Show To Greet F. F Friends d s At Club 4 t Mr and Mrs Irs Wesley E E. E King have issued invitations for tor a tea to be given Sunday Sunda September 11 from 5 until 6 80 o'clock at the Country club S C S Miss Mary Chipman entertained at a trousseau tea Sunday at the home of her parents in American Fork She was assisted in receiving re- re by her mother Mrs VS W. W S. S Chipman and Mrs James Chipman Chipman Chip Chip- man Miss Ruth Stewart Miss Marie Thompson and Mrs Helen Heiselt The living room was dec dec- orated d with fall flowers In the dining room th the color scheme was gold ani an blue bue The table held a cluny la lade e cl cloth th M Marigolds bachelor buttons formed th the centerpiece cen en- en Musical numbers were furnished b by the Alpha ChI soror- soror ity One hundred undred and fifty called durIng the afternoon S S S Republican Federation Meets The Women's National Republican can will hold its meeting meeting meet meet- ing on Tuesday September 6 at atthe atthe the convention room in iii the N Newhouse New New- w- w house hotel Professor Levi Edgar Young will continue his course with a lecture on SOur Our State and Mrs Margaret Z Zane ne will speak on An American Woman In Foreign Lands Mr Mrs Scott Jones contralto soloist for the Unitarian church will sing sinA Nevins Nevin's My Iy Desire De- De 1 sire and Well o 0 oDay Day and will be accompanied by Miss Louise Krist Piano solo will wUl willbe be given by Mins DOrothy Hughes The hostesses for the afternoon are Mrs A A. R. R Barnes Mrs G. G A. A Dixon Mrs W. W D. D Ward Vard Mrs Norman Stromness Mrs Ben Johnson Mrs C. C H. H Stevens Mrs M. M J. J Tanner Mrs J. J C. C Thomas Mr J. J W. W Curtis Mrs H. H A. A Rich Mrs S. S R. R nozelle Mrs A. A L. L Thomas Mrs T. T L. L Woodbury and the ladies SC C For Clara Claa Hedges Miss Clara Claril Hedges and Mr 11 Anderson will be the guests of honor at a dinn dinner r evening given by Mrs Angus Ensign at her home in Magna The Ladies AId society ot of tM the First M. M E. E church will meet at atthe atthe the home of Mrs W. W H. H Dayton 1037 East South Temple street on Tuesday at 2 p. p m. m Section 1 orthe ot or the Ladies Ladies' Aid society wilt will a act t as hostess S 5 5 Just A club club will meet Tuesday at 1 I. I with Mrs II I E. E Jones Vest Eighth tn street f l chapter No 5 6 O. O E. E 5 St will hold its regular m meeting eUng On n Mond Monday y evening September 5 at 7 30 ocl o'clock ck ii the Masonic temple 1 C S The The opening meeting tin ot of the Alpha chapter of the Delphian society society so- so will be held at Utah Tuesday September 6 6 at 2 Mrs Clyde W. W Simpson the ing president will officiate during the installation of the incomIng officers for the year t 1927 5 5 S The he Am American ican l legion gilf au il will m meet et Tuesday evening at at o'clock in the ladies ladies' p at al althe atthe the Hotel Utah Irs Stephen Abbott Au- Au bott will give a talk on the con constitutIon and Mrs Aurora Hint will give numbers Bridge will follow fonow the meeting All members are 1 1 t t. t attend 1 S S S The r regular dinner of the club will be held at atthe atthe the Elks club Tuesday at 6 30 A delightful program program pro pro- gram has been arranged b by the program committee e and member ar are privileged to bring gu guests |