Show in Ti U S S. S I G S. S 54 T Andrew W. W ill Mello Mellon Returns From Vacation S Nothing to Say Hughes Also Passenger j on n Leviathan Homecoming Home Home- coming Rush Begins NEW YORK Sept 5 CAP Sec AP-Sec- ot of the Treasury Andrew W V J fl lon r tu ed edon on t e L vI t an after tw Ing trip on the rr He declIned t tb c co on governmental governmental govern govern- mental Or polItical matt matters rs He was was as well on c abroad explainIng with a smile you see J have been among people who dId not speaK English The secretary's party including S his son Paul and hIs daughter and son law Mr and Mrs Mrs w. w K Bruce was was taKen from the liner at quarantine Secretary Mellon said ht he would continue on to WashIngton tonIght tonight to- to nIght or NEW YORK Sept 5 CAP CAP- Homecoming week eek for tOl American tourists In Europe began toa today with an estimate ot of voyagers due by Saturday Ten liners bearing returning returning re- re turning passengers were New ew YOrk City's Labor day quota Another were d due e before the wee end whIle more were to arrive vIa Quebec and Mon Mon- trea treal 1 Secretary ot of the Treasury Mellon Mel Mel- lon Ion and Charles E. E were on page 5 5 Mellon Returns From Vacation Nothing to Say Continued from page 1 among today's arrivIng passengers ers on the Leviathan whose to 2741 said to be the largest number this this' steamer has carried since she transported AmerIcan soldiers home from the war NEW NEW NEWYORK YORK Sept 5 AI AE- AE Charles Evans Hughes returning today on the Leviathan from a trIp abroad declined to comment on the report that state would urge latin bm to recon ler l' l his announcement that he n the thea a candidate fOr the n m m. for president Instead he he said Eald he believed that President nt Coolidge would be and reelected |