Show 6 gTHREALARM 1920 SYSTEM the MEDICAL -AHIYIIHHHUHd forall T TIMES MOAB INDEPENDENT PAGE THREE UTAH EXAMINATIONS In Lite is propos ed M VYea Moab IT1 wenty l(--XX---X-4f-tCfr)HH(-)Ht)t 1 Ago rs w If the Moab i I Executive Executive Secretary of the' - - - - -Utah Public Health Association) ROM THE ILE O THE TIMES OR Medical examination for everyone- men or women at home and in the WEEK 1900 THE ENDING EBRUARY business and industrial world-is one of the things toward which those enrr ii n E g r W Roberson met with a very gaged in health work today are striv- in Grand Junction " accident at La Sal While roping G Dr E Gowans head of the cattle his ing horse fill with him crushing left for Bluff his left departmentof health education for no had a Thompson where ankle and breaking the of building number in tc the cqntracts bones state has a number of places lie was sounded the first gun 1 t he brought to Moab in this deacon's quorum and the ward and Dr Dunn w 5 campaign in his monthly letter summoned from Springville and he Ji choir met at the residence of Bishop and to superintendents and Dr health d A Williams attended to the Johnson and enjoyed an oyster of the state It was feared that the ankle supper and general good time would be permanentlyinjured The Utah public health association ° W is Warner returned from Cal-norma very heartily in favor of such 'lhe Rio Grande railroad was making : this week Mr Warner to has preparations construct a and offeredto Dr Gowans Die new IwOilKKwOj °n coast only a month his bridge acrossthe Green river and carpenters its J' health being s0 poor that he returmd c toward the goal doing the preliminary were busy set city home to recuperate Any vyork town or district The steel was on the way I may f set a day or more aside for the medical County Assessor A P Mohr came IT Governor Wells had issued a proclamation from Elgin to begin his annual examinationof every adult person oyer of calling for a special election to Chose a and do a splendid bit of prevention vorkof thefinding out how poor the people successor to Congressman county were B H It is Roberts whose seat in the house work almost unnecessary the of representatives had been denied At hearing of the to say that if case against every adult in the state L B Lockhart charged with an of Utah were examined by a physician a communicationto N M S indiscussed against S King the defen-ws market conditions many illnesses would be discovered charged by Justice Antles The Times of Castleton commentingon the fact that and prevented Such an examination farm products had depressed in price The meat market of B Hammond4 and that manufacturedproducts had i once a yearthe will be the rule in a few years at was broken into and a quarter of beef gene skyward utmost Many of the big industrial corporations stolen entrance being made through editorial An commented on the have come to realize that it means a a transom in the industry real bright prospects mining saving in dollars and cents to W E Gordon left for his ranch near the which faced southeastern Utah have the in their men and womenoffices Monticello after spending some time It coming seaosn Etea-? was statedthat plants and factories and in Moab the 1900 year would undoubtedly see by competent physicians and installed til deal of a developmentwork done Atlantic Chy lui'i new John Martin was down from Mill in great large numbers employ physicians for the La Sals horn plnci which this creek for mail and supplies reporting imi system in purpose and also to examine all that 150 ulni'in box feet of work had automatical! applicants for work been above the fire Production is done over The Azurite Copper company shipped on the Middle mountain tunnel incrased men and women rehabilitated starts Imniedhitoly an filnnn is tunic a carload of ore from Green River ii' that the have and of the force and some fine ore had been open-ed the The alarm been general morale shipment netting 30 per cent n jo boxes up the mni boosted copper with some values in gold and every other corner along silver The Utah public health association Mrs Keeley The ore was hauled by wagon (I sent i: a printer was down jveniie When an alarm is to the hopes induce manufacturers from Grand Junction from distance many with a view oi San Rafael district a does lhe particularalarm box not only of Salt City and of Lake Utah to have establishing herself in business here about 18 miles In which ala rm was sounded release in day or two set aside this year for but every horn lorn along the line of medical examination CALL OR WARRANTS route to the tire The Utah public health association Modern Shorthand Had Birth in 1857 begins blowing thin li Modern shorthand had its birth in extends herewith an invitation to firulng pedestriansand vehicles Dr Notice is hereby given there are city publication of school district business house or ibe Timothy in the funds to hold Bright's In 1857 county treasury with industrial plant a physical "clinrncterie" the all which to on offers first pay warrants drawn THEATER PROGRAM day or days ana English work on shorthand Various any all 1919 aid in its issued from July power to further the plan systems of shorthand were published up tofunds and including December31 1919 from that time al) on based CHARLES KELLEY GET NEW CARS feature "Reggie Mixes In" a five-part on the of method and some County Treasurer with Douglas airbanks Bessie The Moab Garage them became quite popular but with irst pub Jan 22 last eb 5 1920 company this the in the leading week received two seven-passenger publication of Lew tnd Alma Reubens Isaac Pitman's is the offering at the Star Buick cars and three ords which parts "phonography"based on sound all in night In add hav been placed stock Orders and J E (riday) the into Mr Mrs Brown returned others fell disuse Pitman atty Arbucle have already been placed with the last of the itim there is a had week from Montrose number of predecessors whose the ords of which one Colo "Bright Lights" according to company for the where they had been to attend systems like Ids own to the Cisco Mercantile company were strictly the funeral of Mrs Meniger John Peterson These two goes Brown's father gained should the to the phonetic These systems died features make riday night and another Westwater never Thomas Ray who at San Diege any footing while his immediately Calif show production Mercantile three weeks ago They were rare comedy company The thecompany lie usual will be has since £ on Moab became popular and been accompanied on their return' by Mrs strong dramas may place the big Buicks rv nr V ‘11 presentedat the Star Thompsons stage line if business used by a large majority of shorthand rtiv next Monday justifies v! m iriuiriMr wnti win nriiwn her in and home Moab Wednesday nights make an 129-131 nniKio ui (By " i r " ' eed & I Co Supply ' f and Grain and Bought Sold : a '' Hay 9 £ severe j eed Connection in Yard I - - We are in a position to supply your wants for hay and grain no matter large or how small your order be Your patronage is solicited ' bow may injury supervisors examination hadbei7 co-operation £ ' and Corrals Store Just Located of East the Moab Co-op Co ' t ' S assault THE- examined Moab's a Up-td-Date ' Hotel ' ' - 'X ' 24 Day of the ' 4 Hours' ' Open I placejt 1 : ' a I " ' : - RALSTON ' I ' 1 Airy Light Well urnished Rooms ' I Hotel Rooms Connection I in 1 Grand J M-i irst a 1 ' - I I ( a Cafe Class Charges light examination 1 We "The sell Bread Baking" b That Royal the Made Mother Economy Stop Loaf ' c 1 a ' 1 2 thea-terto'morrow ! comedytitled a a GRAND T i- i -aL m JUNCTION MONUMENT caLlahan manager ifth South i 1 1 I Street OUR WHY Wo ARE LOWEST: THE quarries Can We have the LATEST improved machinery It will eoat nothing modern monumental LINK or make to anything see our Designs Stock Write if you eannot come purchase from or our agents ' Value Big for Tires in the JunctionColorado Grand PRICES have our own in WORKS I MU Small Cars EECTIVE OCT I 1919 1 IHIIIWIIINIMNIIMMMI iiiriimiuiititiiiiniiHiiiiittiiHiHitmiHtmiiiitiiuuiiiuiiiu Miititiiiiiiiumuiiiiiiiiiiiuiiittuiiiii By of Goodyear Tires of the manufacture for small cars is the same purpose to supply that is behind high value the in product of the Goodyear Tires that the manufacture Order Public of Commissiou Utilities equip 7y AwuuA AiBuUU AuBuuvr Ai I k Jr I HArt MAzT Mj'x fill w the in effect fact that were than I IB SKj 1 II f mmW ha iWutMHniw & by largest of to this last tire the factory endeavor year any other kind in 30x3 the world Chevrolet I : MIDLAND TELEPHONE J noted in the these sues Goodyear Tires N CORBIN other Dort I Insurance or is tube 3 30x34 GoodyearDouble-Cure All-Weather -Tread Goodyear Single-'-47 abric Anti-Skid Tread $7f10P I! 1 : 200 I! COMPANY thick strong Aat Goodvear Heavy Tourit Tubes are risk good caatagwith nronerly Why 7" '" wtJGoodvear Heavy Tourist Tube cot little more Necessity a Years We Have Been ire Co Insurance Home people Moab of homes carrying by with )x H ' Nasaier Twenty their abric 1 1 IRE ' Dozens ' :: I! 150 ' : 1 1 is Maxwell or car requiring the sizes mentioned you can secure and Tourist Goodyear Heavy Goodyear Tires Tubes at the nearest Goodyear Service Static n ord : and V2- $125 200 200 300 using more cars with factoryequipped with -the 30x3 I built enormous purpose extraordinary skill and scrupulous resources of applied the Goodyear manufacture to care The I automobiles expressed is devoted solely sizes 31x4inch I 1 most expensive This Tires vyy the II Party Line Residence Party Line Business Private Line Residence Private Line Business Party Line Ranch within two miles of town limits Party Line Ranch outside two mile limit and than eight miles not more j 0 ' Back We Shall be Glad to w Agents Local of New of the York protecting are their policies us Quote You Rates a & Company RADIUM w"g ORE Cooper Martin 0 Barlow Willmarth |