Show by h Police Pollee to 10 Have hasu lIa C Murdered Chicago o June Juno 27 Coming as ns It If from the lie dead after he lie hail had been repotted as us murdered and after his hl wire vie haul had been held by the he police several days on sue BUS of ot knowing something of lien bet husbands disappearance Stefan has hUH unexpectedly returned to lila hIs old olt home When II n body weighted with railroad Iron wn out of ot the Illinois ann Michigan canal May 3 it was sas by Mrs as 08 that of her husband who talmo had disappeared before l she shun was IOS placed under tinder arrest as 18 it apparently the body was that of a it I man finn who had hilt been murdered The Thu ho milot rigid Investigation by Iy the police cov coy ering several Beveral days doys foiled failed to tu establish h any ally evidence to connect tIme the woman With the murder and AS ns she ehe showed that hat she sIte was uvas In III error ns nil to her first Identification she sho ho was WAil released Now the tho return of or who says say he has been beell In Ht Sit Paul but refuses to o discuss lila case further deepens the he mystery surrounding the thuu body hOlly found In Irm the lie canal The Tile police believe bell ve there Is III no 01 doubt the man mama was but butt the lie body budy and amid Its secrets have hn e been bur toil led in the tile potters Cotters field Mrs nl zak was wall startled when Ills zak appeared at nt the door mod and for tor u Il moment refund to believe he ho was sva her missing musing husband Then Theil there was an un affectionate greeting and an Uon tion |