Show HOSPITAlS RUN RUN RUNBY Of BY SHRINE CURE UR 5 O Former Imperial Poten tate Here Praises Work Of Local Order More than children have been released as completely cured from the fifteen Shriner I hospitals In operation in the United States since 1922 Mayor W. W Free ree Freeland reeland land Kendricks of Philadelphia said Monday afternoon Mayor 1 Kendrick together with Mrs Kendrick Mr and Mrs Edward Edward Ed- Ed ward Reuss and J. J B. B Anderson arrived in Salt Lake in a private car from San Francisco early Mon Mon- day morning The party expected to leave Salt Lake Tuesday Ing and visit Colorado Springs Denver and Chicago en route to Philadelphia The trip has been a combination vacation and inspection or of the then ra- ra ShrIner hospitals Ma Mayor or Kendrick explained He was vas Imperial Im- Im potentate of the Order Orner of the Mystic Shrine ot of North Korth Am America rIca In 1920 and Is at present prominently Identified with Shrine I have found all of Our ho hospitals In splendId condition with waiting wafting lists of from to 00 children In every case Mayor l Kendrick said The sentiment In aU all cities In which we have hospitals Is extremely ex- ex sympathetic with our work We Ve have ha more mere than 1000 beds servIng in Ing crippled bits of humanity front c coast ast to coast and Honolulu In- In d. d More than a a. million dolla dollars a is spent annually In iii the building and upkeep Of these hospitals Mayor Kendrick said This fund Is raised by a a. per capita tax on every In the country countr and at present there are tre In North America It It Is a progressive and courageous courage urage ous action the thc 1700 Masons Mason tn In Salt aIt Lake Lale to have built such a a. beautiful ful monument to Masonry and I heartily congratulate the craft Mr tr Kendrick sald In speaking t t tIle tIlen n new w Masonic 1 temple being completed corn com on East South Temple street I IThe The temple is a great temple Jt It compares favorably with any tern tem pie plein In the country and excels most of those built In cities ot of similar size Mayor Maor Kendrick and aid his party were guests of FC Schramm at luncheon at the he Alta AHa club at noon and were taken for a motor trip to Bingham and in the noon 0 |