Show FORT DOUGlAS INSPECTED BY ARMY Maj Gen of Presidio on Tour of Training Camps It is just as necessary to mobilize mobilize mob mob- I a nations nation's industries as to toI I mobilize her hermen men What good is it going to do to have men and nothing nothing nothing noth noth- ing to clothe feed and equip them with That is what Major General Charles T. T commander of the tho Ninth corps area with headquarters headquarters headquarters head head- quarters at the Presidio at San Francisco who arrived in the city elty I Monday to Inspect Ft Douglas de declared declared de- de dared Tuesday before leaving at noon for Ft D. D A. A Russell in Wyo Wyo- ming He lie vas was accompanied by Colonel Harry F. F Rethers corps area quartermaster General was speaking of the Plat conferences of quarter quarter quarter ter master reserve officers held each winter in each corps area for forthe forthe the purpose of or studying the in industries industries indus indus- us- us tries of ot the particular section with witha a possible view of their mobilization tion in time of emergency That the citizens' citizens military trainIng training training train train- ing camps and the reserve officers officers' officers officers' cers' cers training corps are the nations nation's greatest military assets was the opinion expressed by General Men Men- oher His Ills visit to Ft Douglas here and Ft Russell In Wyoming was for Cor the special purpose of or Inspecting in inspecting inspecting In- In the summer training camps to be held at these two posts At the local post citizens citizens citi citi- zens seas aVe tn-e to receive training this year and at Ft Pt Russell DISCIPLINE INVALUABLE The discipline the young men menet get et in the citizens' citizens training camps is invaluable he said By iy uy discipline pline pUne I dont don't mean the kind that comes from putting a n. fellow In n a guard house but that such as is obtained on the football field That Thatis is the discipline we want in the arm army There have been men train trained d in these camps since their establishment and more are areto areto areto to be trained this year of whom will be in the Ninth corps area camps If there had been training of ot civilians before the war America would have made a better showing It wouldn't have hae taken us so o long to get goIng J General l declared that anything the American legion did in inthe inthe the way of ot helping men disabled in n the World war and In aiding their dependents was to be com corn mended e OPPOSED TO BONUS Personally I was not in favor of or a bonus for everyone who served in the World war for it put a price on patriotism but I have always been strongly behind the idea of doing generously for those who suffered suffered suffered suf suf- as a result of ot the war and their dependents In 1890 when Salt Lake was young General then a lieutenant in the ann army was stationed stationed stationed sta sta- at Ft Douglas to for l' l five months and recalled his experiences experiences experiences at that time When the tho general and Colonel Rether flether arrived Monday they were met at the station by officers from Ft Douglas including Colonel F. F I. I Knuden commandant and from headquarters of One Hundred Fourth division In the Commercial Commer Commer- cial building They were taken di directly directly directly di- di to Ft Douglas where troops of the Thirty-eighth Thirty infantry were lined ined up u. u ud d waiting to pass in re review review review re- re view before the tho Ninth corps area commandant Following an v ion tion of ot troops the officers were conducted on a tour of or the post IN N AIR SERVICE Before being made commandant of ot the Ninth corps area General was for more than three years ears head of ot the army air service We Ve cant can't get too much air all serice serIco ser- ser ice Ico In our military defense he said During the World war he commanded commanded com corn the second Forty Rainbow division in France and saw service in n Cuba during tho the Spanish Amer ican can war and was later stationed at Manila He lie is s scheduled to retire retire re- re tire ire next year Colonel Rethers also has a long military record He lie served In the Spanish-American Spanish war wal the Boxer uprising in China and the World orid war var and was decorated several se times Imes for tor gallantry At the close of or the war he was sent to France to supervise the repatriation of the American dead A reception was held at the Officers Officers' Of club at Ft Douglas Monday night in honor of ot the tho visiting of of- of It was attended by most of or the regular arm army officers reserve officers s and many civilians |