Show There were few organizations that were given so much power as those given the Deseret AgrIcultural Agricultural Agricultural tural and Mechanical society It was given the title by man many as the Dam Darn society and in fact it had the tho powers lowers which were usually granted grunted a department of ot the tho state The rhe society purchased livestock stock and then disposed of it to settlers settlors throughout the state the value aluc of the animals sold in the year 1872 amounting to 2032 they hey being blooded stock That the fairs which the tho socie society S y gave might ht be made a success the theone theone theone one in 1872 In particular the so socIety society so- so Clety board of directors appointed a committee to wait upon the bishops' bishops meeting and present the interests of ot the tho society and ask their aid and Influence In tho the various wards to tomake tomake tomake make the fair tail a success That the organization might have the benefIt benefit benefit bene bene- fit of information as to the method of conducting fairs in California the society board appointed five delegates to visit Sacramento as representatives of the tho Utah organization organization organization organ org this committee consisting of George A. A Smith Wilford Woodruff George o Q Cannon and A. A M. M Musser Musser Mus- Mus ser the expenses of ot Delegates Cannon Cannon Cannon Can Can- I non and Woodruff t to be bo paid SENT TWO DELEGATES An agricultural convention was held In Washington ashington and the so society society society so- so sent two delegates George Q Cannon and J. J E. E Johnson the Jatter latter latter lat lat- Jat- Jat ter being from St. St George Interest in horse racing then was just as great as it is now nov and the I society had some difficulty in an endeavor to secure the selection ofa ofa of or ora I a site for a race track a committee having been appointed for that purpose purpose purpose pur pur- pose and several sites were vis vIs- vis- vis One site was that owned by the six miles north of Salt Lake City another on the banks of the Jordan river within a mile mlle of the Jordan bridge This tract was regarded as the most suitable of the two in that the Utah Southern ral oad road ran through the grounds Then too President Brigham Young had a tract of ninety acres of ground near the river site Director A. A M M. Musser Mus- Mus ser who was one of f the committee to select the site advised the purchase purchase purchase pur pur- chase of the tract with whatever additional was needed from the Brigham Young tract at a price of ot 50 to 60 per acre MATTER OF PURCHASE The matter of the purchase of a site for a race track trac was carried over several meetings and at the meeting of the directors held on March 22 1873 Director Wilford ord Woodruff submitted a report t in which he said The committee visited Brother Coon who owned the Jordan river site in relation to the purchase of ot his land and had called on President Young and asked him if It It was for the best advancement of the kingdom of God to have a race track and the president replied that he did not consider that the advancement ad of the kingdom of God required any such thing but that it would play into the hands of gamblers and blacklegs to have a race track The report was adopted the committee committee committee com com- discharged and the racetrack race racetrack racetrack track scheme went into the discard However the exhibition of good horses at the fair was not tabooed and In the premium list which was later adopted prizes of ot w were re offered in the classes In fn which horses were shown and a goldmedal gold goldmedal goldmedal medal was awarded in addition I |