Show one of fair thrills nowadays outdoor entertainment does not seem complete or to satisfy unless it possesses some sort of dare deviltry when the sky forms the an amphitheatre the spectators seem to look for the glaring and the unusual that their appetites arc to be satisfied in the utah state fairs program october 5 to 12 is assured states manager ernest S holmes who announces that he has been successful in arranging for the appearance pe arance of the famous arenos brothers Eu ropes aerial acrobats on on all white rigging that stretches its towering poles to a height of 80 feet these fearless fellows offer an exhibition of feats that are of an outstanding daring nature they swing about on a single steel rod while holding with but one hand then suddenly drop down to two large circles that look like a huge pair of spectacles on this novel apparatus they stand upright and whirl with great speed added to these thrills is the routine of acrobat ic stunts any one of which is sensational enough to steal the breath from the most inveterate thrill seeker |