmsive P Brundred expects later to go on south company He number of big offers for oil leases on ‘WENDELL ELA Secretary to tne O of the LU YET REPORTED to th? Bluff fields records of property the Dalton tract The league also recommended I THROUGHOUT in Moab valley GRAND COUNTY town board That an ordinance be passed while here card yesterday tables or eliminating card A Word came from Montrose J Elmer returned yesterday Sof Nebraska hall and the rais-ngyof Arnot Gordon Although the influenza has broken playing in the pool H to the effect that the G Harris a company from Salt Lake City where he had U real estate dealer and Rapid of But J citizens in W Nichols of Grand sixty who places in Utah so far the age limit for boys entering been called to confer with A G Bur-ritt of Grand Junction spent several days of Montrose many the last some Bo arrivals lot of of the 21 years Michigan were cases disease have been the in Mr a good acreage pool hall from 18 to relieved William Story and other well Moab the last of the week for have securedfield of the the an indefinite stay in in in Grand county according have decided to C A Robertson was with whom Harris is interested in several leases Mnah weekThev locate the Moab known Salt is Lake citizens J of the as he mav decide to W Williams health officer league in the he stated to The their holdings themselves rather chairmanship associated ownership on Moab and is Mr Elmer acreage permanently Mr Arnot give the sufficient here people had the malady last year work in Times-Independent could not of large that he is than sell them to other parties They a acreage of lands his very Nichols a Rat it is not thought that it will and Mr cousin of Hammond was propositions offered to Bishop C- A Mr Elmer and much impressed with the possibilitiesbrother had several time Grand county Mrs O A Tangren of this place but prevalept in the county again chairman them to take associates have given two drillingcontracts of the local fields over the holdingstaken of the grip has swept over to companies and these were declined They have strong ami county' however resulting of well IN is will start soon A syndicate forty known INCREASE what known as the Harrv W development work TEACHERS ASK MOAB-MONTICELLO over a T ir it is number of cases of he in and Grand Junction citizens yesterday concluded which understood states Moab valley Lighte leases upper A influenza has made its appear-ce the their negotiations with C vicinity of Crescent are on excellent ground some of which at Green River according to Robertson of Moab and now have a SALARY TO COMBAT H C L lies within abcut 300 feet of the Western here GAME IS CANCELLED Walter yesterday Among teru-acres o' Allies well Junction O'Brien of Leadville three years' lease on have the - Grand disease there is of Colorado to the oil well state Moab property adjacent News Colo a senator was Levi who is reported to The in Moab several days this week Conferring of the Western Allies company ill Levi left immedi Mr ball tournament with D J Penley president consideration $2000 The company of tht? of basket was county board work only when their At a meeting ers can do best Rely for Green River upon receipt A double-header also has ive States Oil Development an option on ten additional Moab high school of the yesterday a petition reasonable the between the education held check is in advance of theirteachers is interested news teams and acres by all of the teachers of the pay company in which he and Monticello high school expenses and whereas himself as Those in the deal are Ollie E Bannister signed the Moab town and Monticello town Senator O'Brien expressed with Moab schools was presented theasking salaries in all regions are below evenue the oil H I R COLLECTOR IN W Lewis Lewis Bert to being immensely pleased that be have taken place steps taken to raise standard as comp a red 'with salaries in I teams was N 13-14 hall All of this while S rank Stiles of MOAB EBRUARY possibilities section and Broks W urman the since (riday) at the Star teachers in proportion other professions and other he additional H S Henderson M N Due Alex Ralston negotiated for the had been made by the here advance jn the cost of living districts in this and other states are E H Doherty deputy collectorzone arrangements C D Moslander William Buth-orn to He stated since acreage for his to company their contracts were signed The making efforts to increase teachers' Moab boys to meet the teams from that C B locatedat Price announces that Lamb D he return in a few days M B Loeffler C expects appointed the president treasurer salaries be at Moab San Juan but this morning Coach R H hoard riday and Saturday by the of Lumley W Vorbeck state geologist Wright Chas from accompanied undersigned teachers in W Rigdon received a telegram A and clerk of the board to look ebruary 13 and 14 for the for a Ed "We dothe respectfully purpose the that thorough Winterburn C E- Cherrington Colorado more into the particularly with Moab petitionyour Monticello teams to theandeffect rank matter collectinggovernment income Reeds that thfe of the field West John A Sprott the to availability of funds honorable board to take consideration the year the roads are impassable C P 1919 Blackwell Wayne Schaefer the will to be canceled It to make desired of the possibilityof making an All have Louisiana with which for this district are to games of Shreveport C A Wadsworth George E taxes will take O M Cosper Hoel W of and to make in salaries proportionate is likely that the tournament Salt G C salary our through the office at Price J Craig of Lake L Price and W Toupain Gus Johnson roads and weather at the next meeting with the increased cost of living and place next week They are A MLII City were arrivals Sunday Perry J H Dixon Chas S Jones Perry A The petition of the local teachers ' your power to do so Clark who is attending conditions permitting E looking over this section and in the J Bandy Jack McKenzie Chas Petrie Bo the of the Moab-Monticello do not wish this to be consider-ed the preliminary matters for the In lieu ball are satisfied with John E Brown Chas Robertson follows: between event that they the cost of living m Moab basket contest "Whereas as a demand in any sense We believe which he has interested a they that will red Junction games state they Larson - Grand ef structure and has what Bluff fields fhe team and the increased far in advance of filled such actions below the dignitythe Moab high school was an arrival and drill Both will be held at the News it secure some acreage when contracts were professional class serving from Thompons He will Moab town team fav-orcbly was our any are that teachnight-after the declared Monday that they Bluff as the roads are passible picture last land whereas beljeve public""' v Star riday the field (Continued on page) we soon as and impressed with show A- ANO MOAB SALT VALLEYS Inspector 1 Bad I 1 ' userecommend Work r office 1 : OICERS' i ' fromashington ( inclement touch'th - WD - variousatures actual 1 amii thew commissioners s County‘Commissioners loiter 1 I I -Nat nicr'-e remainder dis-fevered l'-terson a marshalA a one-fourth -a -second already s of-ficia'ls ' ' r actual 1 a I - thereports L - delivered 2 invitation a-prefer-hice ' ' - reserving ' I ' I 1 I 1 ' stimulatehe o ' '1 I Oil Notes i ' de-lelopment gov-fenment I t ' J I -and investigating I I witreatly o-El ond beven return th-jig monolies proceedingith considered showingood ture I pro-ction interest a examination - re-Borted Soany tor thewn pneumoniaThe Arm wordceived develop beanie appointed active thossho Mrsendrick briously - off sal-laries inspection reference inincreases increase re-comipendations i heill taxesr beaid oilompany tomorrow ine ono Tuesay - ! -"We ' -go ‘ ' ' K |