Show penn state college has an 18 hole golt course jimmy braddock Brud dock received lor fighting tommy loughran i cabets cadets at west best fas a sport and their second choice Is lacrosse if i dowley sussex professional Is the first cricket eer in england this sea son 1 to score 1000 runs the average polo player receives nothing and spends from to a year to keep his ponies in chape georgia tech sports not only pay their town way but provide consider able money tor other college buildings and activities A blue larkspur has won in purses only six other horses in the history of the american turf have earned that sum the state of new york leads all other states in the matter of good roads mileage with 1000 miles of hard surfaced roadways alg bill former alty of florida football Bar now la a full fledged heavyweight boxer agag ing in bouts in the stae add warren the collegiate heavy weight la back in the ring again after a layoff due to a broken arm the second short career jimmy purine football team will play five games at home this year including two big ten tilts the state rivalry with depauw will be re bhea sf i w vf |